come to the movie world

Chapter 19 Great Cleaning

"What! Catch me? You are mistaken. I'm Jack, the leader of the cleanup team. I'm a senior priest. No one can catch me without the priest's warrant. Looking at the judge coming towards him, Jack said as he stepped back.

Hearing Jack's words, the two judges came to Jack without hesitation and then put the shackles on Jack.

Looking at Jack, who was still threatening, the two judges wearing silver masks said at the same time, "Teaching Jack, come with us obediently. We have sufficient evidence that you are an emotional criminal, and you have collected a large number of disciplinary books and film and television materials at home. According to the church decree, you were convicted and arrested.

"I'm not convinced. I want to see the priest. None of these senior officials have taken Pacian. All this is just your excuse. I want to see the priest. Let go of me. I'm going to see the priest. As Jack struggled, a judge took out a syringe from his clothes and then tied it to Jack's arm.

Jack, who was injected with anesthetic, only felt that he was getting sleepy, but Jack knew that he could not sleep, otherwise he would be doomed after being taken back to the trial. Jack, who bit the tip of his tongue fiercely and raised his spirit, shouted to the onlookers, "Go and go to the priest and tell him that this is a conspiracy of the trial office. This is the knight's conspiracy to eradicate dissidents and ask the priest to come and save me."

"Take it away." With the words, Jack was escorted away by the judges. In the martial arts arena, there were a lot of puzzled new students left behind.

"Chris, what's going on here? Oh, my God! You are injured. Who did this? After a roar, Patrick came in and saw Christian on the ground and the blood stains in front of him.

Prick took good care of this new priest. Although Patrick has practiced gunfighting for so many years and is not as smart as Chris, who has just graduated, this does not hinder the friendship between the two. Although Pacian can suppress human emotions, Patrick still admires Chris very much, because in his heart, young Chris is more talented and can better serve the church.

"I'm fine, just some injuries." Christian, who was helped up by Patrick, looked at the two people in black who injured him and shook his head in the direction of leaving.

Pa Trigi helped Chris and walked in the direction of the infirmary. As he walked, he asked, "Who hurt you? Did an old student come to trouble you? I knew that those people couldn't tolerate you as a genius at all. They were afraid that you would be appreciated by the church and that you would take their place. These jealous bastards.

Chris wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and denied, "No, no, although those old students are powerful, few of them are my opponents. This time, two men in black with silver masks were injured, and they also captured the leader of the clean-up team.

Patrid listened and said doubtfully, "The man in black! Still wearing a mask? Then who are they? I have been in the church for more than ten years, but I have never seen a priest in black and mask in the church. However, judging from their behavior of daring to arrest Jack's senior priest, their identity must be unusual. You should know that Jack's status in the church can enter the top five, and Jack's priest is in charge of all the anti-up teams, which is tens of thousands of troops.

Chris nodded, "I heard them say that they are all from the judgment house. Have you heard of the judgment house?"

"No, I've never heard of such an organization in the church." Patreggie said regretfully.

"I haven't heard it! By the way, when the priest Jack was arrested, he said that it was a knight's conspiracy. It was the knight who ordered these men in black to arrest him, and the knight dared to arrest Jack directly, so his identity could only be higher than Jack, and I have never heard anyone else say about this knight. Patriji, do you know this knight?

What! Patridge stopped and looked at Christian. "You said knight, are you sure that the Jack priest is talking about knights, not anything else."

Chris replied firmly, "I'm sure that the knight was the last thing that Jack said after being injected with anesthetic by them. And when he was taken away, his expression was ferocious and even a little afraid. Obviously, he didn't want to see this knight.

P Tracy took a deep breath and stood like this. After a while, he said to Christian, "Chris, I know this knight, and I have seen him with my own eyes. Because he decided that I can become a Guladman priest now, but since then, I have never heard of the knight, and I have even thought that he, like several other senior officials, has returned to heaven.

Thinking about the memory in his mind, Patrick continued, "I don't know who this knight is, but I know that the first priests who learned gunfighting were taught by him, not the current Vice Chairman Du Peng. And he is also known as the king of gunfighting. According to the words of the first few students, the gunfighting skills we learned were invented by him.

"When I saw him 13 years ago, he was testing the power of gunfighting. As a result, because of my good performance, I was selected by him from the clearance team and assigned to the gunfighting training camp.

"Although I don't know what he has been doing over the years, I can clearly tell you that this knight is the guardian knight of the priest and ranks second in the high level of the church, even higher than the current gunfighting trainer, vice chairman of the Libyan government, and senior priest Du Peng. The existence of the church is second only to priests.

