Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 46 Leaving Jiuhua Palace

"Dream? Meng'er? What's wrong with you? Answer me!" Beichen Yeli gently wiped the sweat off Hu Yimeng's forehead and called her name.

Hu Yimeng slowly opened her eyes and shook her head at Beichen Yeli, "I'm fine." She stood up under the help of Beichen Yeli.

"Mother, I... have I really become a human?" Hu Yimeng felt that she could no longer look inside her body. She could no longer feel the baby fox in her body, but she could still feel that there was a mass of heat in her Dantian, her meridians were still smooth, and the strength of her limbs and bones did not diminish at all, but she could be sure that she was no longer a nine-tailed fox, or It is said that her bloodline has become a human bloodline. She will no longer live forever and no longer be young forever. From now on, she will also live, old, sick and die. She will live with Beichen Yeli like a person.

After Mrs. Jiu completed the transformation of Hu Yimeng's bloodline, her whole body seemed to have been taken away from all her strength. She took two steps back and collapsed in the big **, sweating all over. She waved her sleeves and began to drive people, "Let's go, let's go back to where you should go."

"Mother? How are you? Are you all right?" Hu Yimeng was very worried. She stepped forward and walked to Mrs. Jiu, but Mrs. Jiu stopped Hu Yimeng.

"Don't come here! Go back! Go back to your world!" Mrs. Jiu said in a low voice.

"Mom, you didn't tell me what's wrong with you. How can I let me go back!" Hu Yimeng said anxiously.

"Let's go. There may be no such a ninth lady in the world after today. Menger, you just need to remember that as long as you live a good life, it is the happiest thing for your mother, but you can't protect you silently in the future." Mrs. Jiu's eyes showed incomparable kindness and nostalgia. She looked at Hu Yimeng and said calmly, "I'm about to disappear. From now on, there will be no nine-tailed sky foxes in the world. After all, all the twelve witches have disappeared in this world, and the divine world can rest assured."

After saying that, she slowly closed her eyes and let the heartburn before the smoke went out hit her whole body.

"Mom, did you exhaust your spiritual power to fulfill my wish and help me wash away the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox? Why didn't you tell me the consequences?" Hu Yimeng immediately understood that in order to fulfill her wish that she could live a safe and happy life like a mortal from now on, and she did not have to bear all kinds of troubles and troubles in the divine world and the demon world, and sacrificed herself!

Tears overflowed Hu Yimeng's eyes and blurred her vision. She sobbed in pain and rushed into Mrs. Jiu's arms.

Mrs Ninth stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face and showed a beautiful smile: "Child, don't cry. What can make you live the life you dream of is what your mother can't expect. Your mother is satisfied. For 20,000 years, your mother has been trapped here for 20,000 years. Your mother is tired. It's time to leave. Child, don't be sad. Your mother is an ancient witch. Even if the ashes and smoke disappear, it will just turn into fog and return to the world. From now on, every drop of rain and dew and the breeze on every floor are the incarnated life of your mother. As long as you live well, you can always feel your mother, and your mother will always be with you. The ninth lady waved to Beichen Yeli.

Beichen Yeli came forward silently.

Mrs. Jiu put Hu Yimeng's little hand into Beichen Yeli's big hand and nodded to Beichen Yeli.

Beichenye understood it. He took Hu Yimeng's little hand and pulled her back to himself from Mrs. Jiu.

"Let's go, let's all go!" Mrs. Jiu said to the crowd again.

This time, although Hu Yimeng was still reluctant, she knew that her mother did not want to see her disappear from the world.

She silently followed Beichen Yeli and let her take her out of the house.

Beichen Yeli, Hu Yimeng, Pheasant, Xingyan, Ling Xiao, Su Muyun, Chu Hanyan and Mo You came out of the small house and came to the lake next to the small house.

"Mrs. Jiu said that you can leave Jiuhua Palace from this small lake and go to the place you want to go. Don't be late. Let's go back quickly to save Kong Long and others." Xingyan said to the crowd.

Everyone nodded.

Hu Yimeng looked back at the house in the peach blossom forest again and jumped into the lake with everyone.

Farewell, Jiuhua Palace, farewell, mother...

Everyone opened their eyes again, had come out of the treasure map, and returned to the cave again.

The few days in Jiuhua Palace were like Nanke's dream, and when he woke up, he could no longer find a trace.

"It's the emperor who came back!" The soldiers guarding the treasure map immediately shouted in surprise.

"It's the emperor! It's really the emperor!" Another soldier also shouted excitedly.

"How many days have passed since I entered this treasure map?" Beichen Yeli asked the soldiers.

"Isn't the emperor confused? It's only been an hour for you to enter this treasure map. The soldier replied doubtfully.

"It's only an hour?" Beichen Yeli was slightly stunned.

It turns out that the world in this treasure map is different from the time flow of this world. Beichen Yeli felt more and more that his trip to Jiuhua Palace was like a dream. A few days passed in the dream, but in reality, it was only a few hours.

Although she returned to the real world, Hu Yimeng's spirit was still in a trance. She didn't expect that this treasure hunt in Jiuhua Palace would make her accidentally find her own mother, learn about her background, know why she traveled through time, and fulfilled her wish to become a real person.

It's a pity that the relationship between me and my mother is too shallow. Only this side will be separated forever in the future.

Just as Hu Yimeng was still sighing about her background, Xingyan suddenly found that one of the eight people was missing. The pheasant didn't know where she had gone. She did not return to the cave with everyone.

"What about the pheasant? Why is the pheasant missing? Shit! The pheasant will not still be trapped in Jiuhua Palace! What's wrong with this?!" Xingyan said anxiously to the crowd.

"What? Didn't the pheasant girl come out with everyone?!" Su Muyun was also shocked.

"Go back and have a look!" Ling Xiao suggested.

He was about to touch the treasure map, but the treasure map suddenly burned automatically and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at each other in con's face.

"Maybe the pheasant girl has had any other adventures." Chu Hanyan comforted everyone and said, "Let's take me as an example. A moment ago, I was still in the imperial palace. In the blink of an eye, I came to Mu Yun and returned to the earth again in the blink of an eye. Miss pheasant is not a mortal, and her encounter will naturally be different from those of mortals like me."