
Chapter 226 Hungry Ghost

Moreover, when Feifan had just smelled a rotten smell and was wondering, he suddenly heard Fengtian shouting, and his heart was suddenly surprised. You know, before he had heard Fengtian, he would also exclaim "Oh my God". Will an old bird like him make a fuss like a rookie?

Since the two were back to back before, now they heard his screams. Kuang Feifan quickly turned around and casually asked, "What's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Fengtian also retreated in his direction. The two suddenly bumped into each other. Fortunately, he had some effort to get off the plate. He was only hit and retreated a step, stabilized his heel, held Fengtian with his hand, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong? I've never seen you so panic..."

Fengtian did look scared. As he looked around and littered back and forth with his flashlight, he whispered, "These sounds, this smell, and what I saw... this..."

Such Feifan followed his flashlight and immediately took a cold breath and couldn't help shouting, "What is this..."

In the place where the flashlight shines, I saw a person who crawled towards them, or just half a person, a person with only the upper body. The skin that can see on his body is blue and black, but it looks ragged. I don't know if it's because of frequent crawling, the skin in many places is not Seeing that, there is a pile of things below that can't be separated.

What is frightening is not the man's body, but his head. If that can also be called a head, because the man has been trying to stretch his neck and raise his face when he crawled, he can see clearly that there is no hair left on his head at all. There is a thin wisp of hair, and the whole face There is almost no meat. Most places expose the surface of the bones below, and the rest are just some rotten flesh. A pair of eyes have long disappeared, leaving only two holes in the black hole, and the nose is so rotten that there is only one part left, but both of them can see clearly that the man is fanning his nose with nothing left. Wings tried to sniff the air.

Even if there were no muscles left in the man's head, he could still see his greedy look, and he crawled forward with his hands alternately at a very fast pace, looking closer and closer to them. What's more extraordinary, he saw some white maggots crawling around his face and body, and some of them just climbed out of his nostrils to him. His mouth was swallowed by his open mouth.

"What the hell is this?" Moreover, Feifan had a burst of nausea and couldn't help asking repeatedly.

The wind god was obviously frightened. At this moment, he couldn't help lowering his voice and said, "This is... hungry ghost..."

"Bad ghost? How vicious is it? It's disgusting, isn't it?" Moreover, Feifan felt that the name was inappropriate and should be called disgusting.

Feng Tian pulled the situation and retreated slowly, shaking his head and said, "It's not a fierce evil, but hungry. There are many descriptions of this kind of ghost, but they all have in common, that is, these ghosts basically eat everything in the direction of food, even devouring each other, and they are like locusts. Groups of people appear, so..."

The following words did not go on. In fact, there is no need to explain at all. As the "si-suo" sound around them becomes louder and denser, the smell of rot in the air becomes thicker and stronger. There is no need to explain too much. Moreover, he also knows that groups of hungry ghosts are approaching them.

He didn't wait for the solution that Fengtian wanted to solve. He raised the cylinder in his hand and sprayed a flame at the approaching half of the hungry ghost. The fire snake wrapped around the hungry ghost's head in an instant, and he could even hear the residual skin and flesh being roasted by the flamesqueak out, a unique scorching sound. The smell is mixed with the smell of carrion, which makes people's brains hurt.

Then he found that even the hungry ghost with flames on his head did not stop climbing forward. Obviously, this thing is not afraid of fire.

However, he soon believed that burning with fire still works. Although the hungry ghosts who crawled against them did not care about the fire, his body could not withstand the baking of the hot flames. In a short time, the hungry ghost with only his upper body turned into a piece of coke in the flames.

The terrible thing is that even hungry ghosts like a piece of charcoal can barely move their arms and heads, but they soon broke into pieces because they were burned dry and crisply by the fire.

Then, Kuang Feifan decided to give up continuing to use the gas cylinder and put the gas cylinder in his pocket. His body was always ready to run away. Just after the first hungry ghost burned into slag, with the help of the flashlight that had been swaying in the wind and the sky, Kuo Feifan and he saw that in the darkness from all directions, countless similarities had appeared. That guy just now is almost the same kind,

Just a glance, they found a lot of hungry ghosts, some of whom also have only their upper body crawling forward on the ground; some are walking with their legs, but one of the two legs is rotten, and the other has only leg bones left; and almost the whole body is left with bones, but they still persist. The rolling belt also ran to them.

Among them, the most impressive thing is that there is a hungry ghost who only has only the left half of his body below his shoulder. Unexpectedly, he only leaned on the ground to roll and rush over. These guys are obviously full of traces of being bitten. It seems that they are food from the other side of each other.

Another point has attracted extraordinary attention. Looking at their appearance, it is likely that these hungry ghosts do not have eyesight. It can be seen that most hungry ghosts, like dogs, rely on their sense of smell to find smell to track their direction.

Looking at these guys, I really feel more disgusting than afraid, and such a large number of hungry ghosts can't be made by a can of gas cylinders. Even if it's full of gas, it's just a drop in the bucket for these hungry ghosts hidden in the dark.

Fengtian also gave up the idea of confronting these hungry ghosts. He still understands that ants often bite dead elephants. What's more, in such a short time, he really can't find an effective way to deal with these hungry ghosts, unless both of them have flamethrowers in their hands.

"Let's go." Moreover, Feifan clenched his teeth and whispered.

In fact, they don't have to speak in a low voice at all, but in this environment, it is almost subconscious behavior. And this is also the most troublesome situation. The voice can be lowered, but these hungry ghosts smelled their smell. I'm afraid it's useless to pour a whole bottle of cologne on their bodies at this time.

Fengtian had been paying attention to the pointer on the compass, but the display was not clear, so he could only guess. Finally, when a few hungry ghosts looked closer to them and could touch them with a little longer arms, Fengtian barely calculated a direction, pulled the rope on his waist and whispered, "Cat waist, Put your body down and walk and break through.

The situation is extraordinary: "Hard...breakthrough? With... fists?"

Although he is not as obsessed with cleanliness as some people, he thinks of directly touching these carrion meats with his fists, which is not ordinary nausea, not to mention that these hungry ghosts can be smoothed with their fists?