The same is true

Chapter 299 Ghost Claw

"Secret weapon?"

It turned out that the master still had a hand. Everyone finally understood the reason why Ning Zixuan was so confident. Why didn't anyone else know that Ning Zixuan would know in advance? It's worth considering. Giving everyone a hint, Xiao Ran got up and said, "In this case, I'll reply to Zhuangzhu Duan. You can discuss the specific matters with the helmsman Ning and give me a reasonable result later. It's better to solve the matter as soon as possible to avoid life changes.

Half an hour later, the guests were happy, and Duan Cunhou left 30,000 taels of deposit and went away. But it didn't go down the stream, but went upstream.

"Mountains come from the sky, and the water is separated by the Taihu Lake. Qingxi River on the lake went up the mountain, and people reflected the waves and waves reflected the building. Taihu Lake has been famous since ancient times. The remnants of Tianmu Mountain extend to the western suburbs of Huzhou City and the south coast of Lake Taizhou. At this time, a dense army is passing under Tianmu Mountain, with dust and sand flying.

"Boom..." Like a giant beast roaring, dark clouds rolled like ink. Then there was a sudden thunder in the sky, like a big iron ball falling from the air, rolling and roaring. Suddenly, a dazzling lightning passed through the sky, and the sky emitted a landslide and cracked thunder, which made people's bodies shrink violently and pour down.

"Stop moving forward and stay where you are." Under the order of the leading general, the sound of the car and the hiss of the horse stopped. Thousands of people camped and got busy. Looking at the grain truck with growing dragons in the distance, Wei Xiaoyu felt heavy. As long as the grain and fodder were not transported to the barracks, he could not be careless. Since the "Xia Shuangtian assassination" incident, these old subordinates under Xiao Ran have been more or less excluded.

Xia Zhong, the eldest son, led a sailor to encircle and suppress the Taihu water bandits. Unexpectedly, the Xia family did not send the well-equipped Black Armor Army to escort grain and fodder, but sent himself as the commander-in-chief. Although he knew that the strength of these soldiers was not weaker than that of the Black Armor Army, he was still a little strange. He was more careful along the way. Fortunately, there was no mistake. Thinking that it is only two or three hundred miles away, it can meet with the sailors stationed by Xia Zhong, which is a little more relaxed.

"If the order goes on, no one shall leave his post without permission, and the violator will be punished by military law."

The wind swept the storm, beating the earth like countless whips. The night is getting dark, and the hills in the distance. A group of blurred shadows are moving rapidly.

"His grandma's legs, how could it rain heavily for no reason? It's so wet. It's really unlucky." A shirtless man with yellow teeth and holding wolf teeth scolded.

"Hey hey, my baby said it would rain tonight. You deserve it!" An old man with a hat next to the big man smiled strangely, and several white insects in the palm of his hand were squirming. A stench overflowed. Standing in the middle was a young man with a blank face, holding a dark green gun and not saying a word from beginning to end. The three stood in the rain and looked at the people stationed at the foot of the mountain.

"I waited here for three or four days and finally came. Where are the eight?" The young man with a long gun said.

"It's not that you don't know. What Lao Ba hates most in his life is the court running dogs. I guess he can't stand it and wants to solve two in advance." The big man with wolf teeth laughed.

"The owner of the second village has another explanation that he must get food and fodder, and he is not allowed to kill prisoners. This is the order from above to get him back.

"Six relatives do not recognize" Ximen Yu is the leader of the matter, and he will not violate it even if he is reluctant. The big man nodded and turned around and disappeared into the night rain.

"Old, get ready to do it. It won't rain for long, and it will take some time for the medicine to take effect. The old man put forward more than ten palm-sized sheepskin bags in his robe and muttered, "This miasma powder was finally collected from 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang, and this time it's cheaper for them. Take it and drop it along the place where the water flow is large. With that, he threw it into the air, and more than a dozen people in black took it in the air and dispersed.

Listening to the sound of rain, Wei Xiaoyu walked back and forth in the big tent, and the deputy general Song Yu and others didn't know why. He said, "If you go on like this, our eyes will be dazzled. What's wrong with us?"

"Someone in the army has been poisoned. Since half an hour, more than 300 people have developed symptoms. This place is far away from the state and county, and the terrain is open. How can there be more miasma out of thin air? The scout I secretly sent out to investigate hasn't come back yet. I suspect that someone deliberately made a ghost," Wei Xiaoyu frowned.

