Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 31

"Femai Hui, I don't know whether what these guards said is true or not?" Lord Wang narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Lord, I'm not a demon. After all, my two maids fell into the water and neglected their duties on the way to escort these bodyguards. Now I can't salvage the bodies of my two maids everywhere. The most anxious person is not others, but me." Hu Yimeng glanced at the guards who escorted her, lowered her eyelashes, and said quietly.

"You are bloody!" The guard shouted.

"Presumptuous!" Lord Yin patted the wooden, "How can you wait for the noise on the court! If you lose someone, you will be responsible for it! Don't retreat quickly!"

Hearing Lord Wang's words, the guards reluctantly retreated.

"The Empress Hui is shocked, but your two close maids of honor are really strange enough to disappear. I also have to consider the words of the guards just now. Why are the Empress's two close maids of honor missing, but the Empress is here? Isn't there something hidden?" Lord Wang stared at Hu Yimeng and asked.

"What do you think will be hidden in this? I'm just a weak woman. What can I do to save two girls unconsciously from the eyes of so many guards? If I really have this ability, why would I stay here to be questioned by adults? Hu Yimeng said lightly.

"Femperor Hui, I can't prove that you rescued the two missing maids, but I have someone to prove that the big fox in the sky did come out of your body on the day of the emperor's birthday!" Lord Wang showed a smug color on his face and said, "Come on, bring the witness to the court."

The servants escorted two girls in Turkic clothes and turned in from the corner outside the lobby.

Two Turkic girls knelt on the ground by the yi yi.

"Who is kneeling under the hall, report it." Lord Wang said.

"Your Excellency, we are the dancers sent by the Great Khan's envoy to His Majesty the Emperor of the Yu Kingdom." Two girls said in unskilled Chinese.

"The dinner that day highlighted the evil, are you right next to it?" Lord Yin continued to ask questions.

"Your Excellency, we were by your side at that time." One of the dancers said.

"Have you ever seen a fox emerge from the body of Huifei?" Wang Dazi involuntarily leaned forward and stared at the two Turkic dancers and asked.

"We panicked that day, but we faintly saw a burst of four-color inspiration from the Empress Hui's body, and then we were busy running for their lives. We didn't see whether the fox that fought with the wild goose dance in the air came out of the body of the Empress Huifei that day." The dancers replied.

"Okay, put them down." Lord Wang waved unsatisfiedly, and the servists immediately dragged the two dancers back.

"Your Excellency, please let us go, we don't know anything..." Wuji's pleading came from afar, but Lord Wang just frowned slightly and waited until he couldn't hear the sound before saying to Hu Yimeng, "Feir Hui, these two Turkic dancers just said that they saw four colors of spiritual light in your body? What on earth are these four-color inspiration? Please explain it to me.

Hu Yimeng was shocked. Although the two dancers did not really see the four-color spiritual light transforming into a flame fox, they had already said something unusual about themselves. I'm afraid that Lord Wang would rely on this to make a big deal!

"I don't know what the four-color spiritual light is. If there is really this four-color spiritual light, it is probably because I am often beside the emperor, stained with the dragon spirit on the emperor's body, and blessed by God, so I can be blessed by God." Hu Yimeng's eyes turned and attributed all the things that happened to her that could not be explained by common sense to God. Since the people of this era are superstitious, she will explain them with more mysterious explanations.

"Mother, are you perfunctory?" A cold light flashed in Lord Wang's eyes, pulled out an order sign with his big hand, and said in a low voice, "Mother, I have given you a chance last time. If you still refuse to recruit, I will have to torture you!"

"Your Excellency, I can't answer your questions, because your questions are all created out of nothing!" Hu Yimeng said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Lord Wang! If you have something to say, I'm just ordered by the emperor to ask the truth of the matter of the Empress Huifei. If you humb the Empress Huifei, isn't it against the emperor's intention? Shangguan Moxuan hurriedly spoke out to stop the angry Lord Wang.

"Lord Shangguan! The emperor ordered us to try this case. He must know that I am an official and will try the case well before handing it over to us! The so-called prince committed the same crime as the common people. I believe that the emperor will not blame us for using small measures against the Empress Huifei in order to find out the truth as soon as possible!" Lord Yin was serious and said to Shangguan Moxuan, "Your Excellency, please don't hinder my trial for the sake of personal affairs!"

Hearing Lord Wang's words of personal affairs, Shangguan Moxuan was stunned and stopped talking.

Seeing that his words really threatened Shangguan Moxuan, Lord Wang turned to Hu Yimeng with a winning look and threw the order sign in his hand into the lobby. "Bring up that set of sticks." Lord Wang said.

