Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 31 Training an obedient pet

With one blow, Hu Yimeng felt happy.

Hahaha, let you laugh at Miss Ben again! She narrowed her eyes proudly.

It was cold, but Beichen Yeli Yin test came to my ear, and I couldn't hear the sound of joy and anger.

"Little fox, you are very proud."

Yes, I'm just very proud! Hu Yimeng is very arrogant.

"Unfortunately, I only like obedient pets. For those obedient pets, I usually teach them well until they become good!"

Beichen Yeli's voice suddenly cooled down. Although it was soaked in the hot pool, Hu Yimeng felt a cold wind blowing over her head.

She suddenly realized that Beichen Yeli must be angry!

This dark and cold-blooded king has always been a person who must repay. Will he hold revenge this time... Hu Yimeng thought weakly.

Forget it, forget it, thirty-six tricks are the first!

Take a deep breath, turn around and run away!

"Squeak!" Hu Yimeng screamed.

It's just a little... It's just a little bit she can run out of the man's attack range!

But there was such a small gap that she was caught by the damn man!

Woo-woo~~~ It hurts so much!

A burst of pain passed through Hu Yimeng's tail vertebrae into her brain.

It seems that this is not only revenge, but also a remorous remoration!

Bastard bastard! Bad man, how dare you bully her!

Hu Yimeng was very annoyed. She turned around and grabbed the man's big hand holding her tail.

Beichen Yeli is not a vegetarian. As soon as Hu Yimeng moved, he found her intention. He lifted Hu Yimeng upside down and easily resolved Hu Yimeng's attack.

Hu Yimeng was suddenly lifted up by Beichen Yeli's tail and plunged into the water. The feeling of suffocation immediately made her struggle desperately.

When Beichen Yeli saw Hu Yimeng struggling desperately in the water, his heart tightened, and his heart was full of worries, and there was no mood for revenge.

He hurriedly picked Hu Yimeng up from the water.

Hu Yimeng was picked up from the water by Beichen Yeli. She coughed quickly and finally coughed out all the water in her mouth and nose. She lay listlessly on Beichen Yeli's arm and didn't even have the strength to roll her eyes, but this did not mean that she continued to curse Beichen Yeli as a beautiful man with snake and scorpions in her heart!

"Little Fox, if you are good, don't make trouble, and you won't suffer this tos today." Beichen Yeli stroked Hu Yimeng's back and helped her calm down. He frowned and said, "Do you know that I am the emperor of the Dayu Kingdom, but anyone who rebels against me will not have a good end!" I am tolerant enough to you, a little fox. I know that you are spiritual and can understand my words, so I indulge you in every way. But after all, you are my pet. I am your master. Pets are absolutely not allowed to disobey their master's wishes. Do you understand?"

Who is your pet? Miss Ben has never promised to be your tyrant's pet!

Hu Yimeng finally recovered, and she looked up and stared at Beichen Yeli.

Beichen Yeli raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile, "It seems that you have any objection to my words. Why don't I let you feel what will happen to the naughty pet!" After saying that, Beichen Yeli let go, and Hu Yimeng fell into the water again without any precautions.

Hu Yimeng was once again surrounded by the feeling of suffocation without water.

Her mind is blank.

At this moment, a pair of powerful hands pulled her out of the water again.

How do you feel? "What a small pet I don't have?" Beichen Yeli asked back.

Hu Yimeng shivered. This time, she learned to be obedient and hurriedly nodded to the man.

I'm afraid that the answer will be slow and make the man unhappy, and the man will toss her again!

"This is the owner's good little pet." Beichen Yeli saw that Hu Yimeng finally softened, and then a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He put Hu Yimeng by the pool. He took a cloth towel and wrapped Hu Yimeng.

Hu Yimeng, wearing a cloth towel, looked at Beichen Yeli stretching his limbs and soaking comfortably in hot water. With a peaceful and relaxed expression, she couldn't help but be a little crazy again.

This man definitely makes men jealous. Women have a good figure and beautiful faces. Hu Yimeng really doesn't know why God is so biased, but he has to put so many advantages on him. It's so embarrassing!

In this way, Hu Yimeng unconsciously looked at the beauty of Beichen Yeli in a daze while thinking about something.

When Beichen finished bathing at night, he walked out of the bath step by step.

Hu Yimeng came to his senses.

She stared at the man standing up from the bath, and the beads of water slowly slid into her waist along his [harmonious] chest, and finally returned to the bath.

With the man's movements, a secret part also came out of the water.

It's so big!

Hu Yimeng was a little stunned. The man's part turned out to look like this. Although she had such a good experience with this man before, it was definitely the first time she saw a man's luo body!!!

No, no! Wow! She is not a sex woman, how can she be defeated in front of men's [harmonious] sex! No, no! I can't watch it anymore!

Hu Yimeng quickly forced herself to close her eyes and no longer indulged in the beauty of Beichen Yeli!!!

"Little Fox, are you asleep?" The voice of Beichen Yeli came.

Hu Yimeng secretly raised her eyelids and looked away from the cracks.

I saw Beichen Yeli wearing a dark robe, faintly revealing most of his chest, sexy abdominal muscles, wet black hair scattered on his shoulders, and spring [harmonious] suddenly filled the bathroom. Beichen Yeli's lazy and evil smile seems to be the most attractive spring [harmony] medicine.

Stand firm! Don't shake your mind!

Stand firm and never shake your mind!

Hu Yimeng tried to remind herself in her heart, but two tubes of nosebleeds still spewed out involuntarily.

Well, I can't sleep, so Hu Yimeng had to open her eyes with a nosebleed.

"Little fox, why are you bleeding?" Beichen Yeli hurriedly picked up Hu Yimeng.

The sexual [harmony] seductive chest was suddenly close to Hu Yimeng. Hu Yimeng was a flower in front of him, and he only felt that his nose was bleeding more.

Woo~~~ surnamed Beichen, can you stop ** Miss Ben? Miss Ben doesn't have such good determination!

Is she going to become the first fox in history to die of nosebleed due to beauty stimulation? Hu Yimeng thought sadly.