Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 42 Queen's Conditions

"What does Her Majesty want?" Beichen Ye asked faintly.

"I want you to stay and stay with me in this worry-free palace under the sea." The queen smiled and waved her hand. Suddenly, guards with sharp swords appeared in the royal garden. The guards surrounded the pavilion. If they wanted to rush out of the royal garden, they would have to fight with these guards with sharp swords.

"Her Majesty laughed," Hu Yimeng narrowed her eyes slightly with a smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes. "We have just said that we still have something important to do and can't stay here with Her Majesty. Please forgive me."

"Oh? It depends on whether you have the ability to get out of here!" With that, the queen's figure shook and retreated behind the bodyguard in the blink of an eye.

"Surround them and take them all!" With a cold face, the queen gave an order to the guards.

The guards in silver armor and swords immediately rushed to the people in the pavilion.

Beichen Yeli pulled out a long sword, and pheasant and Xingyan also took out their weapons. Hu Yimeng summoned a long sword burning green flames. The four were each other's backs and fought with the guards who rushed up on all sides.

The swords were shining, and the swords collided with each other, stirring up a little Mars. The guards of Worry-free Palace were not weak. In a short time, everyone hung up.

Seeing this, Hu Yimeng quickly summoned the flame fox.

The huge flame fox roared past the royal garden, and all the guards touched by it suddenly twitched and turned into silver fish. After rolling on the ground a few times, they stopped moving.

When Hu Yimeng summoned the flame fox, a surprised light flashed in the queen's eyes. She raised her hand and turned into a silver water dragon, which roared towards the flame fox.

The water dragon used its long body to wrap around the flame fox. The flame fox let out a scream. The place touched by the water dragon gradually turned into a white smoke and disappeared into the air. The flame fox became smaller and smaller in the struggle with the water dragon, and finally disappeared completely into the air.

After destroying the flame fox, the water dragon immediately divided into four dragons and tightly bound Hu Yimeng's four people.

Hu Yi dreamed that the flame fox was destroyed by the queen's water dragon, and the four of them were also trapped by the water dragon. She knew that they had completely lost to the queen this time.

"Your Majesty, although you can trap us this time, we will still find a way to escape from your control as long as there is a chance!" Hu Yimeng struggled several times without the bondage of the dehydration dragon. She could feel that the power of the water dragon was just a restraint on her strength, but she was really unwilling to be defeated by the queen.

The queen waved her hand and took back the water dragon bound to Hu Yimeng.

The confinement on her body disappeared, and Hu Yimeng fell to the ground. She stood up from the ground and looked at the queen who walked slowly in front of her.

With a trace of doubt on the queen's noble and pure face, she elegantly asked Hu Yimeng, "Who are you?" Why can you use Jiuyou Fox Fire?

"How do you know I can use Jiuyou Fox Fire?" Hu Yimeng was shocked. She didn't expect that the queen could recognize that the flame she used was Jiuyou Fox Fire.

"Is it possible that you are a nine-tailed fox?" Because of her own guess, the queen suddenly widened her eyes and stared at Hu Yimeng with burning eyes.

"I'm a nine-tailed fox." Hu Yimeng nodded. She always felt that perhaps Her Majesty's next words would be an opportunity to solve the mystery of her life.

"So it is..." The queen circled around Hu Yimeng, and her eyes were tightly locked on Hu Yimeng. She looked at Hu Yimeng up and down. "No wonder you can walk all the way here. It's an opportunity here..." The queen said thoughtfully.

Hu Yimeng held her breath and waited quietly for the queen to continue, but the queen just said to her, "If you can pass the snowfield barrier at the first level, it means that you must have met the god."

Hearing this, Hu Yimeng nodded without denying it.

"The god must have told you that the Jiuhua Palace is divided into five-layer boundary. The first boundary is the snowfield, the second boundary is the upside-down sea, the third layer boundary is a mirage, and the fourth boundary is my worry-free palace on the seabed. Only by passing through the first four layers of the boundary can you reach the fifth boundary, where you can see it. It's the person you are looking for.

"You mean you promised to let us go?" Hu Yimeng asked.

"It's not you, I'll just let you go alone." The queen lightly swept Beichen Yeli, pheasant and Xingyan behind Hu Yimeng, who were still entangled by water dragons, and said.

"Her Majesty..."

"Don't say much, or you all stay with me, or you leave alone." The queen turned around and ignored Hu Yimeng.

Hu Yimeng frowned. She knew that if she lost this opportunity, maybe the queen would not even let her go.

gritting his teeth, Hu Yimeng made a decision in his heart.

"Good! Your Majesty, please keep your promise and let me enter the fifth boundary.

Since we can't save everyone from the queen now, it's better to let her enter the fifth boundary to try her luck, which may resolve the current dilemma. Of course, Hu Yimeng has also made the worst plan, and the worst is to lose a life.

The queen really kept her promise. As soon as she raised her hand, a water dragon held Hu Yimeng up and flew towards the blue sky.

The water dragon took Hu Yimeng through the boundary of the Worry-free Palace, flew to the sky, circled over the sea of forgetful dust, and then continued to fly towards the sky.

Hu Yimeng squinted slightly against the strong wind and looked forward. In the vast sea of clouds, a floating island appeared in her vision.

The water dragon sent Hu Yimeng to the floating island, and then disappeared into the air.

On the floating island is a peach forest. The peach blossoms in the forest are blooming brightly. A breeze blows by, and the petals fall from the branches. They are colorful and beautiful as a dream. There are many strange flowers and plants growing under the peach tree. Hu Yimeng fixed his eyes and couldn't help but smack his tongue.

Most of these strange flowers and plants are spiritual grasses that have grown for tens of thousands of years, and any one taken outside the Jiuhua Palace will cause a war of grabbing monks.

Hu Yimeng walked along a path and carefully walked towards the peach blossom forest for fear of accidentally trampling on these precious spiritual grasses.

There is a small lake in the peach blossom forest, and there is a delicate wooden house by the lake. The door of the wooden house is not closed. Hu Yimeng went to the door and quietly glanced at the door, but did not see anyone.

"Is there anyone?" Hu Yimeng knocked on the door and asked.

After a long time, no one answered in the room. Hu Yimeng felt a little strange. Was there no one in the house?