The same is true

Chapter 336 Battle of Prisoner Longshan 3

Fa Zheng thought for a moment and said, "The first to fifth are the "Great Move Move Method", "Shelical Nine Shadows", "Fish Dragon Hundred Transformation Method", "Sky Remnant Demon Shadow Body Method" and "Ghost Shadow Lost Steps", all of which are unparalleled internal luck methods."

"Since you have to follow the rules when you enter the game, don't you think they didn't do anything? Don't force me to do it. It hurts my harmony." Ren Xiaoyao snorted coldly.

At the same time, "military division" and innate masters such as Helian, Sun Chenzhi and Shen Gulan are all taking a step forward. Once someone takes action, it may cause a scuffle at any time. The old man glanced at the war situation. Although Yang Fan had several injuries, it was not fatal. He stood aside and watched with a cold hum. At this moment, another immortal and Taoist old man also rushed to the scene, but it was Xue Ling's master "the old man of Yougu" Lin Yitian. Another innate master, everyone's nerves are numb. When the innate master is so worthless.

Xue Ling and the nun have made 100 rounds of moves, and they have already made clear the characteristics of the other party's tricks. Every move can pose a great threat to the other party. Even if it is hidden, it contains great murder. If there is no accident, you should be able to win within 100 moves. Xiao Ran fought the monk the most fiercely, flying sand and stones, and the sound of weapons intertwined endlessly. The ring knife in the monk's hand did not stop and hit Xiao Ran. He was energetic and a master.

Xiao Ran remembered the humiliation he had suffered and had a plan. His left hand shook and shot out with four jade-white "hot bone-through nails". The monk didn't look at it, but the ring knife flew directly and scattered around his body. Bang bang bang four explosions, blowing out four large pits, and dust flew all over the sky. Looking at it again, Xiao Ran had lost his figure for a long time, and he was terrmented. I only heard the sound of the wind behind me, and I was about to dodge as soon as my feet moved. His feet tightened, as if he had been caught by something and couldn't move, so he had to block it with a ring knife.

Xiao Ran Zixiao was avoided by the monk's side body and suddenly kicked the monk's exposed abdomen: "This foot is my return to you!"

The other foot jumped up on the ring knife in the monk's hand, just above the monk's head. Several dark iron balls hit the monk all over. The sound of "bang bang" was heard violently. The monk's body was blurred, and one hand flew into the crowd. A pair of eyes splashed on the stone and made a slight sound. A living person was killed, and his internal organs and intestines were still hanging on the branches. Even some murderous villains have a feeling of vomiting.


Everyone recognized it. However, with the destruction of the " Thunderbolt Hall" in the south of the Yangtze River, production has long been suspended. There are only some inventory left in the world, and they are reluctant to sell at all. Where did Xiao Ran come from? What's more strange is why the big monk didn't avoid it. It's impossible to recognize the power of this fire weapon?

All this is a mystery. Did Xiao Ran use the demon method? Almost while Xiao Ran killed the monk with a plan, the nun was distracted and was stabbed in the chest by Xue Ling with a sword. After two columns of incense, Yang Fan has noticed some tricks, but he is not sure. The old man's light skills are not as good as his own, but his ability to change direction in the air is surprisingly good, about three seconds longer than ordinary people. There is only one possibility, relying on the wind.

He can keenly detect the flow of airflow in the air, so he can perform light skills along the wind. In addition, he is thin and broad, and he can "float" like a kite. After figuring this out, everything is much simpler. The double halberd is held in the hand, and then feels the direction of the wind when it rises, and the predictor falls. However, at this time, the airflow caused by the explosion overflowed like a shock wave, completely disrupting the original wind direction.

Lao Dao's body shook in the air and had to fall in advance. This time was enough for Yang Fan. An extremely dense drop of water spewed out from the front end of the seven evil golden dragon halberd, covering the old road. This is "heavy water", which is extracted from highly toxic and has strong corrosion, specializing in protecting the body's true qi. Even the innate gas can corrode and ablation.

