Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 19 White Fox

Beichen Yeli's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, rode a horse with a look on his face, and ran in the direction of which arrow had just been shot.

After a while, he saw that the arrow he had just shot seemed to have hit a white wool ball.

Beichen Yeli's heart gradually sank, and the joy that had been in his heart was gradually replaced by loss.

Where is the shadow of a beautiful woman? It is quiet around, only the sound of the horse's hoof breaking the dead branches on the ground.

Beichen Yeli's face sank, and the enthusiasm in his eyes retreated little by little.

Finally, the distance was close enough that he saw that the white fur ball he shot was a snow-white white fox without any color.

As soon as the accompanying royal soldiers saw Beichen Yeli shooting such a precious white fox, they didn't wake up.

Beichen Yeli couldn't see a trace of joy on his face. He turned over and got off the horse. He walked to the white fox and frowned slightly.

He was obviously chasing a little ink fox. Although the beautiful woman in his dream flashed in front of him later, this arrow should not have hit a white fox!

He bent down and squatted down to look at the fox that was shot in the abdomen by him.

When he saw the fox, his heart moved inexplicably, and a very familiar feeling came to his face. He always felt as if he had seen the white fox.

Beichen Yeli's eyes looking at the white fox flashed thousands of thoughts in an instant.

Seeing that the white fox was still twitching slightly, as if he was suffering great pain, Beichen Yeli's heart was also tight. The fox was hit by his arrow, but he still breathed.

For some reason, Beichen Yeli is reluctant to use this fox as today's prey.

He was secretly shocked that he became so kind-hearted as his mother-in-law?

But after secretly scolding himself in his heart, he still couldn't help worrying about the injury of the white fox.

"Congratulations, emperor, I shot such a precious white fox today. I'm afraid Ling Xiao can't shoot anything more precious prey than this white fox today. Ling Xiao admitted defeat. Ling Xiao also turned over and got off his horse and said humbly to Beichen Yeli, who squatted on the ground and looked at the white fox he had just shot.

"Who said I would use this fox as today's prey?" Beichen Yeli unexpectedly stretched out his hand and carefully picked up the white fox.

Despite everyone's surprised eyes, he continued: "Since this white fox is so precious, I will leave it by my side as a pet!"

Beichen Yeli turned over his horse with the injured white fox in his arms and ordered Ling Xiao, "Go back to the palace and call Dr. Xu to show it quickly." After saying that, he rode his horse and ran towards the palace without delay.

Ling Xiao and more than 100 imperial troops had to hurriedly end today's hunting and quickly returned to the palace with Beichen Yeli.

After returning to the palace, Ling Xiao immediately went to find Dr. Xu.

As soon as Dr. Xu heard that the emperor summoned him, he was so scared that he immediately carried the medicine box and trotted all the way to the bedroom of Beichen Yeli. You know, the empress dowager had just been assassinated and injured a few days ago. Now that the emperor is so eager to summon him, what has happened?

Doctor Xu suddenly felt great pressure. Has the royal family been too old recently? Why are you in a hurry to summon him every day?

Finally, Dr. Xu trotted all the way and was already sweating when he rushed to the bedroom where Beichen Yeli left. After all, he is now nearly 50 years old. Naturally, his physical strength is not as good as when he was young. It was really difficult for him to run away just now.

Dr. Xu did not dare to waste time. Under the leadership of the little eunuch, he walked into the inner room of Beichen Yeli's bedroom and saw that the broad bright yellow dragon ** was putting a white hair ball, and the emperor's majesty Beichen Yeli, who should have been waiting for his treatment, was sitting in Xu's mind. By the bedside, he frowned slightly and looked at the little hair ball of ** with a slightly anxious look.

"Your Majesty, have you been injured? Let Weichen treat you quickly!" Doctor Xu urgently went forward to diagnose the pulse of Beichen night.

"Aiqing misunderstood. I have nothing to do. Today, I called you here to treat this little white fox that was shot by me." Beichen Yeli pointed to the white fox and said.

Hearing this, the corners of Dr. Xu's mouth twitched slightly. After a long time, he recovered from the shock and stammered, "Your Majesty... Wei... Weichen is not a veterinarian!"

"Whether you are a human doctor or a veterinarian, if you can't cure this little white fox's injury today, you can go and bury it!" Bei Chenye's eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly.

"Plop!" Doctor Xu's knees softened and knelt on the ground. He was so scared that he quickly kowtowed to Beichen Yeli and plead guilty. "Please forgive me, Weichen... Weichen...Weichen...I will do my best to treat this white fox!"

At this moment, Dr. Xu sadly thought that it was not the royal family who committed too old this year, but him!

Since Beichen Yeli made a decree that he must save the little white fox, in order to save his head, doctor Xu did not care about the difference between doctors and veterinarians. As long as he could save the little white fox to save his head, he would become a living horse doctor.

