The same is true

Chapter 344 Different Healing

"Ye�, but some more drugs need to be supplemented. After all, the effect of this Ganoderma lucidum is too weak, and it will take too long to fully recover by its ability alone. Li Hanyu said while thinking about what method would work best.

The meridians in Xiao Ran's body are like bridges, and true qi is transported from these bridges to all parts of his body. Hand tendons and hamstrings are the most important meridians, and you can't use force as soon as the meridians are broken. Although Ganoderma lucidum cannot completely recover the meridian damage, it is like building several main beams on the broken bridge. Now it can be repaired as long as bricks and tiles are added to these main beams.

Li Hanyu picked up the pen and ink and recorded several good prescriptions, which seemed to sweep away the fatigue. There is a new goal. Tang Wenying died and could not die for such ablaze. For example, how to cultivate Xiao Ran to the point of confrontation with Xia Ke, the lord of the Yanluo Temple. Once people have a goal, they will try to forget their troubles again. Xiao Ran, an outsider, seems to have changed the life in the valley.

Several girls were busy under the command of Li Hanyu, and thick piles of books were placed aside in batches. It was not until late at night that it gradually dispersed, leaving only Sun Xing and Li Hanyu. Xiao Ran coughed awkwardly and couldn't leave himself like this all the time. He wants to go to bed by himself, but the problem is that he can't take care of himself now.

Li Hanyu estimated that it was too late and said, "Xing'er, help Xiao Ran to rest. There are still a few empty bamboo houses in the west to clean up and make room for the bedroom.

"Will this... be... inconvenient... in case..." Xiao Ran wanted to express something inappropriately, but was directly rejected by the master's wife: "Let you go. There is so much nonsense. There will be a lot of suffering in the future." It's always a little strange that you can't twist your thighs and eat other people's houses.

However, Sun Xing blushed slightly and helped Xiao Ran walk towards the bamboo house in the distance. Anyway, she has always been taking care of Xiao Ran. The only difference is that she has to change "carrying" to "help", which seems to be less convenient than before.

Early the next morning, Xiao Ran was in a huge wooden barrel, and some girls kept pouring medicine into the wooden barrel. Xiao Ran sniffed hard, and there was a woman's unique fragrance in the bucket. Is this a bathtub? Seeing Xiao Ran's confused face, a woman suddenly smiled and said, "Is it fragrant?"

Xiao Ran nodded subconsciously, realized that he had been tricked, and suddenly shook his head.

"Sister Qing, don't say it." Sun Xing suddenly said that this sound was equivalent to not calling himself.

"That's not what I said. You two are really interesting." The woman covered her mouth and walked away with a smile, and Xiao Ran was speechless.

"Your father-in-law, don't listen to her nonsense..." Sun Xing explained.

"Is this...healing?"

"Yes, the master said that these medicinal juices are good for Engong's recovery. It may be very hot later. You have to put up with it."

"Don't call me "Engong" in the future. It sounds like I'm old. You also saved me once, even if we don't owe each other."

"This..." Sun Xing thought for a long time before she nodded slowly and said, "Then call me Brother Xiao."

When several people flooded various kinds of medicinal juices to Xiao Ran's chest, they finally stopped. A huge wooden board was covered, leaving only one head outside. Li Hanyu also told him, "Xiao Ran, don't move." Xiao Ran wanted to cry without tears, but he wanted to move. What else could he do besides twisting his neck?

There is a huge shelf in the open space not far away, under which it is full of bundles of firewood. Li Hanyu picked up the wooden barrel and lifted Xiao Ran and the bucket weighing hundreds of catties directly in mid-air and went to the wooden shelf. Without waiting for Li Hanyu's order, the girls lit a bundle of firewood. There is an iron plate on the huge shelf, and the wooden barrel is tied to the top of the shelf one inch high from the iron plate, which can absorb the heat below without being cracked.

Xiao Ran is in a wooden barrel, just like cooking meat. There was a continuous hot breath invading the whole body, and the smoke rose and burst into tears. Gradually, the body turned red and hot air emerged from the top of the head. That's not what Sun Xing said. Stewed pork is nothing more than that.

