come to the movie world

Chapter 123 Flat

Qin Hui turned her head and looked at Yan Chixia, who had taken action repeatedly, and thought fiercely in her heart, "Damnly, you are still so fierce with your own blood, and you are not afraid of losing too much blood. You have to go first!"

Yan Chixia's * is guided by her own blood to attract the thunder between heaven and earth in the palm of her hand to kill the enemy. Therefore, although this method of using its own blood as an introduction is extremely strong, it has many other drawbacks.

"Golden Sword, go." Looking at Qin Hui's ghost-like body, Yan Chixia pinched the method in her hand and pointed in the direction of Qin Hui.

For the flying golden sword, Qin Hui waved his sword without thinking.

"Ding!" With the crisp impact sound, after hitting Yan Chixia's golden sword, Qin Hui's eyes suddenly flashed a direct golden light. With the amazing speed of Jin Guang, Qin Hui, who couldn't dodge, narrowed his eyes, took a fierce bite, and bit directly on Jin Guang.

"No, it's two!" The two golden lights formed a straight line with each other and shot at Qin Hui's head. In Qin Hui's position, the back one was not found in this blind area. Looking at the second golden light that followed, Qin Hui had to urgently measure her body slightly and let the golden light running to her head shoot on her shoulder.

"Um" With a muffled hum, Qin Hui opened her mouth and spit out a golden needle from her mouth. After spitting out the golden needle in her mouth, Qin Hui looked at the golden needle shot into her shoulder and slowly pulled it out.

"Hmm." With a cold hum, the golden needle was pulled out by Qin Hui. After the golden needle was removed, Qin Hui's shoulder also quickly gushed out with blood and became wet and red.

Qin Hui looked at the golden needle stained with blood and sneered at Yan Chixia, "Yan Chixia, fortunately you are not an assassin and do not have the habit of applying poison on the hidden weapon. Otherwise, after being shot by your hidden weapon, I will really have to work harder!"

Yan Chixia looked at Qin Hui with anger on her face and answered without thinking about it; "Farm! You don't even look at who Yan Chixia is. How can I smear poison!"

"hehe." Qin Hui smiled and snorted coldly.

"Return it to you." Qin Hui looked at Yan Chixia with a righteous face and couldn't help getting angry. Then she threw the golden needle in her hand directly back to Yan Chixia.

"Where to throw it!" Yan Chixia looked at the golden needle that shot directly into her feet and said strangely to Qin Hui.

Qin Hui, who has never learned the hidden weapon, is not accurate at all. His action just now is just a little vent in his anger. Therefore, Qin Hui did not answer Yan Chixia's words, but looked at her hand and took out the pistol hidden in her clothes.

Gunfighting is Qin Hui's old-fashioned method, but with the development of the film, this kind of gunfighting, which was originally regarded as the trump card by Qin Hui, is increasingly unable to keep up with Qin Hui's development. Among other things, this pistol from the torn doomsday is not only limited in power for Qin Hui now, but also has no effect on those demons without key points, not to mention those ghosts without bodies.

However, although this pistol is useless for demons, it still has some effect on human beings after Qin Hui's ballistic modification and geometric acceleration.

Qin Hui held a pistol in his empty hand and a seven-star sword in his hand with boxing gloves. Qin Hui, who was fully armed, did not say anything, but rushed directly to Yan Chixia.

"Ding, Ding, Ding. Bang, bang." Qin Hui, who had a shot in his hand, would change the position of his body with each attack of two swords and pull the trigger at Yan Chixia at a strange angle.

In this way, as the two fought longer and longer, Yan Chixia couldn't help but be annoyed by Qin Hui's playing style.

"Bang... Ding.. With a gunshot, Yan Chixia indifferently blocked Qin Hui's bullet with her sword body.

"This hidden weapon is so powerful!" Yan Chixia looked at the slightly trembling sword body and said in surprise.

"Hmm!" Qin Hui looked at the power of the bullet and the slightly raised golden sword, and snorted coldly. Then the sword in his hand rushed forward repeatedly.

"Bum, bang." With two shots, Qin Hui looked at Yan Chixia, who was in a hurry, directly scratched her sword and rubbed the tip of her sword on his arm.

"The universe borrows the law." The injured Yan Chixia pushed out directly with one palm and hit Qin Hui. Qin Hui, who saw this, also moved his hand, withdrew the pistol back into his clothes, and then punched it.

"Boom..." With the explosion, Qin Hui and Yan Chixia retreated a few steps and confronted each other.

"Hahaha, ha ha ha!" Qin Hui and Yan Chixia looked at each other for a while, and then they laughed.

After laughing for a while, Qin Hui looked at Yan Chixia with a heroic face and nodded and said, "The combination of martial arts and Buddhism is united!" Yan Daxia is really good at it! I really admire you!"

"Haha, Lord Qin really flattered me. How can I go to that elegant hall with this little trick!" After listening to Qin Hui's words, Yan Chixia said modestly.

Seeing that the two stopped and were scared to grow his mouth, Master Zhao quickly took Wang's head and ran out with those yamen in the hall.

"Your excellency, are you all right?" Master Zhao trotted a few steps, and then looked at Qin Hui's chest with a worried face, but it was hard to say whether it was true or false.

