Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 27 Snowfield Crisis

"Be careful, everyone! I think something is wrong here. Hu Yimeng said to the crowd in a low voice. Her face was serious, showing the seriousness of the situation.

"Ah!" Suddenly, the pheasant screamed, "Feds! All our footprints have disappeared!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and immediately followed the trembling hands of the pheasant. Sure enough, the snow behind was clean and nothing was left. All the footprints they had just walked all disappeared!

"Wo!" Everyone immediately pulled out their weapons and formed a circle, always paying attention to the movements in all directions.

"Wow..." There was a sad howling.



Howls sounded one after another on the snowfield.

"It's a wolf!" Ling Xiao was shocked and said loudly to the crowd.

Sure enough, before Ling Xiao's words fell, a group of wolves composed of hundreds of wolves emerged from all sides of the snowfield. They were mixed with snow-white, as if they could integrate with the snowfield. The green wolf's eyes glowed with thirst and blood, and the snow-white and sharp wolf teeth flashed with a cold light in their open mouth, and each wolf was abnormal. Strong and huge, like a calf. The leader is a giant snow wolf with the largest and most fierce eyes.

Surrounded by hundreds of wolves in the empty snowfield, a layer of cold sweat appeared in Hu Yimeng's palm and back.

Everyone held their breath, and their nerves were tight, quietly waiting for the wolves to launch an attack.

"Wow..." The Wolf King let out a short cry, and more than a dozen wolves closest to the crowd launched an attack from different directions.

Beichen Yeli didn't let a sword pierce the throat of the snow wolf that rushed to him.

The warm and bright red blood flows on the white snow, and it looks brighter and brighter against the white snow.

On the other side, Su Muyun and Ling Xiao also killed a snow wolf. Xingyan was fighting with a snow wolf. Ling Xiao and Su Muyun saw this and hurried forward to relieve the siege. Although the pheasant's magic power was low, she could still protect herself. She tried to stay beside Hu Yimeng and did not fight with the snow wolf. Hu Yimeng released four flames of red, orange, yellow and green. The fox bit the snow wolf, and everyone quickly destroyed more than a dozen leading snow wolves sent by the Wolf King on the snowfield.

The bloody smell from the blood of the companions stimulated the aggressive nature of the snow wolf's body. The wolf king once again gave a long cry, and the remaining nearly 100 snow wolves rushed over from all directions like a large net spread out.

The fierce fighting between the two sides, and the splashed blood stained their clothes and soaked their faces. The number of snow wolves was constantly decreasing, while Beichen Yeli, Ling Xiao and Su Muyun also hung large and small wounds. Xingyan and Pheasant were protected by Hu Yimeng's flame fox. The situation was slightly better, but they were also tired and panted.

The ground is bright red, and the blood of the snow wolf seems to be about to dye the whole snowfield red.

The red blood slowly gathered together as if there was life and gradually penetrated into the ground.

When he was still more than 20 snow wolves, the Wolf King finally launched an attack, and his attack target was Hu Yimeng, who manipulated the flame fox.

Seeing that the attack target of the Blood Wolf King was locked on Hu Yimeng's body, Beichen Yeli immediately rushed to Hu Yimeng to fight side by side with her to resist the attack of the Snow Wolf King.

The Snow Wolf King is as strong as a buffalo, and his sharp claws are no less than a sword.

Hu Yimeng and Beichen Ye did not dare to get too close to it and temporarily fell into passive defense in public.

Hu Yimeng mobilized the flame fox to surround the Snow Wolf King, and the other snow wolves were gradually killed. Beichen Yeli, Su Muyun, Ling Xiao and Xingyan joined hands to launch an attack on him from behind the Snow Wolf King. Hu Yimeng and pheasant used their spells to contain the action of the Snow Wolf King in the front.

The Snow Wolf King gradually became manic. Suddenly, it suddenly broke away from the control of Hu Yimeng and Zhier and turned to attack Beichen Yeli and others. Hu Yimeng was shocked and quickly commanded the flame fox to cover Beichen Yeli and others to avoid the attack of the Snow Wolf King.

But Fortunately, the snow wolf king's spirit was exhausted, and he fell to the ground and was swallowed up by Hu Yimeng's flame fox.

Everyone fell tiredly on the snowfield stained with blood. The body of the snow wolf scattered freely on the snowfield, adding a sense of murder and depression to the already deserted and quiet snowfield.

"Everyone take out the elixir I just gave you and take one pill each." Hu Yimeng said, everyone heard the words, took out the elixir given to everyone before entering the Jiuhua Palace, and took it. The wounds on the body quickly healed at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, and even the scars were not left, and the hunger and fatigue on the body were swept away.

Hu Yimeng sat down next to Beichen Yeli. She had just taken the elixir and wanted to relax her tense nerves, but her sensitive intuition told her that the real danger belonging to this snowfield was coming!

"Oh..." The low and depressing roar seemed to come through ancient time and space after ten thousand years.

Hearing this strange and domineering roar, how dare people continue to rest? They have just experienced a life-and-death battle with the snow wolf, and no one dares to despise any strange movement in the snowfield.

The roar became louder and louder, echoing in the empty snowfield, as if there was an echo, shocking people's hearts.

The ground shook violently, as if something was going to come out of the ground, and the earth cracked.

The people hurried back a few hundred meters and finally stabilized themselves. Not far from where they were, the ground had cracked a crack about 20 feet long and three or four feet wide.

"Roar!!!" A beast sounded through the sky, and a gust of wind suddenly blew on the windless snowfield. The wind swept countless snowflakes and ice grains. Everyone struggled to transport their internal strength and spiritual power to resist the attack of the storm.

The feeling of snowflake ice grains rubbing the skin was like cutting with a knife, and Hu Yimeng gritted his teeth and endured it.

Finally, the snowstorm gradually stopped.

"Wo!!!" Another earth-shaking roar, the earth trembled suddenly, and a strange beast about two feet and three feet tall jumped out of the cracks of the earth.

Everyone was shocked. The beast was red, its head was like a tiger, and its body was like a lion. It had two huge bird wings on its back, sharp teeth and claws, and its face was ferocious, but it had never been seen before in the world.

Beichen Yeli was shocked and his heart sank. He opened his mouth and said to the crowd, "This beast is a beast!"

"One of the nine sons of the dragon?" Xingyan stared at the every move of the giant beast in front of her and asked.

"Yes, this beast is the fourth son of the nine dragons in ancient legends. He is quick and righteous, righteous, and can distinguish right from wrong, impartially and responsible for all the prisons in the world." Su Muyun added.