Christian couldn't help narrowing his eyes after hearing Patridge's words. Because I am well aware of the power of gunfighting, and today's two people with silver masks are likely to be the first batch of gunfighting practitioners who have long disappeared in the church.

And from Jack's words, he can be sure that these people are all subordinates called knights. Trial house, trial house. According to the meaning of these three words, this organization must not be a peaceful organization, otherwise it would not be named after the word trial.

In this way, with the help of Patriji, Christian walked to the infirmary with difficulty, because Christian knew that he was seriously injured, and the two masked men were really strong, especially their cooperation. Knight, judgment house, masked judge in black. These three names were deeply remembered by Chris.

His fingers moved slightly, and Jack slowly woke up. When Jack was completely awake, he did not immediately call for help, because Jack did not know whether it would bring him a greater crisis. He slightly opened his eyes and Jack carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

However, Jack was shocked by this shot. I saw more than a dozen crosses erected in a small house, and the people on these dozens of crosses were eight high-level officials in the church, but the original senior priests were tied to them one by one, and it seemed that they were brought to the trial just like themselves.

When Jack saw this, he couldn't help thinking about whether there was a big change in the church. Otherwise, even the judgment house can't arrest so many senior priests behind the back of the priest. You should know that the senior priests are not a joke. These people all represent leaders on one side.

Looking at Bruce closest to him, Jack couldn't help calling Bruce's name softly. Bruce, Bruce, I'm Jack! Wake up, wake up.

With Jack's call, Bruce didn't respond. Seeing that his call was invalid, Jack could only accept his fate and not struggle.

With the sound of opening the door, Jack, who had given up, immediately raised his head. At this time, Jack how much he wanted this man to save himself! But when Jack saw the black clothes and masks on the people who came in, Jack laughed at himself.

After the judge in black looked at Jack, he came to several other bound senior priests and then injected injections on everyone's body.

"What did you inject them? Who asked you to do this?" Seeing the person who was injected, he couldn't help convulsing slightly. Jack shouted, "I want to see the priest Qin Hui and let me go immediately. I'm a priest loyal to Father Guldman. You can't do this to me. Stop, stop. What are you going to do?"

With Jack's nonsense, the judge came directly to him, and then stuck a tube of injections into him under Jack's struggle. Jack felt that he was exhausted, and this feeling was stronger than the previous anesthetic.

In the trial office and Qin Hui's office, Qin Hui is listening to the report of his subordinates. Your Honor, the execution has been completed, and the eight priests walked peacefully and decently. They were not embarrassed. Except for Reverend Jack, all the others returned to heaven in their sleep.

Qin Hui stopped writing and replied. Good, put the eight priests into the crystal coffin and let them guard the priest forever.

After saying that, Qin Hui thought for a moment and said, "Since these priests have returned to heaven, there is no need for their best friends to exist. Go and kill them all, but remember, don't make too much action and don't reveal your identity."

"Yes, sir." The judge answered resolutely, then saluted Qin Hui and turned away.

When the judge with a silver mask bowed and left, Qin Hui contacted Du Peng, "Hey, Master Du Peng, I have solved everything here. Now you immediately take over the high-level subordinates, and first to appease the anti-up team, we must not let the army mess up."

Du Peng, who was reviewing the document, stood up after hearing Qin Hui's words, and then said excitedly, "It's all solved!" OK, OK, OK, OK." After saying four good words in a row, Du Peng realized it.

"What! Qin, you executed them directly!!! Oh my God!!! Qin, they are not rebels but the senior officials of the church. How can you do this! Why don't you tell me before you act? We have to explain such a big thing to the people.

Qin Hui directly denied Jack's words, "The soldiers are fast, this is a religious trial, not a court. Du Peng, you should remember that the reason why we caught them off guard is that they haven't received the news of the priest's return. Otherwise, it will definitely not be so simple. As for the explanation to the people, it is not the responsibility of our trial.

Du, Du, Du. With the busy sound of the phone, Du Peng narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Hui, who hung up the phone, sat in his seat again. After taking a sip of red wine on the table, Qin Hui picked up the documents at the desk. The document picked up by Qin Hui has countless names and photos, and they all have one thing in common, that is, all of them are called Pearson.

"Pearston! Pearson, you bug, you know, I've been looking for you for 13 years. Thirteen years. After drinking the red wine on the table, Qin Hui dropped the glass on the ground fiercely. With the sound of the cup breaking, two judges wearing silver masks rushed in.

"Get out," Qin Hui roared angrily as he looked at the two judges who came in directly.

"Yes, sir." The two judges looked at each other and said with one voice.