Master Zhao looked at Qin Hui's blood-pierized clothes and shouted with the government officials behind him, "What are you still doing?" Didn't you see that the adult was injured? Go and get the medicine! Die here and wait for the payment!"

"Oh, yes, it's an adult." The servist looked at Wang's head, who was a little unhappy because his men were reprimanded, and then bowed his head and left.

Looking at the surrounding vassals, Yan Chixia wrapped the wound on her arm and asked Qin Hui, "Lord Qin, since we have finished fighting, can I take this Ning Caichen away?"

Qin Hui listened, smiled, and then said, "Since you like it, take it away, but I have something to tell you in advance, so as not to hurt our harmony in the future."

"Oh!" Yan Chixia looked at Qin Hui without approval and wanted to know what was going on, and she would be so favored by Qin Hui. From the hand of the match just now, Yan Chixia already knows the strength of the two, but in fact, it is almost the same. Moreover, from the opportunity and words of Qin Hui's action, in Yan Chixia's heart, Qin Hui should be a martial arts idiot, and there is little to care about.

"Ha ha, in fact, it's not a big deal, it's just a wild ghost." Qin Hui said with a smile.

"Female ghost! Is there a female ghost in Lanruo Temple? Yan Chixia's mind ran fast, thinking about the meaning of Qin Hui's words.

Qin Hui thought about Nie Xiaoqian, who was favored by the old demon of Montenegro in the movie, and planned to marry her this time to complete her task. Thinking of Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen, who fell in love in the movie, Qin Hui was actually in his heart and was very disdainful of their love.

Ning Caichen in the movie finally brought Nie Xiaoqian's ashes back to Tsinghua County for burial and reincarnated him. And this ending is completely intolerable for Qin Hui. In Qin Hui's view, if he is Ning Caichen, Qin Hui would rather choose not to return to the world forever, fall into the city forever, and will not choose to separate, thinking that this is Qin Hui's view of love. Therefore, Qin Hui was very disdainful of this Ning Caichen and even a little disgusted.

"Well, it's a female ghost named Nie Xiaoqian. This female ghost likes to wear white clothes with a silver copper bell tied to her feet. Yan hero, this female ghost is of great use. I hope you will show mercy and don't hurt her life when you get rid of demons. Qin Hui said with a smile to Yan Chixia.

"Nie Xiaoqian!" Yan Chixia said the name and saw the flickering cold light in Qin Hui's eyes. After looking at Qin Hui's appearance, Yan Chixia nodded and said, "No problem. As long as she doesn't hurt others in the future, I will definitely let her go."

"Then thank you first." Qin Hui said and let the two government officials lift out the unconscious Ning Caichen and hand him over to Yan Chixia's hands.

Yan Chixia looked at Qin Hui, who had not checked her injury at all, and nodded and said, "Unfortunately, I have long been tired of the world and ignored all kinds of disputes in the world, otherwise I really hope to make friends with people like you." After saying this, Yan Chixia took Ning Caichen in her hand and said goodbye to Qin Hui, "Lord Qin, Yan said goodbye first. However, your strength is extraordinary. I really hope you can use your strength to keep a peaceful place in this demon-domitable world.

Looking at the direction of Yan Chixia's disappearance, Qin Hui straightened her official hat and whispered to herself, "Ha ha, although I am cruel and unconventional. But I will never shirk my responsibilities, so since I am a county magistrate this time, I will protect the peace of one party.

"Your excellency, the golden sore medicine is coming." Just as Qin Hui was meditating, a yamen ran up with a wooden plate, and in the wooden plate were two bottles of golden sore medicine with their names written on it.

Qin Hui looked at the medicine on the wooden plate and tore away his government.

"Wh...!" Master Zhao and others took a cold breath after seeing Qin Hui's wound.

"Your excellency, your injury is about to heal!" Master Zhao looked at Qin Hui's wound and said in disbelief.

Qin Hui poured out a little wound medicine, and then attached it to the wound that was about to heal and said, "My body is like steel. If it hadn't been for the mana on the golden needle, how could the ordinary sword hurt me!" After saying that, Qin Hui walked into the lobby and preached as she walked, "Don't make such a fuss in the future. Now that the world is not peaceful, how much can you be? As your master, if I don't even have this means, what else can I do?"

"Hey, what the master said, that's what he said!" Wang Catcher listened and said with a smile while looking at Qin Hui's departure voice. After saying this, Wang's head looked at Master Zhao beside him, patted his chest and laughed, "Master Zhao, you are just a scholar and don't know the strength of the sword. I'll tell you that there are many ways to walk in the world. It would be too humiliating for you to follow Master Qin, who is wise and martial arts, if you still make such a fuss all day!"

As soon as Master Zhao heard this, he immediately shouted at Wang's head and asked, "The surname is Wang, you actually said that I was a fus! Say, what do you mean by that!"

What do you mean! Hey hey, remind you!" Wang said and left with a smile.

Master Zhao watched Wang's head stride away and said gloomily, "Wang, you want to step on my head!" You have such a big appetite that you are not afraid to kill yourself!" After saying this, Master Zhao stood still for a while, and then turned around and disappeared into the night.