Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 4 Become a Fox

In the quiet valley, the cool morning wind blows the flowers and trees in the forest, sending a burst of fragrance. The ground is illuminated by the analysis of the leaves. The sunny place is full of strange flowers and grass, while the shaded place grows green moss and various mushrooms of all sizes. Birds are chattering on the branches, and there is a stream not far away, which is flowing happily, which is a leisurely scenery of a paradise.

Hu Yimeng was woken up by a sound of birds. She remembered that the ringtone of her mobile phone was not this.

She closed her eyes in a daze and stretched out her hand to find her mobile phone. The feeling of her hands is a little cold and damp, which is different from her clean and soft sheets.

Hu Yimeng found that something seemed to be wrong.

She suddenly opened her eyes and was stunned.

There are towering ancient trees all around, full of strange flowers and plants, birds singing in the forest, and she is lying in such a strange environment!

She remembered that she went to bed after returning to her residence after finishing the work last night.

Although later she heard someone calling her name in her dream, then she listened to the call of the voice and came to a huge and gorgeous palace in a daze. Later, she met a beautiful man in the bath of the palace, half pushing and half to have sex with the beautiful man, and then a white light flashed past, I can no longer remember what happened. When I wake up again, this is the current situation.

Damn it, what the hell is going on! Where is her cot, her palace and her treasure?! Hu Yimeng automatically chose to ignore the beautiful man who possessed her in the dream. Is all this a dream or reality?!

"Wong, the early bird has insects to eat. Don't learn from this lazy fox." A colorful big flower bird with three small birds standing on the branch above Hu Yimeng's head, pointing to the three little rookies next to Hu Yimeng lying on the ground.

The three little rookies nodded neatly, looked at the big flower birds together, and then looked at Hu Yimeng under the tree with contempt.

Hu Yimeng looked up at the four birds in the tree in shock. What did she hear just now?! The big flower and bird actually pointed to her!

Has the world evolved to the point where birds can speak human language?!

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful bird?" The big bird looked at Hu Yimeng with contempt, flapped its wings, and said disdainfully.

"Monster!" Hu Yimeng pointed to the big flower and bird on the tree and shouted.

"What's the name, stinky fox! This is the mountain of demons. It's a monster who can't speak human words, okay? Rare and strange buns!" The big flower bird disdained Hu Yimeng even more. It turned to the three little rookies around him and said, "Don't talk to this kind of local fox in the future, otherwise no mother bird will lay eggs with you if you become stupid. After saying that, he turned around and turned to Hu Yimeng with a bald ass.

Three little rookies shouted "Tubaozi Tubaozi" and also turned around and turned to Hu Yimeng with their small butts.

Hu Yimeng looked at the four ugly farts on the tree with a black face.

She suddenly recalled what the big flower bird said just now - stinky fox?!

Fox?! Are you talking about her?!

She stretched out her hand to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming.

But as soon as she stretched out her hand, she froze.

What did she see?!

A furry snow-white claw!


Hu Yimeng was shocked again, and she looked at her body in a hurry.

Four snow-white claws, a hairy body, and a bunch of big and fluffy tails...

Wait, a bunch of tails! Hu Yimeng counted in a scientific manner.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! There are nine in total!

She turned into a fox with nine tails! That is the legendary nine-tailed fox!

Hu Yimeng's mood is no longer shocking. Her lower limit of acceptance has once again been refreshed by the nine tails behind her.

How could this happen?!

Hu Yimeng thinks that she has not done anything unreasonable. Why did others travel back to ancient times, such as either a queen or a daughter, but she became a fox?!

Although this is a nine-tailed fox in a fantasy story with nine tails and can speak human language, in essence, she is still a fox!

How do you think her inexplicable time travel is more than others?

Unfair! This is so unfair! Hu Yimeng thought of it angrily.

At this time, suddenly, a huge fireball rushed from the sky on the east side of Wanyao to the forest where Hu Yimeng was located.

The soaring evil spirit and oppression in the fireball forced the birds and beasts in the woods to scream and flee around.

The big flower bird on the tree obviously also saw this huge fireball. He flapped his wings and shouted, "Shing! It's dangerous! zha! Run!" After saying that, he stumbled away with three rookies.

Hu Yimeng under the tree now has no time to continue to worry about the sad fact that he has become a fox.