"Impossible, only you and I know the route of escorting grain and fodder, and the eldest son has led the sailors to block the exit of Taihu Lake. Who would intercept official goods so blatantly?" Big brother Song Lingdao.

"Well, what if this is simply a trap?" Wei Xiaoyu sneered.

"Trap, what trap? Impossible." Song Yu stood up and said.

"Nothing is impossible. There are 20,000 to 30,000 people in the twelve serial docks, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The eldest son has received a military order in front of civil and military officials and defeated the enemy within a month. The court knows the importance of food and fodder, but don't the people of the Twelvend Ring Road not know it? This is to lead the snake out of the hole, and we are the bait. Now you should know why you sent us instead of the Black Armor Army to escort food and fodder. It's simply abandoned children... "Everyone was stunned.

"Papa... That's really right. Even Xiao Ran's old department has such a brain. I'm really looking forward to it with him more and more." A handsome young man dressed in a long fir came slowly outside his account, looking fearless and seemed to pay no attention to the people present at all. Behind him stood four people with different voices, except for the three people who had appeared on the hill before. The other man has a huge silver bow on his back, and his arms are strong. Nine arrow feathers of different colors can be clearly seen in the arrow pot, and blood is dripping down the bow string.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Come on, take them down!" Song Yu shouted.

"Hahahaha... How did you get in? Of course, they walked in. Although these people are vulnerable, they will lose a lot of help when they start. The thief captured the king first, so I have to wrong you all. Has the team been controlled? Several deputy generals were waiting to take action, and Wei Xiaoyu reached out to stop the crowd.

"I really look up to these little soldiers. Knowing that it was a trap, the second village owner dared to lead four village owners to come, and he was not afraid that the eldest son would launch a raid? As long as the news is spread, Mr. Yuwen should understand the consequences.

Yu Wenmu shook his head slightly and said, "What I hate most in my life is that others threaten me, tut... It seems that you are indeed abandoned children. Didn't he tell you? Do it!"

"Run separately!" Regardless of the deep meaning of Yuwen's words, Wei Xiaoyu suddenly shouted, and his long sword came out of the sheath to kill Yuwen. At the same time, he raised his left hand and threw the signal bomb into the air. The middle-aged man with a huge silver bow shook his hands and stabbed two hidden weapons.

Five to five, the number of people is not bad, but the martial arts of these generals is not the opponent of the martial arts. Twelve chain owners of the twelve chain docks, who are not famous. Six relatives don't recognize "Ximen Yu against Song Ling, and the long gun against the big knife. Even due to the limitations of the terrain, he is still not the enemy of the lily." The "poison demon" ancient Fang and "Sun Archery" Shen Shaoze guarded the exit. Yu Wenmu and another big man with wolves besieged the people present. Wei Xiaoyuchuan swordsmanship, and his moves were endless, like clouds and flowing water. In an instant, his whole body was covered in the light curtain. Everyone in the army thought that Wei Xiaoyu just narrowly got to this position. Now he knows that he has been hiding his clumsiness and the swordsmanship is so exquisite. On the other hand, the rest of them are already bloody.

"Okay, okay... I didn't expect that there was such a master hidden in the army, which actually reached the bottleneck of impacting the realm of great success the day after tomorrow." Yu Wenmu sneered. He didn't see any weapons in his hand to move forward.

"Sbing, Bing..." The sharp sword slashed on Yu Wenmu's hands, making the sound of iron hitting, and the dark light was faintly visible through the cracks in the sword in the clothes.

"Ghost's claws!" The sixth magic weapon on the list of weapons. Wei Xiaoyu was shocked. It is said that this sharp weapon came from the hands of Zhuge Bai, the previous generation of Zhuangzhu Sword Villa, so the weapon was too fierce and buried deep in the ground. It is based on the martial arts of "Netherly Folding Moon Hand". It is said that this weapon is completely compatible with the arm. Once worn, it will never be taken down unless the arms are cut off! I don't know how Yuwenmu got it.

"Someone actually recognizes this thing? Sure enough, he is not a simple person. I can't keep you. Yuwen's curtain is illusion or fist or palm in one hand, but the other hand is a sharp fingering, poking and digging Buddha to jump. Five fingers are like judges's pens, such as swords and guns like halberd, and the offensive is extremely fierce. Wei Xiaoyu was suddenly in a hurry and tired of dealing with it. With a sneer, the back of the coat was torn off, and the two claw marks were deeply visible.