Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 28 The Past of Beichen Yeli

"After Aunt Lan Xiao was forced to die, the prince's behavior was a little restrained, and he would not bother me again. Later, by chance, I saved a mysterious man covered with blood and wounds in the back garden. He was a ghost handsome master!" Beichen Yeli said, "Master Guishuai recovered from his wounds in my snow-listening building. In order to repay my life-saving kindness, Master Guishuai promised to accept me as an apprentice. With the guidance and help of the ghost master, I gradually learned how to play tricks with others, how to protect myself in this harem, and take advantage of everyone's weaknesses for myself. Only then did my father notice my unknown son and slowly began to let me contact and learn to deal with political affairs. But I know that the most important thing in my father's heart is his eldest son, His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince. Therefore, that power alone is not enough. After a hundred years of the former emperor, the country will eventually be the prince's. No matter how good I am, I am just a prince. After all, I will succumb to the prince and can't avenge Aunt Lan Xiao! Only by replacing the position of prince can I have supreme power, never be bullied again, and never let Aunt Lan Xiao's tragedy happen again! So I want to become stronger, stronger, and become very strong!"

Beichen Yeli took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely firm. "Later, I and the ghost master selected a group of orphans respectively, and then trained them by the ghost master. Finally, with me, a total of 12 people stood out. They became my right-hand man. For many years, they have been protecting me or hiding in The people work for me."

"When I was 16 years old, the Hu people invaded the situation. I took the initiative to lead the army to Yaoguang City instead of my father. Those old generals in Yaoguang City did not trust me. In the face of their doubts, I personally took 2,000 soldiers and horses to sneak into the enemy's back in the severe winter snow, burned the food and fodder of the enemy's army, and curbed the arrogant arrogance of the enemy. Those Only then did the old generals gradually begin to trust me. However, they did not know that in that war, I could be said to have died, and I almost died in the snowy desert. Later, when I burned grain and grass and returned to the camp, I was chased by more than 20,000 enemy troops. My chest was pierced by a sharp sword, and I almost died to come back! After returning to Yaoguang City, I led the army of Dayu and the enemy to win five battles and drive those barbarians away from the border of Dayu!"

Bei Chen Yeli talked about what happened during the war, and the expression on his face involuntarily showed a trace of pride and arrogance.

Hu Yimeng was slightly surprised. Did the man in front of him go to the battlefield at the age of 16 and command a five-win battle? However, Hu Yimeng has long vaguely felt that a man has a resolute temperament. This temperament can only be possessed by people who have really experienced tens of thousands of life and death scenes, just like the feeling she had when she first saw this man. This man is like a sharp sword pulled out of the blood pool. The bloodthirsty and sharpness are Hu No one else has ever seen in a dream. And the huge wound on his chest once shocked her. Now that I think about it, this scar symbolizing honor is the proof of Beichenye's extraordinary life!

"After I returned to the imperial capital, the former emperor had a big eye on me, while my eldest brother and the prince felt that my low-ranking prince was too eye-catching. They wanted me to disappear from the world immediately and never become his stumbling block. So all kinds of assassinations against me are really endless, but unfortunately, those killers are really useless compared with my dark guards. Later, I sent to monitor the prince's detailed return and gave me a shocking news. My eldest prince actually had a traitor [harmonious] relationship with a concubine in the former emperor's palace, which was a great scandal for the royal family, so I seized this handle and set a trap for the prince and the concubine to be raped by the former emperor. It was smashed on the spot. The late emperor was furious and executed the concubine, and the prince was also demoted to a commoner and imprisoned. The son the late emperor valued the most, but the prince did such a defeat. The late emperor was furious and his body was not as good as before. The princes were divided into various factions and began to compete for power in the court.

Speaking of this, a faint layer of sarcasm appeared on Beichen Yeli's face.

"I have always maintained a neutral attitude in the court and have never shown attention to political affairs, but my victory in Yaoguang City made the military officers in the court very enthusiastic about me. While I quietly used the relationship between Ling Xiao and the Ling family to slowly gather my strength to support me, I contacted it was still at that time. The empress dowager of the noble concubine. The Empress Dowager had no children. A hundred years later, her best life was just to die in this deep palace in obscurity, so when I showed my goodwill to her and vaguely expressed my desire to cooperate, the Empress Dowager and the Wang family soon agreed. Through the Wang family, I have successively contacted other gatekeepers of the Dayu Kingdom. With the influence of the Wang family in the dynasty, I have become the most powerful contender for the throne.