Even the big flower bird and three little rookies with a low IQ know that they have to run for their lives, not to mention that she has become a fox!

Thinking of this, Hu Yimeng ran in the opposite direction of the fireball falling.

I didn't run far, but I heard a loud rumble, and the fireball fell to the ground. The huge impact wave made Hu Yimeng fall and plunge into the grass.

She was dizzy and just wanted to get up, but saw several golden lights flashing in the sky. In the blink of an eye, those golden lights appeared in the open space of the woods not far from her.

There are about a dozen people coming. Except for the leading man, everyone else is dressed in black.

Seeing these uninvited guests' appearance beyond her imagination, Hu Yimeng's mouth twitched. She no longer wants to use the pitiful word "shock" to describe her mood at this moment.

Nima travel through time, and let her become a nine-tailed fox! Well, even if she is unlucky, she admits it! However, after crossing into a nine-tailed fox, she encountered a lot of strange situations that could not be explained by science, which was beyond her acceptance!

Hu Yimeng burst into tears. Although she didn't know who her mother was, she still wanted to shout: Mom! A lot of monsters!

These human beings who did not know what species fell from the sky did not find a hit fox lying on the grass not far from them. They began to discuss unscrupulously.

"Wang, Mo Ming should be around here." One of the men in black bowed with fists and reported to the leading man.

The leading man is wearing a sapphire blue robe. I don't know what material the robe is made of, and the dark green silk thread is embroidered with exquisite patterns. If you look carefully, you will find that the pattern is a lifelike peacock.

The man is about 30 years old, with a handsome face, deep eyes, and sword eyebrows flying into his temples. He is less romantic and frivolous than a teenager, but adds a mature and steady charm to his hands and feet.

He snorted coldly and looked at the sky. His eyes became a little far-reaching. He slowly said, "Mo Ming! I didn't expect that you could escape from the Demon Emperor's Hall with Mo You's little boy after such a serious injury! Unfortunately, today is your deadline! Your local fox family is about to be exhausted, and the position of the demon emperor is destined to belong to my peacock family!"

He withdrew his sight and his eyes became extremely cold in an instant. "I passed on the king's order to search Wanyao Mountain in an all-round way, find the remnants of the fox clan, Mo Ming and Mo You, and then immediately executed them on the spot, without mistake!"

"Yes!" The man in black took the order and deployed the man to search the mountain in all directions of Wanyao Mountain according to the man's instructions.

Once again, several golden lights flashed by, and there was only a blue-robed man left in the open space in the woods.

The man seemed to feel Hu Yimeng peeping at him again, and slightly pulled up the corners of his mouth and looked this way.

Hu Yimeng shivered and didn't dare to look at this man anymore. Although this man is very handsome, her intuition tells her that this man is a very dangerous person, and it is better to hide far away from him.

Thinking of this, Hu Yimeng got up from the ground and immediately left this place of right and wrong.

Hu Yimeng's every move did not escape the man's eyes, but a fox that could not feel any cultivation or even his mind was not enlightened. Even if he heard the conversation between him and his men just now, it could not pose any threat to him.

He is too confident in his plan. But if he looked more carefully just now, he would find that it was not an ordinary fox, but a nine-tailed fox! And the nine-tailed fox has long been extinct. It is a mythical beast only in the ancient wilderness period!

As a lucky fox, Hu Yimeng didn't know that he had just closed the ghost gate. If you can be looked away by the Peacock King of the Peacock Family, it can only be said that God actually favors her very much.

Hu Yimeng walked aimlessly in the woods for a long time, and with the consumption of physical strength, her stomach also cooed.

So hungry and thirsty...

Hu Yimeng was depressed to think that although she has rich experience in working, her survival skills are not so rich, especially her current fox body, which can't do anything, makes her feel that she will be under great pressure to survive in the future!

"Git, you have to remember that not all fruits can be eaten, swirly, this is edible, swirly, you must remember it clearly, swirly." The familiar voice came from the tree next to Hu Yimeng again.

Hu Yimeng knew that it must be the big flower bird educating the little rookie without looking up.

But she didn't miss the key word in the big flower bird just now - fruit! And it's still edible fruit!

Thinking of this, Hu Yimeng swallowed, turned his eyes and counted his heart.