Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 24

"Your Excellency, the slave family did not deceive you, the slave family... The slave family is telling the truth, and didn't you just ask the slave's mother what taboos are usually? The taboo of the Empress is that the villain gains ambition and the treacherous minister is in charge. The pheasant blinked innocently and repeated it again.

"I'm not asking you this! I want to ask you, as a demon, what is Huifei usually afraid of and what will make her appear!" Wang Yin was so popular that the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and he patted the shocking wood a few times.

"My mother is not a demon!" This time, the answer given by pheasant is exactly the same as that given by Xingyan.

"Hmm! You maids are really loyal to Huifei. You are forcing me to torture you!" Lord Yin pulled out a warrant from the order box, snorted coldly, and said to the pheasant, "I am ignorant when you are young, and I will give you another chance to choose! Are you going to move or not?!"

"What the slave family said is the truth!" The pheasant said to the cruel eyes of Lord Yin Wang.

"Good! It seems that you are also a hard-mouthed man. If you don't torture you, you won't tell the truth! Come on! Point up!" Lord Wang let go and threw the order to the ground.

Hearing the two words, Hu Yimeng, Zhier and Xingyan all trembled all over.

This Lord Yin Wang is really vicious! Ten fingers are connected to the heart! What's more, it's the delicate jade hand of a delicate woman like pheasant who has hardly done heavy work!

After a while, the servant took up their fingers according to the request of Lord Yin.

Eleven thin bamboo sticks stained with black cow tendons are seemingly inconspicuous, but they are the best torture tools!

"Your excellency! Please take back your life! Zhier doesn't know anything. She's just a weak woman and can't stand such a toss!" Hu Yimeng protected the pheasant behind her and said to the king sitting on the main throne.

"Princess Hui, I also know that the girl is delicate and weak, which is really not suitable for execution. I'm afraid that she can't support it halfway through the execution. I am not a cold-blooded and unreasonable person, but if the Empress Hui and the two little maids refuse to tell the truth to me, I can't complete the interrogation according to the emperor's will. At that time, I can't afford to bear this charge of disobeying the emperor's order!" Lord Yin said to Hu Yimeng with a fake smile, "Of course, if the Empress cherishes her men and takes the initiative to admit it, I will naturally not let others torture the two girls again!" Your Excellency, do you think what I said is reasonable? I heard that the adult and the Empress have a lot of friendship. Can the adult persuade the Empress for me? Lord Yin Wang, with a fake smile on his face, turned his face and asked the official Moxuan.

Hearing the words of Lord Yin Wang, Hu Yimeng was stunned and instantly understood Lord Wang's intention. Does he want her to take the initiative to admit that she is a demon? Only in this way will he be exempt from the punishment of pheasant! What a vicious trick! Did he expect that he was reluctant to see the people around him suffer because of his own reasons?!

What should she do? Should I admit it and save Zhier and Xingyan from the pain of skin and flesh, or persist and wait for Beichen Yeli to save her? Hu Yimeng was very anxious. Why didn't Beichen Yeli appear when she needed Beichen Yeli most this time? Ye Li... Ye Li... Where the hell are you?

Hu Yimeng clenched her lower lip in pain, and a burst of blood surged in her chest.

When Shangguan Moxuan heard that Lord Wang asked him to persuade Hu Yimeng to confess, he couldn't help frowning.

If anyone else tried the case with Lord Wang today, I'm afraid they will take this opportunity to force Empress Huifei to confess, so that the case can be closed quickly, and second, they can also take the opportunity to please the Wang family.

The person who supports him must be the empress dowager. If you take this opportunity to hit Huifei, there will be only one woman with the most noble status in the harem, that is, Empress Shufei. I'm afraid it won't take long for Empress Shufei to become a more noble queen. This is definitely a good opportunity to please the Wang family and help yourself climb to the future queen.

But he is none other than Shangguan Moxuan. He is Beichen Yeli's confidant and a cherished friend of Huifei. How can he watch Huifei suffer and fall into the well?! Shangguan Moxuan had no choice but to be silent.

Hu Yimeng looked helplessly at Shangguan Moxuan, hoping that he could say a few good words for the pheasant, but Shangguan Moxuan just looked at her and shook his head helplessly, signaling her to endure for the time being.

"What are you fools standing for?" Seeing that Hu Yimeng didn't say anything, Lord Yin waved his hand impatiently and scolded the government officials beside him: "Why don't you invite Empress Hui to go back, so that you won't accidentally hurt Empress Huifei during the execution later!"

"Mother, please don't embarrass the little one. After speaking, please go back and sit back and rest." As the servants said, they forcibly pulled Hu Yimeng away from the pheasant.

"C execution!" Lord Wang gave me an order.

Two stout yamen pressed the stunned pheasant, grabbed her slender fingers and put them in their fingers.

"Hey!" The two strong men pulled their fingers to the two beef tendons at the same time, and suddenly tightened their fingers.

"Ah!!!" The pheasant's painful heart and heartbreaking scream almost pierced the eardrums of everyone present.

Hu Yimeng's face suddenly turned pale.

"Finger!" She screamed and wanted to rush to the pheasant, but was pressed on the shoulder by the two officials who took care of her and pressed them on the stool.

"You let go of me! Pheasant! "Hino!" Hu Yimeng shouted the name of the pheasant, struggled under the strong arms of the two government officials, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

The servists know how to torture the prisoners the most without fainting immediately. Under their loosening torture, the pheasant's fingers were red, swollen and congested, and even turned blue, purple and black. Where can I find the original slender and beautiful appearance? But whenever the pheasant was about to faint, the officials would relax the torture on her fingers and let her breathe, but in a moment, a new round of torture began again.

Seeing that the pheasant had been tortured and dying, Lord Yin raised his hand and said, "Stop first." He stopped the ward who was about to torture the pheasant again and said to the pheasant, "You must have suffered enough now. Are you willing to confess to me now?"

"My... Empress... No... It's not evil..." The pheasant gasped, full of tears on her face, and her breath was weak, but she still refused to betray Hu Yimeng according to the requirements of Lord Yin.

"Hmm! It seems that it is too light for your punishment! That's why you will continue to be stubborn! Ten fingers can't let you confess, so add a finger, will you confess? Come on, take off her shoes!" Lord Yin said.