"Call me in two hours." Li Hanyu didn't look at Xiao Ran's miserable appearance and left a sentence and didn't know what medical books to check in the bamboo house. After half a month in a row, Xiao Ran sat in the barrel again and basically didn't feel any heat. The most gratifying thing is that the fingers can move slightly, although it is limited to the degree of bending, at least it is a sign of improvement.

Xiao Ran stood aside and watched several girls carry a huge stone cylinder to the scene. The stone jar is full of mud. The fishy smelled and said puzzled, "What's the use of this thing? Is it going to plant flowers?"

The women smiled, and a ominous foreboding came to her heart again and swallowed her saliva and said, "Isn't the master trying to plant me in?" I don't know that these methods Li Hanyu found from the medical book are not like curing diseases, but like torturing people. Xiao Ran suddenly had the awareness of being a white mouse.

"This thing has a miraculous effect on healing wounds. Even if an ordinary lotus root is planted, it is no worse than Tianshan snow lotus. It's also picky. If you are not a disciple of Wenying... Humph... If you feel good, in another half a month, it will be the day when the Yaowang Valley will open the valley once every ten years, and there will be many Jianghu master people coming. Just stay in peace in the mud. Maybe some healing treasures will appear, which will make you cheaper. Li Hanyu suddenly appeared. Indisputable, Xiao Ran lifted it up and planted it into the soil, and Xiao Ran suddenly coughed a few times to adapt to this strange smell.

Yaowang Valley opens the valley every ten years and only treats the people who come to visit in this specific month. Because the location of each appearance is different, no one knows the exact location of Yaowang Valley. Only when the open valley is approaching, intelligence-gathering organizations such as Tianji Palace can get the wind. At the beginning, Yang Fan knew the relationship between Tang Wenying and Li Hanyu, so he used this news to save Xiao Ran.

There are thousands of chivalrous men in the world. Of course, not all of them are qualified to treat Li Hanyu in person. Moreover, only a small number of them have this opportunity in just one month. In order for the magic doctor to take action, it is natural to prepare gifts. There is no good thing about pie falling from the sky in the world, which is already an unwritten rule in the world. Gold and silver treasures are all things that can't be put on the table. From thousand-year-old ginseng, panaceans, to martial arts secrets, magic weapons, and family treasures, there are only things you can't imagine, and there is nothing these people can't take out.

Compared with these vulgar things, doctors' favorite is of course the rare grass in the world. According to the practice of previous years, Li Hanyu believes that some healing herbs can appear. Although Yaowang Valley has transplanted some precious herbs, it has been used a lot to heal Xiao Ran's wounds. Naturally, it needs to be stored more.

Xuzhou City, in a high pavilion. It is no longer the prosperity of the past, and two martial arts people sit together and talk about it.

"Hey, the Tang Dynasty has changed. In the three-point world, no one can help each other. A man in a short shirt said.

"What's the use of saying this? I heard that the Turks have crossed the Yellow River and reached the customs a few days ago."

"That's not the Li family, if it weren't for the entry of foreign enemies. How long do you think the Xia family and the 12th Serial Dock can last? As long as you appease the Turks and cut the land as king, you think they will have a few more years to jump.

"You can't say that. I heard that it has been rumored a lot recently. Do you know who the Turkic general is? With Xiao Ran, Xue Ling, the third of the three brothers, forced Xiao Ran to death. Do you think he will give up?

"Why did Xue Ling come together with the Turks again?"

"You don't know that this man is the prince lost in the war of the Turkic Khan. His mother, the wife of the Turkic Khan, later died in a rebellion. It can be said that the Turkic Khan can rely on the support of Xue Ling's mother tribe today. What's his status? Besides, the Turks were uneasy about the status quo and recuperated for more than ten years. They just used this as an excuse to send troops..." The young man with a sword realized.

"After the Dragon Mountain War, even the passive defense alliance led by the Xia family began to expand to other states and counties. The emperor had a headache. Does Xia Ruoyan know that she is famous now? If there is divine help, the troops will be sent to conquer several cities in the Tang Dynasty one after another, and they call her "Female Zhuge" behind their back.