The same is true

Chapter 265 Infamous

"Uncle De, thank you for your hard work."

"This is under the protection of my subordinates and deserves to be punished."

Mrs Xia sighed, "Sir, you don't have to blame yourself. Let's talk about this matter in detail."

Uncle De pondered for a moment and said, "This matter is too extensive to be told without the general's permission."

"Not even us?" Uncle De nodded slowly.

"That's not the way to hide what you know."

Uncle De straightened his head and said, "At that time, I was talking with the general about the marriage of Xiao Ran and Miss San in the secret room, and suddenly an assassin appeared. The old man told Xiao Ran to protect the general and chased him back. After chasing out half-pillar incense, he realized that it was a way to transfer the tiger away from the mountain. When he returned to the study, he saw the third lady healing the general's wounds, and Xiao Ran was nowhere to be found.

"Anyone can hear that there is something very important in it. Is it just a simple assassination?"

"What on earth is in the box in Dad's arms? Why did it disappear? Uncle De, don't you want to find out the murderer as soon as possible?"

Uncle De frowned for a long time and said, "The murderer is mostly inseparable from Xiao Ran, as long as Xiao Ran is found. Everything will be clear."

Everyone was shocked: "Xiao Ran?"

"Xiao Ran, in order to keep this secret for the general, I can only abandon you." Uncle De was silent again for a moment and focused on his head. Chaos stone and gluttonite stone brought by Xiao Ran, as well as Qinglong stone and rosefinch stone. These four seven-star stones are enough for the emperor to guess some clues. Everything can only be explained after Xia Heng and Suangtian wakes up.

The white-haired old man nodded and said, "This matter is indeed inseparable from him. Send someone to find Xiao Ran first. Everything should be carried out secretly and should not be leaked."

"Miss San's side..."

"To tell the truth." Charlotte sighed in her heart, and I'm afraid it's a big blow. I don't know if the third sister can stand it.

I don't know how long it took. As if in the abyss, there is darkness everywhere. Countless demons rushed at themselves with their teeth and claws. Xiao Ran finally couldn't resist and woke up suddenly. He slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of blood. His body is sore like thousands of ants biting, trying to move his body. Suddenly painful facial twitch.

"Where is this?" Xiao Ran lay flat on the ground like a pool of mud. I can't even move my head. Turn your eyes and look around. The dust in the hall is sealed, and the cobwebs are vertical and horizontal. The majestic wind gently crossed the door of the temple with dust and was silent. The statue is incomplete. Due to the invasion of the years, the murals are also mottled and blurred.

Xiao Ran only remembered that he had a deal with assassins in Xiafu. How could he be in a ruined temple? Physical pain is also a side effect of overuse. Look at the red ball in the body. Two wry smiles. I'm no better than this ruined temple.

"The Seven Star Stone!" Xiao Ran suddenly remembered this, not who was the master of the man in black. I can actually invite the four seven-star stones away. Recalling this, Xiao Ran was more puzzled. It turned out that the stolen rosefinch stone was obtained by Xia Shuangtian. The Qinglong Stone auctioned at a high price is also in the general's mansion. Male ghost, he is eager to collect the seven-star stone by himself. Seven stars converge, and the wind and clouds change color. What's the secret hidden in it? Is it attracted by everyone to rob?

I don't know how long I have been sleeping. Will Yaner worry about herself? You have to go back as soon as possible. Xiao Ran used the fate of the habitual searchers Xiao Jin and Xiaobai with only one idea. In today's situation, if Dapeng and golden python are present, at least livelihood is not a problem. There is no smell of them within three miles. Thinking of the short time of the engagement at that time, Xiao Jin Xiaobai ran away and lost contact before he rushed to him from afar. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to find them now.

Searched for a moment and found that the broken temple was deep in the mountains. Except for a few wild wolves, no threatening animals were found. Now my stomach is already cooing with hunger. Xiao Ran couldn't help taking a breath. Close your eyes and rest for a long time. There was a "squeak" cry outside the door, and Xiao Ran smiled and said, "There is no one here. Don't be afraid of life. Come in."

"Squeak..." There were a few more sounds outside the door.

