Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 37 Mirage

He suddenly fell to the ground, knelt down on one knee, the murderous intention in his eyes gradually receded, and his mind returned to clarity.

Xingyan and pheasant also stopped.

Seeing this, Xingyan stepped forward a few steps, picked up Su Muyun, and called anxiously, "Brother, are you all right? I was really scared to death just now."

"What's wrong with me?" Su Muyun rubbed his swollen forehead and asked, "Just now, I only decided that there was a nameless anger burning fiercely in the bottom of my heart, and my eyes were red and almost lost my mind."

"Brother, do you know? You wanted to kill us just now!" Xingyan said with lingering heart.

"What?!" Su Muyun was shocked. He stood up and looked around the crowd. Suddenly, he found that Beichen Yeli, who was carried behind Ling Xiao, seemed to be seriously injured. Su Muyun's heart sank. Did he accidentally hurt the emperor when he lost his mind?!

"Your Majesty!" Su Muyun looked at Beichen Yeli behind Ling Xiao and his lips trembled slightly, "Is the emperor by me..."

"The emperor's injury is not yours. Lord Su doesn't have to blame himself." Hu Yimeng said, "Master Su, have you seen or touched anything before you came here? Just now, I saw that you seemed to be surrounded by demonic spirit, and your mind was not very clear. I used the Qingxin curse to help you get rid of the demonic spirit on your body.

"Before coming here? I...I haven't seen anyone..." Su Muyun said hesitantly.

Hu Yimeng understood at a glance that Su Muyun must have hidden something from them. At present, he took care of Su Muyun's every move. In today's crisis situation, Su Muyun refused to speak directly to them, which made Hu Yimeng feel that there seemed to be some hidden danger.

"In this case, Lord Su Zhuang, I'd better hurry back to the Mulan Xiangzhou and leave here." Hu Yimeng said.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and suddenly, Su Muyun echoed in his ear what Chu Hanyan had just said in his ear.

Kill him, as long as we kill him, we can be together forever...

Kill him, as long as we kill him, we can be together forever...

No! No way! Su Muyun shook his head and gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the echoing sound in his ear.

But the sound kept echoing and refused to disperse for a long time.

"No!" Suddenly, Su Muyun shouted.

Everyone was shocked and found that Su Muyun's eyes had already turned red, and Hu Yimeng also found that the originally dispersed demon spirit surrounded Su Muyun again.

"It's not good! Push away, everyone! Ling Xiao, protect the emperor!" As soon as the words fell, Su Muyun's eyes were red and he slapped Hu Yimeng.

Hu Yimeng couldn't dodge and was slapped on the shoulder.

She was beaten back several steps to stabilize her body.

Ji'er and Xingyan picked up their swords and fought with Su Muyun again, but this time Su Muyun's attack was somehow stronger than last time, and soon Huier and Xingyan gradually fell behind.

Hu Yimeng gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain in his shoulders, recited the heart-clearing curse again, and began to make fingerprints on his hands.

The power of the heart-clearing spell and fingerprints once again restrained the demon pressure on Su Muyun's body.

Su Muyun knelt on the ground, holding a sword in his hand to support his body, with big drops of sweat rolling down his forehead and gasping for breath.

He can clearly feel that the anger in his body this time is stronger than the last time, and his whole body is more uncontrollable.

If it goes on like this, Su Muyun knows that the next time he loses his mind and is controlled by anger, it will be more powerful than this time. At that time, Xingyan, Zhier and Huifei can't suppress him.

Su Muyun couldn't figure out why he just talked to Hanyan and became what it is today. He really doesn't want to believe that his beloved woman Chu Hanyan will be the evil of manipulating him to murder the emperor, Empress Huifei and several companions who had been born and died.

But in the face of the facts in front of him, he had to admit that he had indeed found the demon, and he could not even recognize himself.

Thinking of this, Su Muyun's voice began to sound Chu Hanyan again. The ethereal and strange voice had been instigating him to kill Beichen Yeli and kill everyone.

Su Muyun shook his head and tried to refute the bewitching voice in his heart, but the voice was still persistent with a charming voice.

Su Muyun felt that his eyes began to blur again. He knew that the monster was going to control his body again, but this time he must not let the monster succeed. He suddenly pulled out the sword inserted in the ground and drew a sword at his arm.

The severe pain came, and his mind returned to clarity for a moment, and the voice that deceived him suddenly weakened a little.

Su Muyun was overjoyed. It turned out that as long as his own power weakened, the power of the demon that bewitched him would also weaken!

Thinking of this, Su Muyun's eyes suddenly became firm.

As long as he dies, the demon that deceived him can no longer manipulate him and can only die with him?

Su Muyun has never been afraid of death. He is only afraid of death and can't get a place. Now in order to save others and prevent others from dying because of himself, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices him. As long as the emperor is alive, as long as the Empress Huifei is alive, and as long as the junior sister Xingyan is alive, then his promise that Hanyan took her out of the palace will not give up halfway just because of his death!

Thinking of this, Su Muyun no longer hesitated. He raised his sword and stabbed his chest with his backhand.

The sword pierced his solid bear, and the red blood burst out. The mountain-like resolute man gradually withered down and slowly fell to the ground.

"Brother!" Xingyan shouted and rushed to Su Muyun.

happened to catch Su Muyun's fallen body.

Blood flowed out of Su Muyun's body. Xingyan stretched out her hand to hold his wound to prevent it from bleeding again.

But the wound was on the heart, and the blood could not stop. Su Muyun shook his head slightly to Xingyan with a pale face, a relieved smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and slowly closed his eyes. Now he will finally no longer threaten the safety of others. Even if he dies, he will die.

"Brother! Brother, don't die!" Xingyan felt that Su Muyun's body in her arms gradually stiffened, and her whole body was breathless and died. She hugged Su Muyun's body sadly and cried bitterly.

Hu Yimeng's eyes widened and her heart was blank.

At this moment, she really felt the danger of the Jiuhua Palace.

There will always be a crisis quietly lurking in the dark places they don't know. As long as they relax a little, the danger will immediately come from all directions and kill them to death.

Su Muyun was still a living person, but after a moment, there was only a cold body left.