Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 12 Assassin

Beichen Yeli picked up the pigeon shot by the arrow and took a small note from the pigeon's leg.

He silently opened the note and read it.

After reading the note, Beichen Yeli frowned tightly. He showed a sneer and clenched the note in his hand.

Humph, empress dowager, empress dowager, you underestimate me too much. Do you think that as long as you can tie me up with the Wang family with your in-law relationship, the Wang family can do whatever they want in this Dayu Kingdom from now on? What a ridiculous!

"Fang An, go and tell Ling Xiao not to scare the snake, just send someone to stop all the news from Wolong Mountain back to the imperial capital!" Beichen Yeli turned his hand back and meditated for a moment, and the other party's father-in-law ordered it.

"Yes, I obey the order." Eunuch Fang retreated with the tray in accordance with the will of Beichen Yeli.

Night falls, and tonight is the beginning of the month. A bright moon is missing in the sky, and the stars have become the protagonists of the night.

Hu Yimeng held her cheek in one hand and held a little fox in her arms. She sat on the branch of a big tree in front of the pheasant cave and stared in the sky.

She hasn't left within a mile of pheasant's cave for half a month.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, now she is so bored that she can only sit on a tree and count the stars.

Hu Yimeng stroked the smooth black fur of the little fox curled up in her arms, recalling her life before crossing.

At that time, although she was just an ordinary girl busy working in the corner of a big city, she lived a full life. On the other hand, her life after crossing is either busy avoiding the pursuit, or eating and sleeping in the cave every day like now to bully pheasant and Huahua, which is really too useless!

Hu Yimeng sighed heavily, and she felt more and more that she was about to become a resentful woman in the cave these days.

Hu Yimeng changed her hand to hold her cheek, sat on the branch and continued to sigh.

No! No way! Trapped on this small mountain, without waiting for Beichen Yeli and the Peacock King to catch her, she would have suffoed herself here first!

Hu Yimeng's eyes turned. Anyway, it's late at night. In the middle of the night, no one should wander around in this deep mountains and forests at this time, right? Why don't you take advantage of this night, perform a wind control technique and go out for a walk?

Thinking of this, Hu Yimeng immediately jumped deftly from the book, performed a wind control technique, flew into the air, and began to wander leisurely in the upper air of Wolong Mountain.

The night is getting dark.

The palace of the Royal Hunting Ground gradually fell into silence, with only the rustling sound of the mountain wind blowing the leaves and the occasional shrill calls of the night owls in the deep mountains.

Such a deep night made the guards guarding the palace and patrolling the guards feel a little tired.

At this moment, a slender and small black figure quickly turned into the palace. He quietly bypassed the patrol guard along the shadow of the wall, performed light skills, flew up to the roof, and hurried towards the direction of the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

He gently jumped off the roof, cut the throats of the two guards with a dagger, and then dodged into the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

The empress dowager has fallen into a deep sleep, and the maids served in the bedroom also fell asleep on the empress dowager and secretly lay on the edge of the bed to take a nap.

When the man in black saw the sleeping empress dowager, a light of hatred flashed in his eyes. He raised the dagger that had just killed the two guards and stabbed the empress dowager's heart without hesitation!

I don't know if the Empress Dowager's fate should not be killed or his luck is too bad.

With the cold light flashing on the dagger, the Empress Dowager suddenly woke up from her dream.

As soon as the Empress Dowager opened her eyes, she saw a man standing by the bed, holding a dagger in her hand and was about to stab her.

The Empress Dowager screamed in horror and immediately rolled aside.

The knife of the man in black stabbed in the air and narrowly scratched the Empress Dowager's arm.

The blood burst out in an instant.

However, the scream of the Empress Dowager just woke up the maids of honor serving in the room and the guards guarding the palace.

The maids saw that there was a man in black in the room, and the man in black stabbed the empress dowager with a knife! Immediately in a mess, he grabbed the object next to him and smashed it at the man in black.

The Empress Dowager also jumped out of bed awkwardly in the gap of the man in black dodging the objects thrown by the maid of honor, pulled a maid of honor in front of her, and avoided the second knife of the man in black.

At this time, the guards had also rushed into the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

Seeing that the general trend was gone, the man in black could only stare at the Empress Dowager again with his eyes of incomparable hatred and anger, and then awkwardly smashed the window in the Empress Dowager's house, turned over, jumped on the roof and fled outside the palace.

Just as Ling Xiao was about to go to bed, he heard the shout of "assassin" from the direction of the Empress Dowager's bedroom. He hurriedly put on his coat, took the newly untied sword and ran out of the room, and gathered the bodyguards to rush to the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

Ling Xiao rushed to the door of the Empress Dowager's bedroom and saw that the assassin had jumped to the roof.

