
Chapter 247 Explanation

Kuang Feifan stopped and did not rush to turn back. This shape looked a little pretentious, which made him almost laugh, but Ji Ping did not seem to notice their reaction. Although he stared at the direction of the door, his eyes did not seem to focus on Kuang Feifan.

After meditating for a moment, Ji Ping said again, "I have something that I haven't figured out. Can you explain it?"

Xang Feifan slowly turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Ping narrowed his eyes and said, "Tell me, did you really escape from the 'ghost realm' alive?"

Wang Feifan was stunned for a moment and realized that the "ghost domain" mentioned in Ji Ping's mouth was the "forgotten corner" mentioned by Fengtian. He shrugged his shoulders, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Yes, not only did you escape alive, but also rushed to the Taoist temple at a critical time, successfully stopping your little plan."

Ji Ping "hummed" from his nose, which sounded a little unconvinced, but he still saw a trace of surprise slipping in his eyes.

"Do you believe it?" Moreover, Feifan asked.

In fact, there is no longer a problem of belief or disbelief. At this moment, Kuang Feifan and Fengtian are already standing alive in Ji Ping's ward.

But then, Kuang Feifan said, "Is it still incredible?" The tone is full of rhetorical questions.

After a long silence, Ji Ping suddenly sighed disappointedly: "I just don't quite understand how can you escape."

Bang Feifan frowned slightly and looked at Fengtian's position doubtfully. He just didn't know why Ji Ping was entangled in this problem.

Suddenly, Feng Tian's eyes lit up and suddenly asked, "Have you also been there?"

Of course, the object of his question is Ji Ping.

For a moment, Fu Fei and Feng Tian saw an extremely complicated expression on Ji Ping's face, which was a mixture of fear, unwillingness and resentment.

"Tell me how you can retreat completely, and I'll tell you my story." Ji Ping gritted his teeth.

Moreover, Feifan couldn't help but be surprised and happy, but on the surface, he still tried to keep quiet. For a moment, he felt that he might have failed, but he didn't expect that success would come easily.

Generally speaking, all this was discussed with Fengtian before he came. From the moment he entered the door of the ward, what Feifan said was carried out in the order deliberately arranged in his heart. Feng Tian just tried his best to cooperate.

When they came, they felt that although they had not actually been interrogated, they at least had some knowledge in this regard. According to Feng Tian, they listened to him no matter how they asked.

There is no good way to be extraordinary, so we have to take step by step. The questions raised by Fengtian after entering the door are also discussed by the two for a long time. The reason is to observe Ji Ping's reaction.

And Feifan has been watching Ji Ping secretly. Fortunately, he did notice that Ji Ping did show a curious reaction after Fengtian asked questions.

Moreover, he felt that as long as he was still curious, it was easy to do. After that, his words and deeds focused on attracting Ji Ping's curiosity and ignoring Ji Ping's threats and constantly suppressing what he did last night.

Indeed, under the extraordinary stimulation, Ji Ping finally opened his mouth. The only unexpected thing was that Ji Ping would be interested in why they could retreat from the "forgotten corner".

The extraordinary nodded and returned to the chair.

In fact, as Fanfan said before, if it hadn't been for the wind and sky, they might not have been able to escape in that "corner".

From entering that "corner", all kinds of means have made them escape from all kinds of dangers again and again, not to mention his magical fetish.

Hearing the extraordinary continuous praise, Feng Tian's rare modest words, and mentioned that if it hadn't been for the extraordinary luck to find a way to deal with the danger every time, it would not have been possible to succeed by him alone.

This is really undeniable, especially when he inadvertently found a weakness against the paper man and successfully rescued the wind and the sky under the mouth of a paper man.

After learning that the eyes are the weakness of paper people, the two tried their best to find a bloody road from the paper crowd. With the wind and sky, they finally found the eight-handed "QQ" in the dark.

I just don't know if it's an illusion. Originally, the car looked like it was going to fall off. At this time, in the extraordinary view, the car is more shabby than when it first came into this damn place, as if it had to be scattered into parts as soon as it was touched.

At this time, in the darkness in all directions, ghost-like paper people floated out of it and rushed to the extraordinary wind and the sky. Although those paper people could move, they only knew how to attack people, especially living people.

Looking at the closer and closer figure, he shouted with a red face, "Hurry up, the car has been found."

Feng Tian turned his head and glanced around and couldn't help but be a little hairy. Not only the paper man who appeared, but also the shadows seemed to hide countless dark shadows. Speaking of it, it was true that a good man could not beat the four hands. Even if both of them knew the weaknesses of paper people, the words surrounding them would tear them up. It's just a matter of time.

Sang Feifan looked at Fengtian's head and turned around, and shouted angrily, "What are you looking at? Hurry up..."

Fengtian didn't dare and didn't have time to refute it. He only ran to his car, rushed to the front of the car's co-pilot's door, reached out and pulled the door, pulled open the storage compartment door, and shouted, "You hold on first and cover me..."

Wang Feifan rolled his eyes, but he also had no choice but to put on a defensive posture. However, Fengtian just said that he wanted to detonate the car, but now he was desperately turning over the storage compartment and couldn't help asking angrily and anxiously, "What are you looking for? It's almost dead. It's useless to have anything valuable.

Fengtian pulled out a mass of things from the storage compartment and shook it in his hand. It was actually a long towel. He ignored the extraordinary situation. He turned around and ran to the back of the car, unscrewed the lid on the fuel tank, and hurriedly stuffed the towel into the fuel tank.

At this time, he found that there were paper people approaching them. He slowly retreated to the side of the car and stayed not far from the wind and the sky. At present, it is not a good time to fight directly by brute force. On the contrary, it is most important to protect the safety of the wind and the sky.

Fengtian stuffed the towel with seven hands and eight feet. As soon as he looked up, he found that two of the closest paper people had been killed between his hands and legs.

At this moment, Feng Tian suddenly felt something different behind him and didn't wait to look back. The extraordinary situation next to him had already flew forward and stood behind Feng Tian, and hit the paper man's eyes directly.

"Hurry up!" He didn't say a word back.

Fengtian put a pass on himself** and couldn't help muttering, "Where's the lighter?"


What's more, I can't wait to turn around.

"Quick, I found it." Fengtian finally took out a lighter from his pocket. As soon as he ordered it, he suddenly shouted, "No..."

Wang Feifan was shocked by him and scolded angrily: "Can you mother hurry up..."

With that, he killed another punch, but his arm made the paper man draw a cut before hanging up.

Feng Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't I suddenly think of the safety of us... Come on, protect me to the trunk..."

With that, he rushed to the back of the car.

What's more, they have to fight and retreat as much as possible to prevent paper people from rushing to them.

Feng Tian lifted the lid of the trunk hard. Kuo Feifan glanced at it and saw Feng Tian pulling out a piece of black stuff, and heard him shout: "Come on, grab a corner. I'll light it and wrap us in a moment."