
Chapter 230 The Forgotten Corner

In the dark, he only felt that his eyes were wide open. He hoped that he was dazzled, but gradually, those contours became clearer and clearer. In absolute darkness, the shape of these limbs was gray, which was easy to see.

He even saw a hand with his hands facing forward and fingers facing each other not far away, but only a pair of hands, a pair of hands that were broken wrists, and there were some hands, thighs, calves, soles of feet, and several incomplete heads nearby.

With the rope around his waist, he felt that the position of the hand seemed to be on Fengtian's face, that is to say, the hands just blindfolded Fengtian's eyes. Is this the reason why Fengtian turned a blind eye?

Not only that, he also noticed that he was also surrounded by some broken limbs and arms, but it seemed that these limbs flashed and looked like they wanted to move forward but did not dare to move forward, unlike those near Fengtian, who were constantly trying to pull his arms and thighs.

What's more, Feifan couldn't help moving his wrist. Is it related to the rosary on this wrist?

He thought for a while, reached out and pressed the pressure button on the cylinder while hitting the lighter.

Sure enough, under the hot orange flames, he saw the still blank expression of the wind and sky, and the flashlight that only held but did not light up, but he could no longer see those limbs in mid-air and on the ground.

It seems that these limbs can't be displayed in the light. Moreover, with the bright flame, he looked at the position of the flashlight in Fengtian's hand, reached over and grabbed the flashlight and pressed the switch above.

The white and blue beam of light illuminated the vicinity of the two people. Moreover, Feifan suddenly found that in a short time, the wind and sky became like a wax figure. Although it was very similar to a human, it lost its anger. Not only the expression on his face remained unchanged, but also the posture of raising the flashlight had just changed.

In extraordinary shock, he turned his mind and turned off the flashlight. As expected, Fengtian's body was full of all kinds of amputated limbs. Although I don't know the reason, it is obvious that these things made Fengtian what he is now.

What's more, Feifan subconsciously reached out and grabbed an arm, but it seemed that the arm was afraid of the hand he grabbed. Without waiting for him to approach, the arm shook and quickly flashed a few meters away.

He found that because he was close to Fengtian, some of the remnants had already flashed into the distance like hiding from natural enemies. His heart moved, raised his hand, and grabbed the pair of broken hands blindfolded by Fengtian.

In a hurry, he was not sure whether he had grasped the broken hands in the dark, but he felt that his fingers touched the cold and icy skin, and he subconsciously grabbed it.

"Oh... slow down, you will be blind." The sound of wind and sky sounded in my ears.

Moreover, he hurriedly turned on the flashlight and took a look. If he was more careless, his thumb might really touch Fengtian's eyes. As soon as the flashlight lit, Fengtian seemed to have returned to normal. He raised his hand to open the hand that was still on his face, protected his eyes with one hand, rubbed his face with the other hand, and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Looking at him strangely, he told him that he saw countless amputated limbs around him in the dark. Looking at Fengtian, he didn't seem to remember anything. He also mentioned to him that he had seen a figure exactly like them before, and even the figure that looked like Fengtian even held a flashlight and hit him. He.

Feng Tian frowned and couldn't believe that he would have transient amnesia. He was helpless. He simply turned off the flashlight and reminded him to look around carefully in the dark.

For a long time, the wind and sky in the dark muttered two words: "I... damn..."

Fengtian has been in contact with this industry for more than 20 years, but he has never seen such a large number of remnants as today. Although he does not remember what happened to him just now, it is described as extraordinary. He was "covered by ghosts" just now, and whether his memory loss is affected by a large number of souls can only be guessed. There is this possibility.

However, these remnant souls are indeed afraid of the rosary beads on Kuo Feifan's hand. In desperation, Feng Tian had to lean behind Kuang Fei. Feng Tian whispered, "If you can go out, it's better not to mention this matter to anyone, especially now."

Kuang Feifan rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't let anyone know that I will back to back with you."

Fengtian nodded: "Very good, I plan to wash my hands in a while and find a girl to fall in love and get married. If it is mistaken for me to be with you, I'm afraid..."

Bang Feifan gritted his teeth and interrupted him and said, "Shut up. Anyway, you can't say this in your stomach."

In this way, the two were back to the back, and they were in front of them. They turned on and turned off the flashlight for a while and reached out to drive away the remnants that had come over. Feng Tian leaned their back behind him and kept indicating the direction and adjusting their way forward. The two shortened the length of the rope tied to their waists so as not to lose contact because of the sudden situation.

I don't know how long it took. Kuang Feifan suddenly asked, "Is it possible for us to go out?"

Fengtian paused and said, "Why, do you want to give up?"

What's more, Feifei didn't answer the words, but just continued to move forward.

Feng Tian meditated for a moment and suddenly said, "Actually, I was wondering if I was wrong just now."

Wang Feifan was speechless for a long time before he said, "Do you mean to comfort me, or do you really have any ideas?"

Feng Tian "hummed" from his nose and said, "You old man, I don't bother to comfort you. Don't forget that I'm with you, and I'm not going to die yet."

"Uh..." Kuang Feifan opened his mouth and couldn't find a suitable word, so he had to pout and asked, "Okay, what do you think of now?"

Feng Tian said thoughtfully, "I also suddenly remembered it and forgot where I saw it from. Legend has it that there is a place outside Huangquan Road, whose full name is 'forgotten corner', which means that everything that is not in the yin and yang worlds will appear in this 'corner'. I just saw that Many broken limbs suddenly thought of this rumor.

"The Forgotten Corner'?" Moreover, Feifan couldn't help repeating a sentence.

Feng Tian swallowed his saliva and continued, "Yes, you see, the paper people who appeared before are generally used at funerals, and there are those hungry ghosts. What if those are not hungry ghosts? I mean, I haven't seen what hungry ghosts are like, so I only guess that they are hungry ghosts by their actions, but if not, it's just ordinary rotten walking corpses and those remnant souls, if they are simply formed by residual limbs, these can't enter the underworld and can't wander in the sun for a long time. The final outcome is It seems that you can only enter this so-called 'forgotten corner'.

asked strangely, "What reminds you of this?"

Fengtian raised his shoulder and said, "Let's, you have been injured and bled. Only then did I realize that we are big living people who enter this space. Generally, it is impossible for living people with flesh and blood to enter the underworld, and the term 'ghost realm' is also aimed at human souls, but we are flesh and blood pulled into this. Space, that is to say, this space allows living people to enter and can enter in this form. It seems that only the rumored 'corner' is possible.

He said "Oh" faintly and didn't show much interest in it. He just asked, "So in this rumor, if you go in, is there any way to go out?"

Fengtian hesitated for a moment and said, "There is a way, but the risk factor is a little high."

Kuang Feifan asked casually, "What's the way?"

"Destroy this 'corner'." Feng Tian paused and slowly spit out this sentence.