Ling Xiao can't shout well in his heart! This assassin is about to escape!

He hurriedly ordered the archers to shoot arrows at the assassin.

The man in black hurriedly turned around and picked up the arrows shot at him behind him.

Seeing that the man in black quickly picked up the arrow rain that shot at him, taking advantage of the archer's gap of archery again, he turned around and was about to escape from the range with full internal force!

Ling Xiao's heart is stunned. It seems that the martial arts of this man in black are not weak!

He narrowed his eyes, reached out and grabbed the bow and arrow in the hand of the archer beside him. At the same time, he put three arrows on the string, suddenly pulled the bow and arrows full, and fired three arrows at the man in black on the roof.

Three arrows flew towards the man in black at different angles.

Although these three arrows are fired at the same time, their strength and angles are different, but they are extremely tricky.

An arrow flew straight to the face door of the man in black, an arrow flew to the throat of the man in black, and an arrow seemed harmless and flew slower than other arrows, but it did fly towards the heart of the man in black.

The man in black suddenly turned around and opened the arrow that flew to his door. When his dagger collided with the arrow, he felt that the arrow was full of Ling Xiao's internal force, which made his arm numb, and he narrowly avoided the sharp arrow shot at his throat!

But he couldn't avoid the third arrow. He was embarrassed. Although the arrow did not shoot at the central socket, it hit his shoulder!

The man in black snorted, the hand holding the dagger loosened, and the dagger suddenly slipped down from his hand.

Seeing that the man in black was shot by himself, Ling Xiao immediately ordered the archers to continue shooting. Other bodyguards covered the roof from the side and were bound to catch the assassin who dared to assassinate the Empress Dowager!

The man in black did not dare to fight again. He tried his best to get out of the bloody road, staggered out of the palace and fled to the depths of Wolong Mountain.

"Chasing! The assassin was seriously injured and must not be able to escape!" Under Ling Xiao's order, the guards immediately rushed to the palace, pursued the blood stains in the direction of the assassin's escape.

After the man in black fled to the palace, although he secretly gritred his teeth and regretted that he could not kill the Empress Dowager, he knew that Qingshan was not afraid of firewood. Now the most important thing is to live! He clenched his teeth, tried his best, exerted all his internal strength, carried light skills, and fled to the depths of Wolong Mountain.

Finally, the footsteps behind him became farther and farther away, but his physical strength gradually disappeared with the loss of blood and the excessive use of internal force. He felt that his vision in front of him became more and more blurred, and his footsteps became heavier and heavier. Finally, he tripped over a vine under his feet and fell to the ground heavily. I completely lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Hu Yimeng flew in mid-air for a while with the wind, and saw the fire in the woods not far away. It seemed that someone was looking for something in the night.

Hu Yimeng instinctively became alert.

Recently, it is a special period of taking a large team of people to hunt in Wolong Mountain at night, and so many people don't sleep in the middle of the night and run to this palace of the Royal Hunting Ground of Wolong Mountain to find something. There must be nothing good in it. Hu Yi dreamed of it.

One more thing is better than one less thing! Hu Yimeng decided to avoid these people and went back to the pheasant's cave with the little fox to sleep. Anyway, she had walked enough.

Hu Yimeng quietly flew back to the top of the mountain, then picked a flat place and fell down, walking briskly towards the cave.

Within a few steps, she didn't pay attention, and her feet seemed to be tripped by something soft.

Hu Yimeng was shocked and hurriedly jumped away two steps before looking at the ground.

I saw a slender and petite thing that seemed to be human facing the ground and lying motionless on the ground.

seems to be an individual.

Hu Yimeng blinked her eyes, carefully moved a little distance in the direction of the man, stretched out her little feet, and tentatively kicked the man gently.

But the man didn't react at all.

Hu Yimeng moved a few more steps towards the man. She bent down and stretched out her finger to poke the man and shouted softly, "Hey! Are you still alive?"

The man still didn't react at all.

Hu Yimeng suddenly felt something wet on her fingers.

She put her finger on the tip of her nose and smelled it, and a smell of blood immediately rushed into her nose.

Hu Yimeng was shocked and hurriedly took out the night pearl that was always used as an electric light from the space bracelet, performed a floating technique, hung the night pearl above her head, and then reached out to turn the man over.

Only then did Hu Yimeng see the current situation of that man.

The man was slender and petite, dressed in black, and his face was covered with a black cloth scarf. This dress was completely the legendary man in black!