Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 21 Entering the Heavenly Prison

Hu Yimeng's eyes widened, "Pheasant, you... won't fall in love with that mackerel..."

"Hmm." The pheasant nodded shyly.

"Finger!" Xingyan stroked her forehead, "You actually fell in love with a fish!"

"hehe." Hu Yimeng couldn't help laughing. Is this the legendary love between birds and fish?!

"I...I..." The pheasant hesitated for a long time and blushed.

"Okay, pheasant, I respect your choice." Hu Yimeng said.

On this side, Hu Yimeng, Xing Yan and pheasant have not discussed whether to leave. Over there, the empress dowager has quietly patted his father-in-law and brought a group of eunuchs and bodyguards to arrest people without telling Beichen Yeli.

"Mother! Mother! No, Eung He took a lot of people to surround the Ganquan Palace!" The maid of honor ran in and said to Hu Yimeng with a frightened face.

"What?!" Hu Yimeng struggled to get up.

Xingyan quickly came forward to help Hu Yimeng.

In just a moment, Eunuch He rushed into the hall with the eunuchs and bodyguards.

Mr. He narrowed his eyes, glanced slightly around the hall, and finally fixed his eyes on Hu Yimeng.

"Huifei Hu Yimeng received the order!" Grandpa He stared at Hu Yimeng and said with a brocade book in his hand.

Xingyan helped Hu Yimeng get out of bed and knelt down to take the order.

"According to the Empress Dowager Yi's decree, Huifei Hu Yimeng is a demon of the fox clan, not our clan, and her heart can be killed. Often with the beauty ** emperor, he was favored by the harem, with the intention of harming the Jiangshan society of the Yu Kingdom. Now he is trapped in danger by the emperor and the civil and military officials. His crimes are unforgivable. In order to protect the rivers and mountains of the Yu Kingdom and the stability of the foundation of the country, he specially captured the evil Hu Yimeng and sent him into the heavenly prison and waits to fall! "This is my admiration!" Eunuch He's sharp voice was remembered in the empty hall and looked extremely harsh.

Hu Yimeng was shocked. This time, the Empress Dowager really grabbed her handle. First, she sent someone to cheat Beichen Yeli, and then ordered someone to arrest herself.

Even if this happened to Beichen Yeli's ears, I'm afraid Beichen Yeli won't have time to come back to save himself!

"Go and catch her!" After reading the Empress Dowager's decree, He immediately ordered several strong eunuchs to catch Hu Yimeng.

Which strong eunuchs heard Eunuch He's order and immediately rushed towards Hu Yimeng.

Xingyan and pheasant immediately fought with the eunuchs in order to protect their mother.

"It's reversed! Huifei dared to resist the order and disrespect. What are you doing? Why don't you go up and take her down together? Is it possible that we can't eat this demon after recovering her physical strength?!" Eunuch He panicked and commanded all the useful bodyguards and eunuchs to catch Hu Yimeng.

After all, pheasant and Xingyan are not the opponents of so many young men. The three masters and servants were quickly twisted their arms and tied up.

"Hmm, take people away!" Duke He was arrogant, as if he were a general who won the battle, and dragged Hu Yimeng's master and servant into the heavenly prison.

At the bottom of the prison, there is a smell of mildew and corruption in the dark cell. This is a small room. There is no light in the room, only a torch is burning in the aisle not far away. There is no bed in the room, but a pile of straw is piled up against the corner of the wall, and snakes, insects and ants are rampant among the moldy straw.

Xingyan had no choice but to take off her coat and throw herself on the ground, let Hu Yimeng lie on it and rest against herself.

The pheasant anxiously groped for the wall of the prison, hoping to find even a trace of hope to escape.

Hu Yimeng relied weakly on Xingyan. After the war with Yanwu, although her spiritual power was consumed a lot, as usual, as long as she took a break, she would recover quickly, but this time her spiritual power recovered very slowly, and it seemed that there was a force hindered the recovery of her spiritual power.

But Hu Yimeng didn't have the strength to think about what was going on. Although the conditions in the prison were very bad, the tired Hu Yimeng still quickly fell asleep.

Beichen Yeli left Ganquan Palace and hurriedly took his father-in-law and others to Cining Palace. He did not know that the Empress Dowager had sent someone to capture Hu Yimeng to the prison.

When Beichen Yeli arrived at Cining Palace, the Empress Dowager and the concubines of the harem were waiting for him.

"Your Majesty, have you heard that the evils outside have been killed?" The Empress Dowager asked.

"Yes, the wild goose demon outside has been killed, and the empress dowager and her concubines can rest assured." Beichen Yeli said.

"Your Majesty, just now... Just now, my concubine saw four colors of flames flying out of Huifei's body, and the flame also turned into a living fox. Who is Princess Huifei? Is it... also... also... monster?" Cao Guiren asked the doubts in everyone's hearts.

Hearing the words, Beichen Yeli frowned and scolded coldly, "A group of nonsense! How can a good person be a monster?!

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Concubine Hui can conjure up a fox, which is obvious to everyone. If there is any secret in it, it's not too late to send someone to investigate the situation before coming to make a conclusion." Concubine Wang Xuelan quickly came out to round the scene.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that Concubine Shu's words are reasonable, and this matter must be investigated clearly!" The Empress Dowager said, "The emperor is noble, and naturally different from mortals. If the emperor favors the evil, it will harm the social foundation handed down from the ancestors of the State of Dayu!"

"Yes, emperor, my concubines also think that this matter should be investigated clearly, otherwise the concubines will be frightened and can't fall into their hearts!" Other harem concubines also said repeatedly.

"Are you forcing me?" Beichen Ye was unhappy. He shook his sleeves and showed a fren on his face.

"Your Majesty! This is also for you, for the sake of the country and society of the Great Yu Kingdom!" The Empress Dowager also said seriously.

"Your Majesty, please think about the country's country!" Under the leadership of Concubine Shu, the concubines knelt down to Beichen Yeli and beg for orders.

"You! You guys!" Beichen Yeli was even more angry, "Well, if you want to check it, go check it!" I believe that Huifei has absolutely no malice towards me and the State of Dayu!"

"Since the emperor has agreed. Then ask the emperor to avoid suspicion and submit the matter to the patriarch's office for investigation. The Empress Dowager said.

Zongrenfu?! Beichen Yeli smiled coldly in his heart. I'm afraid that your empress dowager has already colluded with Zuo Xiang and bought through the people of the patriarch's mansion, especially for difficult dreams! Beichen Yeli was angry, but his mind turned around and thought about it.

"Fe Concubine Hui, at least is also my own concubine. It has a hierarchy. Let's hand it over to the clan and the Ministry of Ceremonies for trial." Beichen Yeli said.

In the ceremonial department, at least there is a Shangguan Moxuan who can help take care of the dream so that she won't suffer too much. Beichen Yeli thought of it.

"In this case, let's hand this matter over to the patriarch's mansion and the Ministry of Ceremonies. Your Majesty, please don't interfere again."

"Hmm!" Beichen Yeli snorted coldly and stopped talking, which was regarded as acquiescence.