come to the movie world

Chapter 29 Chaos

In the conference room, when Du Peng was about to explain, Qin Hui suddenly became silent, because at this time, Qin Hui received a report from his subordinates through headphones and learned that he had damaged two generals. Qin Hui lowered her head and put her hands around her chest. She walked to the swivel chair that originally belonged to Du Peng. Qin Hui, sitting on the chair, took down the mask on her face and put it aside and closed her eyes.

Seeing Qin Hui's expression and the coveted judges, Peston held the pistol tightly in his hand.

A judge closest to Qin Hui saw Qin Hui's expression and asked doubtfully, sir, what's wrong with you?

Looking at the people around him, Qin Hui gently clapped the table with his fingers and said painfully. Just now, the cowboy and the major had returned to heaven.

The judge was shocked and couldn't help asking, sir, is there something wrong? Otherwise, with the strength of the two of them, how can they die so easily?

Qin Hui raised one hand and stopped. The judge said, "It's fate like this, what can we do! After saying this, Qin Hui looked up at Peston below, and at this time, Peston also looked up and looked at him.

Looking at Pston's eyes with doubts, Qin Hui nodded to him and asked the priest, today I will tell you everything you want to know, but before that, I want you to put down the gun, because we need to talk slowly next.

Pston looked up at Qin Hui sitting in a high position, then withdrew the gun into his sleeve and asked, "The only thing I want now is to see Mary, because I want to ask her face to why.

, very good, Qin Hui, who said this, put her hands on her head and preached slowly. In the year when I promoted Patrick, I noticed Mary beside Patrick, who had just married Pearson and was very young. You should know that various external factors can cause great mental stress to people. And young people often can't adapt. So at this time, we absorbed Mary into the judgment house and became a priest and subordinates directly to me before Patrick. So all this is arranged in order to lead the snake out of the hole in the future.

Pston stared at Qin Hui with a blank face and said firmly, where is she now? I want to see her with my own eyes.

, yes, Qin Hui answered and looked at the judge beside him.

Feeling Qin Hui's eyes, one of the judges took off the mask on his face and said with a smile to the frosty Peston, ha, Patrick's friend, we met again. But I have a question to ask you, because I want to know if Jeegan really gave you the answer you want.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Beston did not dare to connect her with the woman who was desperate with him that day, but at this time, Pearson had understood why he had come to this point. Because I underestimated this woman, I should know that there are infinite changes in emotions, and there is one of these changes called ambition.

Looking at the masked man in black in front of him, he felt the ridicule from Mary's eyes and Du Peng's joy. Pearson took a deep breath.

Looking at the decline on Peston's face, Qin Hui seriously asked, how do you feel now? The loyal priest Peston, tell me what you think.

Qin Hui looked at Pearson's face playfully, then turned his back to the screen behind him and pressed the remote control on the table.

,, choo, choo, with the sound of the remote control, a swaying picture came from the big screen behind him. There are countless figures and vehicles on the picture, and the first one is a heavy tank. Pearson looked at the tank in front of him and lowered his head unbearablely. Because there was a man hanging on the barrel of the tank that hit the head in the picture, and that man was Gigan who gave his dream. In the picture, Gigan, wearing the blue Zhongshan suit that has never changed before, is constantly swinging like a clock, centered on the rope around his neck as the tank advances.

Looking at the gun barrel on the wall that flashed with fire from time to time, and the rebels in the basket. Peston bit his lower lip and kept shaking his head.

, it hurts! Qin Hui looked at Peston below and admonished him. Remember, priest Peston, this is a war, and never pity your opponent in the war, because this is unfair to your soldiers.

With the rebels in the picture and those innocent victims, Peston shook his head and said, no. This is not a war, but a massacre. It is an inhuman order issued by an inhuman officer.

, human nature!!! Qin Hui heard Peston's words and asked him seriously, what do you think you would do if Peston wanted you to be me?

Pston replied that I would integrate them into the church to work for me, instead of such endless killing.

Looking at the resolute Peston, Qin Hui was very disappointed, not only disappointed in Peston's idealism, but also disappointed in his paper talk.

Pston looked at Qin Hui's expression and asked puzzledly, was I wrong?

After hearing this, Qin Hui stood up from her seat excitedly, then came to the side of the picture, pointed to the picture of a rebel above and said, "It's not wrong, it's a big mistake. Look at the eyes of these people, hatred, madness, stubbornness and bloodthirsty. There are many rebels like this. If they go to the city, the harm will be more than 100 times as much as they are now.

Pston looked at the rebel who was shot on the screen and kept shooting with machine guns, and asked Qin Hui, what do you want to do!

Qin Hui turned around and stretched out a finger. One word, that is, killing is not enough to accumulate power, and no power is not enough to govern the country. Only by killing the blood of these people and the illusion of killing these people will we usher in peace and prosperity for the church. So only when they tremble when they hear the word Jehovah is the day when these people return. Before that, I firmly believed that it would be better to kill 3,000 by mistake than let one go. These people are alive, and none of us can be sure who are the hidden stubborn elements, but as long as we kill all these people, the world will be peaceful.

Pston shook his head and said, killing is just a word, but have you ever thought that the cruel rule, the cold-blooded adjudator, and the pasian decree that wore on humanity, all these things will stop progress and slowly lead to extinction.

No, Qin Hui slowed down and said with a new smile that we are making progress, and it is a big step forward. We are now developing a new device. This device will be made to look like a watch and put on people's hands. And this device will have a unique performance, which is to scan the brain cell fluctuations of the human body, so as to inject a small amount of pasian when people's emotions are about to get out of control.

So once this tool is interviewed, people will enjoy their emotions again without worrying about being dominated by anger, greed and desire. Become a new human being unaffected by emotions. And the world will also be changed into a peaceful world.

Listening to the grand blueprint in his ear, Pearson asked in disbelief, why did you give me these?

Qin Hui smiled strangely and then said, because I want you to take this news and go to the world that belongs to the dead to tell the priest. I have completed his and the will of the church without reservation, and now I am about to complete the task that belongs to me.

After saying this, Qin Hui didn't wait for Peston's answer, and sent him to the priest with an indifferent order from the judge next to him.

Hearing this, the two judges closest to Qin Hui said with one voice, yes, sir.

With the answer, the two judges turned from both sides and walked down the steps. Peston, hey, we met again. Goodbye! After avoiding Qin Hui's position, the two said as they walked.

It's you! Pearson, who heard the sound, returned with his fist in a low voice.

The two people who heard this looked at each other and replied with one voice, "Yes, our two brothers, Peston, we heard that you have improved a lot! So we can have fun again this time.