Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 21 become a pet

A small wound was accidentally scratched by Hu Yimeng on Beichen Yeli's lips.

"Snor..." Beichen Yeli took a deep breath of cold air.

Hu Yimeng withdrew his little paws with satisfaction and looked proud.

Hey, stinky man, now you know that Miss Ben is awesome!

It's a pity that she forgot that she is a fox now. No matter how proud the expression on her face is, no one can see it.

Beichen Yeli was scratched by Hu Yimeng, and some looked at Hu Yimeng in a while. He reached out and touched the small opening on his lips. I don't know why he felt that the little white fox that scratched his paw seemed to be looking at him proudly.

"Are you proud?" Beichen Yeli slowly put down his hand, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and hung an evil and unpredictable smile on his face.

Seeing this smile, the pride on Hu Yimeng's face became a little stiff. She couldn't help shivering.

"Little guy, you're really not good." Beichen Yeli spoke and gently stroked Hu Yimeng's little head. The big hand gradually touched Hu Yimeng's neck, and then lingered there.

Hu Yimeng can no longer laugh. Although Beichen Yeli still has a smile on her face at this moment, this smile makes her feel more terrible than anger, and the big hand that has been stroking her neck makes her feel that Beichen Yeli may strangle her at any time!

Hu Yimeng was so scared that she didn't dare to move, and her originally proud face also became cautious. She tried to stare at her big round watery eyes, learn from the way the little fox usually made trouble and begged her for mercy, and tried to wink at Beichen Yeli and act cute.

"Little guy, do you want to please me?" Beichen Yeli saw the little white fox's pitiful appearance and tried to blink his eyes to please him. He suddenly felt better, but he still wanted to tease her again so that she could remember that she was his little pet from now on. As a pet, she must not be disrespectful to its owner!

Hearing Beichen Yeli's question, Hu Yimeng nodded quickly.

Beichen Yeli was a little surprised to see that Hu Yimeng could understand what he said.

"How can you understand what I said?"

Hu Yimeng nodded again, indicating that she could understand his words.

"That's the best." The smile at the corners of his mouth slowly expanded, and as the smile at the corners of his mouth continued to expand, his hand touching Hu Yimeng's neck slowly tightened.


I can't breathe!!!

Hu Yimeng was strangled by Beichen Yeli, and the feeling of suffocation made her begin to struggle.

But people and foxes are obviously of the same level in size and strength, and Hu Yimeng naturally does not have the ability to defeat Beichen Yeli, so her struggle at this moment is too insignificant in Beichen Yeli's eyes.

It's over! This damn man is not really going to strangle her! Hu Yimeng sadly thought that this man was really not a good thing! He must have wanted to revenge on himself because he scratched his paw just now!

Woo-woo... She's still young, and she doesn't want to die!!!

How did she forget that this man is a vicious and super bloodthirsty and ruthless person with a knife in his smile?! He must have hated the hatred of that claw just now! Now I'm going to revenge myself!

It seems that her life will be reimbursed in the hands of this man!

Just when Hu Yimeng almost died of suffocation, Beichen Yeli suddenly let go of her.

Hu Yimeng's awkward nest coughed in the dragon** of Beichen Yeli.

She was really scared at this moment. She began to be afraid of this man named Beichen Yeli.

Hu Yimeng looked at Beichen Yeli with horror in his eyes.

Seeing Hu Yimeng's frightened look, Beichen Yeli smiled with satisfaction.

"Little guy, be good in the future, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will forgive you so easily next time." Beichen Yeli said gently to Hu Yimeng.

Hu Yimeng shrank into a ball, and the wound in her abdomen cracked again because of the struggle just now. It was constantly oozing blood, and bursts of pain surged into her heart, but she couldn't care about so much. She just wants to try to shrink herself into a ball, so that she may be able to protect herself from the man named Beichen Yeli. Hu Yimeng struggled in vain.

At this time, Beichen Yeli also found that the cloth on the abdomen of his dragon** little white fox oozed blood again.

Beichen Yeli's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he secretly blamed himself. He seemed to have gone a little too far today. It seemed that the little white fox cracked the wound when he just struggled!

But the little white fox is now tightly shrinking itself into a ball, as if he didn't feel the pain of the wound, which made Beichenye's centrifuge tighten.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the little white fox, trying to comfort the trembling little white fox in his arms, and shouted, "Come on!"

The father-in-law, who was waiting outside the bedroom, rushed in.

