Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 23 Hidden Dragon Valley

"Is Dark Eleven and the 10,000 elite soldiers in this valley?" Beichen Yeli asked, with a trace of appreciation in his eyes, nodded gently, and looked at the rare valley. "This is really a good place."

"Master, this is the location of Dark Eleven and the barracks of the 10,000 elite soldiers. The valley here is called the Tibetan Dragon Valley, and the forest in front of it is the entrance to the valley, called the 'mystery forest'. In order to prevent outsiders from breaking in, a ecstasy array has been set up here. Please follow Ling Xiao and don't take the wrong step. Ling Xiao pointed to the dense forest at the entrance of the valley and said to Beichen Yeli.

"Well, I know, Ling Xiao, you lead the way." Beichen Yeli nodded and said.

Ling Xiao led the horse ahead. Beichen Yeli followed him with the little fox in his arms. The two walked into the woods one after another.

Hu Yimeng was held in Beichen Yeli's arms and looked around the forest curiously.

As soon as she entered the valley, Hu Yimeng felt a strong aura coming to her face, and when she walked into the forest with Beichen Yeli and Ling Xiao, she immediately found many precious spiritual plants that she had only seen in Fox Talks!

Look, the pillar of inconspicuous grass under the big tree in front of you is a dream grass! You can refine the dream elixir, and you can complete a careful wish after taking it.

And the grass they just stepped on, which is full of tiger-eared grass! Drying the leaves of tiger-eared grass into a sachet and hanging it on your body can attract a good marriage.

And there are faint red flame fruits in the woods. It is said that it took 100 years to germinate, grow in a hundred years, bloom in a hundred years, bear fruit in a hundred years, and mature in a hundred years. It will take 500 years to produce such a single one. The one she saw just now is clearly mature! You should know that it is a sacred product for people with fire spiritual roots to eat no less than for hundreds of years, but it is a sacred product that quickly improves spiritual power!

Seeing so many treasures hidden in this valley, but no one found their value, Hu Yimeng felt a pain in her heart.

At this time, Beichen Yeli was cautiously following Ling Xiao's footsteps and did not dare to make a mistake.

He knew that if the 10,000 elite soldiers in Wolong Mountain were found, the consequences would definitely be in small, so the dark ten must have spent a lot of time laying a maze that was difficult to crack at the entrance of this valley. If he accidentally fell into this maze, there was absolutely only the way to be trapped.

Hu Yi dreamed that Beichen Yeli and Ling Xiao were affectionate and serious and fled around in the forest, but they were very careful every step. She remembered that Ling Xiao had said to Beichen Yeli before before entering the forest that there was a very powerful ecstasy in the forest, and she suddenly thought of the electricity she had seen before crossing. The peach blossom array set up by the evil pharmacist in the Middle East in the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that trapped the old urchin Zhou Botong. If you don't know the formation, no matter how you go, you will just circle it. The first time he saw the formation of the ancients, Hu Yimeng suddenly became interested and felt more and more that the ancient people still had a lot of magical things.

After walking for about two columns of incense, Ling Xiao finally took Beichen Yeli out of the maze in the woods.

Out of the woods, the eyes suddenly opened up. This is a vast grassland. The grass on the grassland is so deep that one person is about to be tall. A gust of wind blew, and the strong smell of grass came to my face, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Unlike the so many strange flowers and grasses hidden in the forest just now, this grassland is all covered with endless grass.

Seeing this grassland, Beichen Yeli raised his eyebrows slightly and asked Ling Xiao, "What is hidden in this grassland?" I believe that with the character of Dark Eleven, you will never just set up a maze on the outermost part of the valley, right?

"To my master, after the 'Mystery Forest' in the Tibetan Dragon Valley, this is the 'shadow plain'." Ling Xiao replied.

"Oh?" Beichen Yeli asked with great interest, "The name 'Mystery Forest' is still appropriate, but why is this 'shadow field' named?"

"Master, please take a closer look." Ling Xiao pulled out the sword he carried with him, gently exerted his feet, and jumped into the "shadow field".

After listening to a few sounds, Ling Xiaohu's eyes stared, and the sword in his hand immediately waved up. The sharp sword moves wrapped his whole body in it, which could be said to be airtight and impeccable.

Hu Yimeng's eyes were full of flowers, and she didn't even have time to see the movements in Ling Xiao's hand at this moment. There was only the sound of jingling and ping-pong weapons colliding with each other.

"That's what 'Shadow Plain' means. It's interesting. Haha, this boy always surprises me so much." Beichen Yeli watched Ling Xiao fight with the enemies who saw the movement and the direction of attack. Instead of being nervous or worried, he laughed and looked very satisfied.