Three or four wild monkeys looked at the door with some strange wild fruits in their hands, put their forefoot into the house to test, and it took a long time to land. He ran to Xiao Ran and left his head. Bang bang..." The fruit fell to the ground and all hit Xiao Ran's head.

"Bad monkey, these black things can't kill people, can they?"

The little monkey has been scratching his head, as if thinking. Suddenly grinned. He picked up a wild fruit from the ground and took a bite, and nodded with great enjoyment. Xiao Ran glanced around and said, "Help me to sit down at that corner." Several monkeys did not know the importance of their moves, and Xiao Ran grinned and sweated coldly. Through the temple gate, Xiao Ran can clearly see the temple reflected in the green trees. Apricot courtyard wall. Green and towering trees.

The sunset renders the sky rose red and the night is blue. Xiao Ran was surprised to find that it glowed brightly on the shore. The light of green, red, red and orange shines with each other. The Buddha statue is extremely solemn.

"Keven Star Stone! Why don't you take away this thing that the man in black tried his best to grab?

Xiao Ranling also took the seven-star stone to his side and looked at it carefully. It was the seven-star stone that began to think about strange things: "Is it saved by a master halfway? Even so, how can anyone be unmoved in the face of the four seven-star stones?

A few days later, Xiao Ran's injury gradually improved and took the healing elixir. Finally, you can move freely. But I'm afraid I can't help but want someone to have a hand. A few days later, the injury slightly improved before going down the mountain. It's June. In these more than ten days, Xiao Ran spent a period of isolation. I miss Xia Ruoyan. However, he can't imagine what happened these days.

Majia Inn, the second store has a sense of completeness in front of the door. Suddenly, three strong horses came on the street, two men and one woman. The man was dressed in blue and wool, and the woman was wearing a water-green dress. The hooded blue shirt was not real, but from the figure and general outline, it could be seen that she was a beautiful woman. Several people are martial artists wearing swords.

"Objectively, is it a top or a hotel?"

"Two rooms, and then prepare a table of wine and vegetables to the room."

"Okay, shopkeeper's, two rooms, one table of dishes."

When the three entered the inn, many eyes glanced at it. They are all martial arts people. The man frowned and went straight upstairs. One person whispered, "I heard that Yang Fan, Xue Ling and Mo Xianyun are together. Will they be the three people who just came in? Without Xiao Ran's clue, he had to start from his sworn brother.

Another woman said, "I'm crazy about money. Look at everyone. Don't say that these three people are not Xiao Ran's relatives, even if you can beat three masters of acquired masters?"

"This woman's voice is so loud that everyone in the inn can hear it clearly and can't help looking at each other."

The man laughed and encouraged him to say, "That's what everyone thinks. Why don't we talk at night?" You know, Xiao Ran fled with four seven-star stones. More than half of the seven-star stones scattered in the whole world are on him. No matter who gets it, it is a chance to become famous.

A middle-aged man who drank a stuffy wine said, "Who doesn't know these things? You still need to encourage them here. Get out of here before I deliver the goods!"

The man was clever and hurriedly laughed and said, "Senior is the "Drunken Green Bull" Guo Daxia, who is known as a thousand cups of not drunk. With your kung fu, you will naturally be captured. We are just joining in the fun. Xiao Er, give Guo Daxia two jars of good wine and record it on my account.

The man surnamed Guo snorted, "You still have a little eyesight. I chased seven states, but I didn't get started. He almost took a life. This business is not that easy to do.

"Oh, it's a pity that a flower is inserted on cow dung. The princess is the second most beautiful woman in the spectrum of Tianji Palace. Why do you like Xiao Ran, a heartless man? God has no eyes. A young man with a sword in the sky blue Changsha.

"I think my brother is jealous! Which one do you choose, Seven Star Stone or Woman? It's a pity that Xiao Ran has accumulated a good reputation before.

"This is knowing people's face and not knowing their hearts. Xia Ruoyan was just used by him. One is willing to beat, and the other is willing to be..."

Xue Ling heard this in the corridor, paused and stopped in place. Yang Fan stared at him and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it later."

As soon as the door closed, Xue Ling couldn't help saying, "Brother, why did you stop me when they slandered the second brother so much?"