The old Taoist robe is stained, like a vegetable leaf bitten by a big green insect, with thousands of holes. No matter how much you encourage Zhenqi, you can't stand it, let alone this pair of sharp blades used to defend Yang Fan. Flashing to the left, Xiao Ran's purple flute attacked. Lao Dao pointed straight at Xiao Ran's wrist veins like a sword to avoid a blow, but was pierced through his thigh by Xue Ling's right sword. It is impossible to avoid Yang Fan again, and the double halberd passed through his chest. All three of them survived their deaths.

"Let's go together and eliminate the harm for Wulin. There is no need to talk about benevolence and righteousness to deal with such treachery and evil people." Seeing that no one came forward again, I didn't know who shouted in the crowd. The crowd responded, and many disciples rushed to the three people. Lin Yitian and others wanted to take action, but they had to consider that the other party also had many innate masters. As long as there are no innate masters to take action, they have no reason to take action first. This is the rules of the game.

If there are too many ants, elephants can be killed, not to mention many of them. How can the power of three people withstand it? Although Yang Fan and the three of them defeated the monk and a nun, most of their true energy was consumed, and even if they used the wheel battle, they could be consumed to death.

The first is the soldiers of the court, and their task is to capture Xiao Ran. Then there were Wudang disciples, some Xu Emei disciples, beggar disciples, and some people who wanted to become famous and fish in troubled waters. Somehow, the disciples of Tangmen and Shaolin Temple did not move. If Tangmen is suspected of helping this son-in-law, it makes sense, and it will be a little intriguing if Shaolin Temple doesn't take action.

Just as the crowd rushed up, the roc bird hovering in the sky could no longer support it and fell down with a sad cry. It's about to fall into a puddle of mud. Eight monks with various magic weapons jumped up together. Grab the Dapeng bird firmly before others take action. Anyone who wants to get close is ruthlessly repulsed.

"Eight Dragons of Shaolin Temple? No wonder the Shaolin Temple will follow all the time. It turned out to be the attention of this roc god bird. It is rumored that Dapeng God Bird is a sacred beast of Buddhism. Once the strength of surrendering Shaolin is doubled, it is no less than one more innate master. It's really easy to calculate. Mo Aichen frowned.

"Dad, go and save Linger. So many masters can't stop it. Mo Xianyun said in a hurry. The three fought again, and the situation was critical.

"These people are for Xiao Ran. As long as Xue Ling is willing to quit, no one dares to stop him with his father present. Unless he is willing to discard his relationship with Xiao Ran, it will be a little troublesome..." Mo Aichen sighed.

"Mom, please persuade your father."

Jiang Xue was about to say something, and the situation in the field suddenly changed. A big pit appeared two feet in front of Xiao Ran. In the shooting of the rocks, a golden figure rose to the sky, and the dragon's voice moved for nine days. The huge golden tail, as thick as a bucket, swings and flies back a large number of people with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops. Dozens of court officers and soldiers who rushed to the front died on the spot. The farther away also lost their ability to move. The field was suddenly chaotic, and the crowd retreated like a tide, leaving a large open space.

What kind of monster is this? Is it... the "golden dragon" that appeared in the palace? Everyone guessed.

The golden python roared, and his fist-sized eyes looked coldly at everyone in his palm. The roc god bird protected by the "Guangfa Eight Dragons" also made a cry, as if responding. At the moment when the golden python appeared, the onlookers looked different.

"Sure enough..." Ren Xiaoyao said to himself, as if his judgment was not wrong.

"Is this the basis for negotiating terms with me at the beginning, and now you have shown your killer weapon." The man in a black suit and holding a monster black dagger didn't know when he stood at the top of a big tree, looked at all this, and sent a secret voice to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran's expression tightened, and then relaxed and replied, "I didn't expect that even you came to take Xiao's life?"

"No, it's to fulfill the promise to retrieve something. Xiao Ran, even I was tricked for what happened at the beginning.

"Is Yuluosha also tricked? need to explain, I believe you!"

"Why?" Yu Luosha was puzzled that there was no reason for the other party to believe in himself so much.

"Because you have no ambition, because you saved me, because..." Xiao Ran suddenly smiled and said: You are Luo Bing!"