At this time, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the distance.

The phantoms that trembled with Ling Xiao spread out in an instant and disappeared into the vast field.

Ling Xiao then withdrew his sword and wiped the sweat on his face. He could see that the struggle just now consumed his physical strength a lot. Just now, he tried his best to resist the phantoms of the guard troops lurking on the "shadow field". Ling Xiao also secretly sweated in his heart. If he and those phantoms After a moment of struggle, he must have lost.

"Master." Ling Xiao walked out of the "shadow plain" and came to Beichen Yeli and bowed with his fists.

"Well, I've opened my eyes this time. The boy of Dark Eleven really has a set."

"Haha~~~ The master came, and there was a long way to welcome him on the Eleventh, and please atone for his sins!" A sound resounding through the valley gradually transmitted from a distance to the position where Beichen Yeli, Hu Yimeng and Ling Xiao were.

A figure quickly used light kung fu and rushed over from a distance.

After a while, the man came to Beichen Yeli. He fell down in front of Beichen Yeli and immediately knelt on one knee and said powerfully, "Master, I'm sorry for you!"

"Dark Eleven, get up and talk." Beichen Yeli said, "There are no outsiders here. You don't have to be so polite."

After saying that, he came forward and held Dark Eleven with one hand and held his arm to lift him up.

Dark Eleven stood up from the ground, and Hu Yimeng saw the dark eleven in front of him, who was said to have trained 10,000 elite soldiers for Beichen Yeli in Wolong Mountain.

The man in front of him is not tall, wearing a short black suit with a slightly childish baby face. His round face is dark and bright, shining with witty light, his lips are slightly thick, and there is a small dimple on his left cheek. Hu Yimeng can't see his actual age, only feels This man is full of vitality and ghost ideas.

However, looking at his appearance, Hu Yimeng really couldn't guess that he was one of Beichen Yeli's confidants, training more than 10,000 soldiers for the commander!

"Master, I'm looking forward to you." Dark Eleven smiled brightly and smiled heartlessly like a young man next door. He smiled and complained to Beichen Yeli, "My brothers and I heard that you are coming to Wolong Mountain for hunting, and I are looking forward to you day and night to see our training results!"

"I also look forward to seeing how you have trained my 10,000 elite soldiers, but based on what I have seen and felt on the way since I entered the valley just now, I think that I have given these 10,000 elite soldiers to you for training, and it seems that there is no wrong person!" Beichen Yeli praised the dark with a satisfied smile.

"Your Majesty, you have only seen the 'Mystery Forest' and the 'Shadow Plain', and then there are two defense lines of Luoying Sea and the Nether River to really enter the barracks.

"Oh?" Beichen Yeli gently stroked Hu Yimeng's fur with great interest and said, "Then I have to have a good look at it, but when Ling Xiao fought with those guards, I saw that the clothes of those guards seemed to be different from those of ordinary people. Dark Eleven, why is that?"

"Master, that's my new hidden combat suit for the guards." Dark Eleven said proudly, "Why don't I call a guard to show you?"

After saying that, as soon as he whistled, a guard immediately rushed out of the grass not far from Beichenye and knelt on one knee in front of everyone with his fists and waiting for the dispatch.

"Master, please take a look." Eleven pointed to the guard's clothes and said, "The style of this dress is simpler and close to ordinary people's clothes, and the color of the cloth is the same as the color of the grass, and I also ordered them to paint their faces with the same color and wrap a headscarf of the same color on their heads, so that they It is not easy to be found when hidden in the grass. In fact, there were also guards in the 'Mystery Forest' hidden in the woods in clothes similar to the 'Mysterious Forest'. I didn't know that you had come until I heard their return.

This...this...this is completely plagiarized from the principle of modern field combat soldiers wearing camouflage clothes!

Hu Yimeng was shocked.

She looked at Dark Eleven in disbelief, and suddenly raised waves in her heart.

Why does this dark eleven society understand this set of theories that are obviously modern talent associations? Could it be that this Dark Eleven also came through time?!

"Dark Eleven, you are really awesome. You have thought of something that so many people from the Wu family didn't expect!" Ling Xiao gently hammered Dark Eleven's chest and said with surprise and admiration.

"Hey hey, in fact, I also referred to the secrets left by the ghost handsome master to make these hidden combat uniforms." An Eleven scratched the back of his head and said.

"Is it the method taught in the secret book left by the ghost handsome master?" Beichen Yeli asked.

"Yes, master, otherwise I really didn't know that there was such a good hidden method in the world. In this way, our soldiers can wear this kind of hidden combat uniform to greatly reduce casualties in the battle." Dark Eleven said excitedly.