come to the movie world

Chapter 127 What is Love

"Hmm, brag! Even your Dharma world has been broken by me. Even if you come again, it's just a dead end. Yan Chixia looked at the missing tree grandma and said disdainfully.

"Ah! Caichen...!" Just when everyone thought that Grandma had run away, with Nie Xiaoqian's exclamation, two tree roots poked out from the ground and pulled Nie Xiaoqian directly into the hole.

"Xiaoqian! Xiaoqian!" Looking at the tree hole where Nie Xiaoqian disappeared, Ning Caichen got up and jumped into the hole after shouting loudly.

"You don't want to die! We don't know where this cave leads. Go down and find death!" Yan Chixia, who grabbed Ning Caichen in his hand, said to Ning Caichen, who was struggling in his hand.

Ning Caichen slapped Yan Chixia's hand and cried and begged, "I don't care. I must be with Xiaoqian. You can be the Yan hero. Let me go down there to find her. I will never give up on her."

Looking at Ning Caichen with an infatuated face, Qin Hui shook his head and smiled, "Ning Caichen, wake up!" You are just a scholar with no power, and Xiaoqian will get married in a few days. You are just a powerless scholar. Even if you find her today, what can you do?

Looking at Ning Caichen, who fell into a dull state with his words, Qin Hui showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and then jumped a few times and disappeared from the sight of Yan Chixia.

Ning Caichen looked at the closed hole in a daze and said to himself, "I can't live without Xiaoqian, I can't live without Xiaoqian!"

Looking at Ning Caichen's appearance, Yan Chixia couldn't help shaking her head with sighing and sighed, "I've been practicing all my life, and it's the first time I've seen people and ghosts fall in love!" You are really evil!"

Listening to the sigh of Yan Chixia in his ear, Ning Caichen woke up like a dream. Then he grabbed Yan Chixia's foot and kept kowtowed at his feet and said, "Yan Hero, please go and save Xiaoqian. She was forced by the tree demon. You can't die!" I beg you."

Yan Chixia looked at Ning Caichen, who kept kowtodding, and said, "Help! What do you want me to save! The tree demon took Xiaoqian to hell, but I think you still have a dead heart.

Ning Caichen listened to Yan Chixia's words and kept stombling on the ground and begged repeatedly, "Yan, I beg you, please accompany me to the hell to save Xiaoqian!"

Yan Chixia kicked away Ning Caichen's hand and scolded him; "What a nonsense! There are people in the world, and ghosts have ghosts. This world of yin and yang can't come back. If you want to die, I won't accompany you.

"Yan Chixia, I thought you were a loving hero, but it's a pity that I didn't know I misread you until today." With the words, Ning Caichen stood up from the ground angrily after seeing that Yan Chixia refused to help.

"Beard, you are so ruthless that you deserve to be a stinky Taoist priest all your life. You deserve to live in such a damn place as Lanruo Temple all your life. Don't worry about it. I'll find someone else to help. The power of love is endless. I don't believe that without you as a coward, I can't go to hell to save Xiaoqian back!" With the angry roar, Ning Caichen ran desperately into the distance and disappeared from Yan Chixia's sight for a while.

Looking at the direction of Ning Caichen's disappearance, Yan Chixia shouted, "If I were a coward, I wouldn't have come here to eliminate demons. What do you poor scholar know!" Is the hell so easy to break through? If you want to send yourself to death, I won't accompany you!"

After saying that, Yan Chixia stood still with her sword and panting.

"Love, I pooh! What's good about that thing? It only harms others and itself. What is stronger than Jin Jian? Is it stronger than the sword in my hand? You have only met Xiaoqian a few times, and how much do you know her? A poor scholar full of fantasy has achieved nothing and is not a pity to die. Yan Chixia cursed loudly. After scolding, he angrily withdrew the sword to the sword box and then walked to Lanruo Temple.

Yan Chixia hurriedly walked back, but Ning Caichen's words in her mind could not dissipate.

As she walked faster and faster, Yan Chixia, who was more and more confused, pulled out the demon-killing sword, and then asked it loudly, "Sword, sword, can you tell me what I love? What is love? Why don't I understand? I don't understand?"

"Kka..!" With a thunderbolt, it rained heavily in the sky.

Yan Chixia looked at the sword in her hand and let the rain drip on her body without notice at all.

One noon two days later, at the morning market in Guobei County. With the hurried pedestrian, a young man in golden armor suddenly flew over people's heads, and then grabbed a long thief-browed pedestrian in his hand.

Brother, I heard that your family is haunted! How about you give me fifteen taels of silver and I'll kill him for you? After catching the man, the young man said with an attentive face.

"You are sick! There are ghosts in your family!" The man looked at the young man in gold armor and said unhappily.