Hu Yimeng listened to Beichen Yeli talk about a series of plots he experienced by climbing the supreme dragon chair of the Dayu Kingdom in order to gain power. These experiences belonging to Beichen Yeli reminded her of the Qing time novels and the digital legions in it in her previous life. She could imagine that Beichen Yeli must also be with the fourth master. It also experienced countless ordinary people's unimaginable meticulous planning and forbearance before he ascended to today's throne.

"But how can my brothers make me wish? They tried their best to suppress me in front of the former emperor. I was very passive for a moment and could only restrain my sharpness and silently watch them fight. I knew that although the former emperor was not as healthy as before, he was very sober in his mind. My fourth and fifth brothers were in the eighth brother and Under the design of the eleventh imperial brother, he was demoted as a commoner and exiled 3,000 miles away. He could not return to the imperial capital. Before long, the Eighth emperor's brother and the eleventh imperial brother united with the third brother, and the second imperial brother jointly went to the former emperor and was killed by the whole family on charges of conspiracy to rebel. Several fratricidal killings between brothers made the previous emperor even more chilled. The fourteenth brother and thirteenth princes offered to give up the right to inherit the throne and went to Tianquan City and Kaiyang City to be idle princes like a wild crane.

So what happened to the remaining members of the group of digital party royal brothers, the second prince, the third prince, the sixth prince, the seventh prince, the ninth prince, and the twelfth prince? Hu Yi dreamed of it.

"The sixth brother and the ninth brother, like me, have a low mother's status and did not participate in this power struggle, and the seventh emperor brother went to practice with a fairy teacher when he was a child. So the second and third brothers almost covered the sky with one hand in the court, but they forgot that as an emperor, how could the previous emperor allow them to be dominant. The late emperor had no choice but to let me continue to participate in politics to suppress the second and third brothers. In order to suppress me, the second royal brother and the third imperial brother actually put the article on the head of the abandoned prince. At this time, the prince was already a bird of the bow. They don't know where they learned that it was my plan to let the prince meet the queen palace concubine in front of the previous emperor, and the prince hated me. The so-called thin camel is bigger than the horse. They took most of the old ministers who supported the prince and turned to support them and attacked me.

When Beichen Yeli mentioned the prince, there was still a strong hatred in his eyes.

"However, with the help of the Wang family, I began to fight openly and secretly with these old ministers and the second and third brothers. The prince hates me to death, but why don't I hate him to death? I cooperated with the empress dowager and used the second and third brothers to frame the eighth and eleventh brothers to repay them in their own way! He hid the dragon robe in the abandoned prince's house and blamed him for doing so. The former emperor was furious and executed the prince and the second imperial brother. The third imperial brother also implicated many ministers who supported them or were close to them. In a few years, many princes died, exiled, and far away from the imperial capital. The late emperor could no longer withstand such a big blow, and his body finally completely collapsed. I and The Wang family took this opportunity to make a big change of blood for the ministers in the court. Not long after, the former emperor died, and I inherited the throne and became the emperor of the Dayu Kingdom.

After Beichen Yeli finished what he had done to ascend the throne of the emperor of the Yu Kingdom and to obtain supreme rights, Hu Yimeng listened to the story of Beichen Yeli as if listening to the story.

She has always known that this man is a person with a story, but I'm afraid few people in the world have experienced such a rich and thrilling experience. It is these experiences that make Beichen Yeli have so many unique things. He is decisive and tenacious but bloodthirsty. He is calculating but has countless

"Now I have got everything I want, the throne and supreme power, but I also live a happy life. Every day, I have to worry about the royal family's continuous growth and threatening the throne that threatens me, and I have to worry that the Empress Dowager will constantly arrange for me in the harem to arrange the women of the Wang family, the eyes of the Wang family, and to balance the newly formed factions in the court. Power, and the woman I really want, the life I really want is just a daydream. In the final analysis, to this day, I still can't say that I am fully capable of protecting myself and the people around me.

Beichen Yeli sighed and said quietly.

Hu Yimeng also sighed in his heart. It turned out that he was not easy to be an emperor. Hu Yimeng sympathized with the man holding her.

Hey, Beichen Yeli, if one day I can restore my human form again, I won't run away this time. I want to give you a chance and give myself a chance. Maybe you are not a bad choice... Hu Yimeng secretly thought.

It was late at night, and Beichen Yeli and Hu Yimeng fell asleep with their own thoughts.

Some things may not be solved immediately, but there is still a long way to go, and they have time to change all this.