He hurriedly carried the medicine box to the dragon's bed to check the injury of **'s little white fox.

The little white fox's abdomen was shot by a sharp arrow, and the wound was very deep. What was going on inside the body? It was completely unpredictable whether the organ was injured by Dr. Xu. At this moment, he really regretted that he had studied medicine and had seen all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Why didn't he think of learning some veterinary knowledge?

Complaining is to complain, but he still has to try to cure the white fox's injury.

The breath of the white fox has become weaker and weaker at this time. A layer of cold sweat appeared on Dr. Xu's forehead. If he followed the method of treating the arrow wound, the first thing to do was to pull out the sharp arrow shot into the abdomen, and then stop the bleeding, apply medicine and bandage it. The next step is to let the next step. After all, the ability to recover from wound varies from person to person, and the high fever caused by injury after dressing is also one of the reasons why many people can't survive, but I don't know how the recovery ability of this little white fox is. Dr. Xu secretly prayed in his heart that this is a fox with excellent recovery ability, so that he can keep one Little life.

Thinking of this, Dr. Xu hurriedly took out all kinds of ready tools from the medicine box, took out a good bag of 100-year-old mountain ginseng slices, broke Hu Yimeng's mouth, stuffed it in, hung him, and then cut the arrow feathers quickly, cut the wound, wrapped the remaining small arrow with a cloth, and was injured. Strongly, he pulled out the arrow.

Yin Hong's warm blood flowed out, and the white fox's body also vibrated violently.

It's okay, it's okay..." Beichen Yeli seemed to comfort the white fox, and seemed to comfort himself as he gently stroked the white fox's fur and muttered softly.

After Dr. Xu saw the arrow pulled out, the wound immediately appeared, like a pomegranate with a cracked mouth, and the bright red blood kept flowing out. His eyes were fast, and he hurriedly covered the wound with a cotton cloth wrapped in gold sore medicine, and then wrapped the wound of the white fox tightly with cotton strips.

After doing all this, Dr. Xu quietly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He can't tell whether this is a busy sweat or a scared cold sweat.

I don't know whether Dr. Xu's luck or the white fox's physical recovery ability was good, and the blood did not seep out of the cloth. Dr. Xu breathed a little relief. It seems that his life has been saved for the time being.

After living for more than an hour, Dr. Xu looked up and sat by the bed with no expression. Looking at Beichen Yeli of the white fox and said, "Your Majesty, Weichen has helped the white fox pull out the sharp arrow shot into his body and stopped the blood. Next, it depends on the white fox's own creation. If he can If you survive tonight, you may be able to save a life.

"I know, thank you for your hard work, Dr. Xu." Beichen Yeli said.

"Weichen is frightened. Weichen's medical skills are shallow and his ability is limited. He can probably only cure this white fox until now, and Weichen can't guarantee the next situation." Dr. Xu bowed his hand to Beichen Yeli and said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Dr. Xu. You can rest in the side hall today. If there is any situation, I will ask the little eunuch to call Aiqing." Beichen Yeli waved his hand to Dr. Xu and let the little eunuch lead Dr. Xu to the side hall to rest.

Under the guidance of the little eunuch, Dr. Xu withdrew from the bedroom of Beichen Yeli and went to the side hall of the bedroom to rest.

Seeing that Dr. Xu came out of Beichen Yeli's bedroom, Ling Xiao hurried up and asked Dr. Xu, "Doctor Xu, how's the situation inside?"

" Commander Ling, the white fox can't die for the time being. The emperor is guarding it." Dr. Xu arched his hand to Ling Xiao and answered.

"Well, I know." Ling Xiao also bowed his hand to Dr. Xu and turned into the bedroom of Beichen Yeli.

"Your Majesty!" Ling Xiao knelt on one knee in front of Beichen Yeli, hugged his fist and said, "The time has passed. It's almost time. All the ministers are waiting for the emperor at the banquet hall outside the palace."

Is that right? It's almost time." Beichen Yeli looked up and saw that it was completely dark outside the window. I don't know when the maids had lit candles in the bedroom.

Beichen Yeli looked at the dragon** lying on his own again, and his breathing gradually stabilized, but the white fox who was still in a coma. The other party's father-in-law said, "Fang An, you are here to help me guard this white fox. If there is anything about its injury, you can send someone to the side hall to summon Dr. Xu."

Then, he stood up and said to Ling Xiao, "Ling Xiao, flat. Come with me to see what the ministers have gained today."

After saying that, he went out of the bedroom with Ling Xiao, took several little eunuchs and a group of bodyguards, sat on the dragon's row, left the palace, and went to an open banquet hall in the royal hunting ground outside the palace.