After a while, the servants came up with a set of sticks.

These sticks are arranged from large to small.

Hu Yimeng recognized one of the fingers that the king ordered to hold the pheasant's fingers two days ago.

"Zhang Er, introduce the use of these sticks to Empress Huifei." Lord Wang said with a malicious smile.

"Yes." The ward who brought up the stick took the order and introduced it to Hu Yimeng: "Mother Huifei, please see, this smallest one is used to clamp the toes. This slightly larger one is the finger, which is used to clip fingers. This longer one is specially used to clamp the female prisoners's breasts, and this short and thick one is used to clamp the waist."

Hu Yimeng looked at these sticks that had been used by many people and stained with the blood of many people, and her heart was cold.

"Femis, don't think these sticks are inconspicuous, but if they are really used on people, the taste, tsk, will definitely not feel good. Please think about it carefully. Do you honestly give the answer you want, or suffer from this stick!"

"I'm not a demon, so there's nothing to say!" Hu Yimeng stared at Lord Yin and said.

Lord Wang was not angry, but seemed to be waiting for Hu Yimeng's answer and said, "Since the Empress wants to enjoy these sticks so much, the official will definitely complete the Empress. The maid beside the Empress last time only used this finger, and now it's the Empress's turn. Why don't you put a stick on your hands and feet together? You guys take good care of your mother."

Seeing this, Shangguan Moxuan's heart sank and hurriedly winked at the servant he brought beside him. The servant immediately understood that his master asked himself to quickly go to He Gonggong to inform the emperor according to the agreement and tell the emperor about the current situation of Concubine Hui!

The servant quietly retreated into the back hall, smoked and ran away.

In the lobby, the officials heard Lord Wang's order, so they came forward, took off Hu Yimeng's shoes, and put all her toes and fingers into the stick.

"C execution!"

"Ah!" As Lord Wang's voice fell, Hu Yimeng's scream immediately sounded.

The so-called ten fingers are connected to the heart. Now her fingers and toes are tightly clamped with sticks, and this kind of pain is ten times more than before!

Seeing Hu Yimeng screaming in pain, Lord Wang showed a satisfied look and asked Hu Yimeng, "Are you willing to give me a satisfactory answer now?"

"Dog officer! I have nothing to say! Ah!" Before Hu Yimeng finished speaking, the officials tightened the sticks.

Hu Yimeng's fingers and toes have all swollen like purple radishes, but although she screamed, she still did not give a satisfactory answer as Lord Wang expected.

"Lord Wang! If it goes on like this, the mother's fingers and toes will break!" Shangguan Moxuan said seriously, "Your excellency just said that the use of torture is to find out the truth of the matter, but in the view of the subordinate, if you continue, I'm afraid that your mother will break her hands and feet before telling the truth and become disabled! My lord, do you dare to ask if you want to try the case or just want to torture it?!"

"Naturally, I want to find out the truth, but I have no choice but to come up with this. Lord Shangguan should understand my painstaking efforts." Lord Wang looked at Shangguan Moxuan and said, "Lord Shangguan, I will naturally not let the Empress Huifei break her hands and feet. I just hope that the Empress can recognize the current situation and cooperate with you and my interrogation."

After saying that, Lord Wang waved his hand and said, "Okay! Stop first."

The yi yi stopped, and Hu Yimeng's face was pale at this moment. Her forehead was full of sweat, and her lips were also bitten by herself. She spread out on the ground, her limbs should be overworked, and her muscles were twitching slightly. Her eyes looked at the roof blankly, and her ears were buzzing.

"Mother, I am not far from punishing you, but you are so unwilling to cooperate with me to review this case, so I have to come up with this strategy and ask you to forgive me." Lord Wang said, "Madam, are you willing to tell me the truth now?"

Hu Yimeng's tired eyes with almost no focus slowly turned to Grand Duke Wang. Her lips moved up and down and only spit out one word: "It's out of nothing!"

"Hmm! Born out of nothing?! It seems that Empress Hui is not going to tell the truth to me!" There was a twist on Lord Wang's face. He waved his hand and motioned the government officials to continue to torture. "Since the Empress Huifei refused to say anything, you can add another stick to see if the Empress Huifei's slender waist is as hard as the Empress Hui's mouth!"

Hearing Lord Wang's order, the officials put a stick on Hu Yimeng's waist with expressionless faces.

A short and thick stick was sandwiched between Hu Yimeng's waist, and Hu Yimeng lay coldly on the ground, like a broken doll, at the mercy of the servants.