"Quick announcement of Dr. Xu!" Beichen Yeli said anxiously.

Epa Fang has served Beichen Yeli for so many years, but it is the first time that he has seen Beichen Yeli so anxious. He hurried out of the bedroom to Xuan Xu Tai doctor.

Dr. Xu hurried to the bedroom of Beichen Yeli with the medicine box on his back again.

He secretly thought that someone must have been injured this time, and he could finally show his superb medical skills on people! Thinking of this, Dr. Xu was excited. The sad past of treating foxes and being treated as veterinarians will become a thing of the past! He wants to put aside this shameful past and perform well in front of the emperor!

Thinking of this, Dr. Xu was full of fighting spirit. He followed the father-in-law who came to announce the decree to the bedroom of Beichen Yeli.

He walked into the bedroom. Doctor Xu saluted Beichen Yeli. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Beichen Yeli interrupted him anxiously, "Well, Aiqing, don't be polite. Come and show it to the little fox. Her wound seems to have just cracked."

Hearing Beichen Yeli's words, Dr. Xu staggered at his feet and almost fell down.

Why did you treat this fox again?! Dr. Xu wanted to cry without tears, was he destined to be a veterinarian for the royal family in his life?

Although he was very reluctant, the emperor's order was difficult, so Dr. Xu had to come forward, carefully open the cotton strips wrapped in Hu Yimeng's abdomen, drugged her again, stopped the blood, and then wrapped them with new cotton strips.

After working for a long time, he finally reprocessed the wound for Hu Yimeng. Doctor Xu then retreated and said to Beichen Yeli, "Your Majesty, this little fox's injury has been controlled. Weichen begged the emperor to take a picture to take care of her, so as to prevent her from being confused again. The wound was torn."

After listening to Dr. Xu's words, Beichen Yeli was slightly embarrassed. After all, there was his reason why the little white fox's wound was torn apart again.

"Cough." Beichen Yeli coughed twice and said to Dr. Xu, "I will personally take good care of my pet, and I will never let her get hurt again. Aiqing is too worried. Well, thank you for your hard work today. Fang An, pass on my order to reward Dr. Xu with thousands of silver. Please send Dr. Xu to receive the reward for me.

"I obey the order."

"Thank you for your reward. Long live the emperor!"

E-in-law took Dr. Xu down to receive the reward.

Beichen Yeli gently stroked Hu Yimeng's back and whispered, "From now on, you will be my little pet, the only pet. As long as you are obedient, you can enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world."

Hu Yimeng, who was forced to nest in Beichen Yeli's arms, listened to Beichen Yeli's words and twitched slightly to be his little pet... Enjoy the glory and wealth of the world...

Bah! Then we have to see if she survives!

She has been in his hands for eight lifetimes, this tyrant! This sadist!

If she hadn't been seriously injured now, she would have tried her best to escape. Who would have foolishly believed what this tyrant said!

Well, since she can escape from him twice, the third time is definitely not difficult! Hu Yi dreamed of it.

"Little guy, do you know why I shot you but didn't kill you, and sent someone to heal your wounds and keep you as a pet?" Beichen Yeli said to himself.

Why? Hu Yimeng guessed according to Beichen Yeli's words. Do you want to heal my injury first, keep me, and then wait until there is no one to abuse me? She vaguely remembers seeing some news about the abuse and brutal killing of pets in some newspapers and TV before traveling. The methods of those owners mutilating animals are really outrageous!

Hu Yimeng's heart trembled.

But I heard Beichen Yeli continue to say, "Do you know? You are very similar to someone."

Speaking of this, Beichen seemed to have fallen into some kind of memory in the night. He didn't care whether the little white fox in his arms could understand his words or not. He said with a certain nostalgic but regretful expression on his face: "That's a very beautiful and charming woman. She is smart and intelligent and elegant. It seems that she is not a woman in this earthly world... And she can actually escape from my hands! I have been looking for her for three years. Although I had the opportunity to meet her again in Tianji City a while ago, she escaped from me again!"

Beichen Yeli gritted his teeth and said, "So I swear that if I meet her again, I will put her in shackles, lock her firmly by my side, and never escape again!" I will never allow a woman to play with me like this in my life!"

Hu Yimeng heard Beichen Yeli's gritting words, and her heart trembled again, this tyrant! He actually said that if he saw her again, he must put her on shackles and lock her around him. From then on, he would be imprisoned and only him!
