Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 41 I won't allow you to go

"I don't allow it! I won't! Menger, you are my, just me!" Beichen Yeli hugged Hu Yimeng as if she were afraid of losing her beloved thing and buried her face in her neck.

"Ren go, Beichen Yeli, I'm not your plaything, nor your possession. I'm a person, an emotional person who will be painful and sad. You have hurt me so deeply. How can you bear to continue to hurt me? If you love me, please keep the last good memory between us and let me go! In this way, you can also take good care of the little prince in Shufei's womb..." Hu Yimeng sobbed and gradually changed from shouting to sobbing that could hardly be said.

"I won't let you go. I will never let you go!" Beichenye's eyes darkened and flashed a bloodthirsty light. His big hand forcibly separated Hu Yimeng's legs, forcibly removed their clothes, and pierced the woman under him despite Hu Yimeng's struggle.

"Ah!" Hu Yimeng exclaimed in pain. A dense layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead. There was a tearing pain under his body, and there was a faint smell of blood floating in the air, which seemed to be bleeding.

The smell of blood stimulated Beichen Yeli in the frenzy. His body trembled slightly and seemed to be wandering between pity and plunder. But in the end, the beast wanted to defeat reason. Beichen Yeli no longer cared about whether the little man under him could withstand his strong demand, but just kept tyrannical rhythm.

Hu Yimeng bit her lower lip fiercely, and the pain from the wound under her body made her lower body numb and unconscious.

Finally, when Beichen Yeli released herself in her body, the torture came to an end.

Beichen Yeli collapsed on Hu Yimeng, hugged Hu Yimeng tightly with both hands, and said to himself. Don't leave me... Don't... Menger... Don't leave..."

Bearing all the weight of Beichen Yeli, Hu Yimeng, who was pressed under him, silently closed his eyes, and a crystal tear slowly slipped from the corners of her eyes and disappeared between her temples.

After losing the child in her womb, the spiritual power in her body miraculously recovered. Maybe this child is the reason why she lost her mana, no, or it should be said that this child blocked the operation and domination of the spiritual power in her body. Now that she has lost her child, she has regained her spiritual power. What a great irony... Hu Yimeng thought of herself.

Push away Beichen Yeli, who was pressing on his body, Hu Yimeng curled herself up again.

Beichenye, who was pushed away, looked at the little woman who curled herself up like a wounded little beast, and then saw the dazzling blood red on the sheet and gradually regained his mind. A trace of chagrin in his eyes flashed. It was his impulse that forced her to ignore Menger's physical condition and will. She did that and even hurt her and bled.

The more Beichen Yeli thought about it, the more guilty he became. The more he felt that he couldn't forgive himself. He quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on, and then escaped out of the bedroom.

"Your Majesty." Outside the hall, Grandpa Fang greeted him.

"I ordered the maid to take some hot water and some wound medicine to scrub the Empress, and let them take good care of the Empress for me. From now on, without my permission, no one can enter the bedroom for half a step. Anyone who violates it will be killed!" Beichen Yeli said with a cold face.

After saying that, he strode towards the side hall.

When he came to the side hall and opened the door, Beichen Yeli walked into Wuqi's temporary workshop with a bad face.

"Your Majesty, are you here?" Wuqi put down the tools and herbs in his hand and took a step forward, "The grass people saw the emperor, emperor..."

"Okay, get up." Beichen Yeli rudely interrupted Wuqi's greeting and drove all the people in the house out. After closing the door, Beichen Yeli said to Wuqi, "How's the thing I want you to do?"

"To the emperor, Weichen has extracted the juice of safflower and added musk to refine it." Wuqi picked up a small white jade bottle on the table and said to Beichen Yeli, "Your Majesty, please look, it's the thing in the bottle."

Beichen Yeli took the small jade bottle and opened the mouth of the bottle. You could see a small bottle of colorless ** in the bottle, which was slightly fragrant. It is difficult to recognize the poison that can cause fatal damage to the fetus in a woman's womb.

"Your Majesty, it is difficult to identify these potions as safflower and musk with experience. As long as these potions are smoked on women's clothes, especially close-fitting clothes or applied to the woman's abdomen, they will cause a small labor within three days. If they are taken, it only takes an hour, and the fetus in the abdomen will definitely die!" Wu Qi said.

"Very good." Beichen Yeli showed a sneer, "Today, Shufei treats Menger like this. Wouldn't it be too rude for me to show it?"

Beichen Yeli stuffed the mouth of the small jade bottle, put it in his sleeve, and said to Wuqi, "Wuqi, I know that you have lived in seclusion in the apricot forest for many years and are used to being idle clouds and wild cranes, but now I have decided to break with the Wang family in advance. I want to ask you, do you stand on my side and follow me to deal with the Wang family, or don't care about the world? Continue to live in seclusion? If you want to continue to live in seclusion, you need to assure me that you must not do anything for the Wang family with your little medical skills!"

Beichen Yeli's eyes were burning, and his whole body exuded infinite pressure in an instant.