The young man heard it and laughed, "How can I be sick!" I just heard it on the street that they have a bad gambler in your house! Don't be afraid. My name is Yiye Zhiqiu. I'm a mage. As long as you pay, I promise to kill him for you.

"Bad gambler!" After hearing Yiye Zhiqiu's words, the man looked down at the dice he was holding in his hand, and then said to Yiye Zhiqiu like a fly: "I want to take my money to kill me!" I think you are really sick!"

"What! Are you the bad gambler?" Yiye Zhiqiu, who had been practicing on the mountain, didn't know the meaning of a bad gambler at all, so after hearing the ghost word, he hurried here. And the reason why he is so eager to collect money to catch ghosts is that he hasn't eaten for several days.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" The bad gambler pushed away a leaf of Zhiqiu and then disappeared into the crowd.

"Alas! In this world, business is really not easy to do! My master also said that people like us never worry about eating and drinking. I think this is right!" Yiye Zhiqiu complained, and then touched his stomach and sat on the edge of a corner of the wall.

Sitting behind the wall, Yiye Zhiqiu found himself next to him, and there was a man who was sleeping heavily.

Looking at the wine bottle in this person's hand, Yiye Zhiqiu shook his head and said, "Well, I know that you are an alcoholic."

"Wine, my wine, my wine!" With Yiye Zhiqiu's words, the drunkard who was woken up groped randomly on the ground with his hands.

"My wine!" The drunkard who caught the bottle laughed for a while, then raised the bottle and took a few sips into his mouth.

Looking at the drunkard around him, Yiye Zhiqiu, after hesitating for a while, suddenly grabbed him and shouted happily, "You are Ning Caichen!" How did you become like this? I didn't dare to recognize you!"

Who are you? How could I know my name?" Ning Caichen, who was hairy and tired, looked at the man in front of him and asked in a daze.

Yiye Zhiqiu shook Ning Caichen's shoulder and said happily, "I'm Yiye Zhiqiu!" You forgot that I took action with the county magistrate here that day, and it turned out that you rescued me from this vegetable market! When we finally parted, you also gave me a steamed bun!"

After saying this, Yiye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Caichen, who was still a little confused, and asked eagerly, "Do you still have steamed buns on you? If there is, you can give me another one. I haven't eaten for days.

"Eat! Let's go and drink with me." Ning Caichen said, struggled to stand up and took Yiye Zhiqiu to the restaurant.

"Why is it you again! As I said, we don't givers, you'd better go quickly!" The hotel clerk looked at Yiye Zhiqiu who entered the door and waved quickly and said.

"I'm not here to beg for food this time. Someone invited me to drink. If you don't believe it, look at him." Yiye Zhiqiu said and patted Ning Caichen leaning against him.

"Wine, I want to drink!" After hearing the words of wine, Ning Caichen took out a few pieces of silver from his body and threw them on the ground.

"Yes, yes. The wine and dishes will arrive in a few bit. The two masters will invite you inside. Xiao Er quickly picked up the silver on the ground and then replied with a smile.

"I want to drink, I want to drink!" Ning Caichen staggered in the chair, and after saying a few words, he fell down on the table and fell asleep.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!" Yiye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Caichen, who was asleep, shook his head and said, "I don't know how you made it like this!"

"Your guest, your wine and dishes." With the words, the shopkeeper came up with two pots of wine and a plate of sauced beef.

"Wow!" Yiye Zhiqiu looked at the wine and vegetables placed in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and ate them with both hands.

"Before my master came out, he set three rules for me. First, I can't steal, second, second, I can't rob, third, I can't cheat. I can only live on my own hands. As a result, catching up with this troubled world, it makes me even become a problem to eat!"

After drinking and eating, Yiye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Caichen who was still sleeping and sighed, "You saved me twice in a row. I really don't know when I can pay it back!"

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian, don't leave me, don't leave me!" With this, Ning Caichen, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, and then gasped and looked around.

"You are awake! You can really sleep. I've been here all day!" Yiye Zhiqiu said and looked out of the window at the sun that was about to set.

"Where is this?" Ning Caichen looked at Ye Zhiqiu in front of him and asked confusedly.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Caichen and said, "This is the guest room of the restaurant. I saw you fall on the roadside at noon, and then I brought you here as you wanted."

" By the way, I heard that you have been calling Xiaoqian's name. Who is that Xiaoqian? Is it your wife?"

"Xiaoqian!" Ning Caichen said a few words, and then suddenly grabbed Ye Zhiqiu's hand and begged, "Zhiqiu, I know you can spell. I beg you, please help me save Xiaoqian. Xiaoqian was caught in the hell by the old black demon, and I will never see her again!"

"What else are you talking about! Who was taken away? Make it clear!" Yiye Zhiqiu listened to Ning Caichen's words and quickly asked.

Ning Caichen listened, took a deep breath, and then told Yiye Zhiqiu everything.