When Wuqi heard this, he immediately lifted the hem of his robe and knelt in front of Beichen Yeli. "Your Majesty, Wuqi has learned all his skills to assist the emperor. Over the years, he has lived in apricot forest only because he doesn't need Wuqi to do anything around him. Now that the emperor is useful to Wuqi, Wuqi should be a dog and horse for the emperor. "It's hard."

"Well, in this case, after the matter of Shufei is solved, you will leave for the secret base in Wolong Mountain, meet the boy of Dark Eleven, and train a group of military doctors." Beichen Yeli said.

"Wuqi obeys." Wuqi paid a bow to Beichen Yeli.

Beichen Yeli took a small jade bottle out of Wuqi's workshop.

Fang Gong just waited for Beichen Yeli outside the door. Beichen Yeli made a wink at the minister of the court and asked him to go to the study with him. He had something important to do.

Beichen Yeli called Eunuch Fang to the study alone and said to him, "Fang An, since Shufei came to see Menger so kindly today and brought some gifts, wouldn't it be rude if I didn't return to her? You can choose ten skirts with different patterns for Shufei, and then get a set of good treasures and warm jade jewelry. I will go to Wanhe Palace later to give it to Concubine Shu.

"I will obey the order." Eunuch Fang couldn't figure out what his master was thinking. After visiting Princess Hui today, something happened to her. Why is the emperor still in the mood to reward Princess Shu? Although he was puzzled, his father-in-law knew that he was not qualified to ask, so he simply stopped guessing the master's intentions.

"Yes, take this and put it on clothes and jewelry." Beichen Yeli took out the small jade bottle from his arms and gave it to his father-in-law. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a cold-blooded smile, "Don't waste it, and don't lose it. Remember to apply it carefully, especially on the waist and abdomen of the clothes."

Fang's father-in-law was scared out of a cold sweat by his master's sneer. He took over the jade bottle handed to him by Beichen Yeli, and had a clear understanding of Beichen Yeli's reward for the concubine. He silently put away the jade bottle and bowed out of the study.

After Fang's father-in-law left, Beichenye's smile slowly expanded and became colder and colder.

Hmm, if he dares to hurt his dream, he wants their blood to pay for it!

that night, Beichen Yeli cheered up and took a group of maids and bodyguards to Wanhe Palace accompanied by Eunuch Fang. Beichen Yeli handed over the gift she gave to Concubine Shu. Shufei happily and contentedly received the gift from Beichen Yeli, and ordered the maid of honor to wear it for her in front of Beichen Yeli. He got on a set of warm jade jewelry sent by Beichen Yeli, and then couldn't wait to change into the dress just sent.

Shufei felt that she was pregnant with Longzi when Hu Yimeng had just had a misforth. She was so lucky. From then on, no one could shake her position in the harem. On the other hand, Beichen Yeli, who lost the prince, would definitely focus all his attention on the child in her womb, and she would definitely get the emperor's independence. Spoiled. But she didn't know that Beichen Yeli had already hated the Wang family, who caused him and Hu Yimeng's child to have a miscarriage, and hated her for using the children in her belly to fight for power and profits. She didn't know that the reward sent by Beichen Yeli was actually the "three-foot white silk" from her womb!

Beichen Yeli smiled and looked at Shufei happily showing herself the jewelry and dress he had given, but she couldn't stop sneering. Tonight, Beichen Yeli naturally stayed in Wanhe Palace. In order to ensure that the plan could be foolproof, he also applied medicine to his body. When he slept with Shufei, he could apply these drugs to Shufei. He wanted to see the child in Shufei's womb die before he could relieve his hatred.

In Ganquan Palace, Fang An was ordered by Beichen Yeli to send a maid to help Hu Yimeng scrub his body and apply medicine.

Hu Yimeng is like a broken doll that has lost her heart, allowing the maids to play with her body.

Scrub the wounds and blood stains, apply medicine, put on new sheets and bedding, and serve her to drink medicine and eat porridge.

Passively accepting everything, silent, not angry, without saying a word.

It was getting late, and the maids of honor withdrew from the bedroom, leaving only the maid of honor who held the night's vigil that night. The maid ignited the incense in the incense burner, and then silently retreated to one side to guard the **'s Hu Yimeng.

Hu Yimeng moved her mind, turned her wrist, and took out a ecstasy elixir from the space bracelet. The palm of the hand slightly carried out the spiritual power and melted the elixir of ecstasy.

The sweet smell slowly dispersed in the palace, and the maids guarding Hu Yimeng unconsciously fell asleep.

Hu Yimeng struggled to support her body and got up from **, found the paper and pen in the room, wrote a letter, and finished writing the letter. She folded the letter paper into a paper crane and cast a small spell. The paper crane flew happily as if it were alive. She opened a crack in the window. The little paper crane nodded to her and quickly flew out of the bedroom. .

Looking at the small paper crane disappearing in the night sky, Hu Yimeng went to the bedside and sat down, silently waiting for the man to come.