come to the movie world

Chapter 172 Entering the World of the Hulk

With the progress of the times, how to reduce soldiers' casualties and improve their ability to fight alone is a topic that governments cannot ignore. As the only superpower in the world, it has put a lot of effort into this research. From the end of the second world, the mild state put the idea of developing individual combat on the agenda and intensified its research.

With continuous research, the military has targeted a new technology called gamma rays. With an accident, Bruce, a scientist directly irradiated by gamma rays. Banner did not die as people imagined, but became a huge monster. This green giant is brave and fearless, powerful, and extremely destructive. And we got a code name for him, the code name Hulk, Hulk.

Mission 1; obtain complete Hulk data so that scientists can replicate it again.

Mission 2; become one of the military leaders.

Mission III; perfect gamma rays to enable the implementation of the military's super soldier plan.

Note 1; for this mission, your identity is Meiguo*, the local police commander of Meiguo, General Ross. We have changed your appearance to General Ross. For the sake of your personal task, please don't act inconsistent with the original General Ross and strong combat effectiveness in people's eyes.

Note 2; This is a vast world, under the seemingly beautiful and calm world, but the tranquility before the storm is coming.

"General! Your Excellency General!" Just as Qin Hui closed her eyes and digested everything in her mind, a pleasant voice sounded in Qin Hui's ear. Hearing the call, Qin Hui opened her eyes and saw a beautiful woman in a short military uniform, smiling at herself.

In Qin Hui's mind, this beautiful woman is called Laura, who is her personal secretary and is responsible for her daily life. The general Ross he plays is a bachelor with his daughter alone. In Qin Hui's mind, General Ross is a well-known hard-line and authentic supporter of the military. And the only thing that makes him worry is his daughter Betty. However, the ambitious General Ross thought that as long as he had power, his daughter would be happy.

"It's Laura! What can I do for you?" Qin Hui closed his eyes again and asked in a low voice.

Looking at Qin Hui, the beautiful secretary put a document on the table and whispered, "This is the budget list sent to you by the military and the list of scientists. The super soldier plan you initiated has been approved."

"Oh!" After hearing this, Qin Hui suddenly opened her eyes and picked up the documents on the table.

With a look, Qin Hui found that there were more than a dozen scientists above, and the only one who could familiarize Qin Hui was a top scientist named Bruce Banner.

"Why is there no Betty's information on it?" Qin Hui put the information aside and asked in a low voice.

Betty is her daughter and Banner's girlfriend in the story. Although Qin Hui is not interested in this cheap daughter, the original plot is the gamma rays developed by her and Banner. However, there is no information or information about Betty in the information here.

"Betty!" Laura read it and looked at Qin Hui with a strange face.

"Betty, my daughter Betty, why isn't she in the research and development organization?" Qin Hui looked at the secretary's charming big eyes and asked word by word.

Feeling Qin Hui's eyes, Laura covered her mouth in surprise and shook her head repeatedly; "Oh! Oh my God! Although Betty is really a genius and she personally hopes to participate in this program, she is only 14 years old this year, and we can't treat her like this! General, I know you want Betty to be alone, but this super soldier plan is really great. Congress can't give such a great study to a child! I hope you can understand."

"Child! What's going on?" After hearing this, Qin Hui immediately thought about the information transmitted to her by the system.

Betty, the daughter of General Ross, a talented biologist and energy scientist, studied at Gaohua University at the age of 14 and is well-known internationally. And he is one of the most valued students of Dr. Banner of Gaohua University.

"What the hell!" Qin Hui recalled the information in her mind and felt that she had been deceived.

"Ding Ding..." Just as Qin Hui was secretly thinking about what would happen to the plot, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Hey! I'm Qin... I'm General Ross!" Qin Hui, who almost missed something, quickly said to remedy it.

"General, I am David who is responsible for secretly protecting Miss Betty. I have some bad and bad news for you now. I hope you can calm down after listening to it.

"Protect Betty!" After thinking about it, Qin Hui really couldn't think of anything bad and not good news.

"Tell me, I'm listening!" Qin Hui, who couldn't figure it out, said directly.

"It's such a general, your daughter brought his mentor Banner back to your home. The relationship between the two seems to be very good, but this kind of good relationship is somewhat beyond the scope of teachers and students. In addition, when you went to China to communicate with the bottle you hid under the bed, the century-old Maotai aging given to you by the Chinese Defense Minister was also given to Banner by your dear daughter, and the Banner also smoked your treasured cigar.

"A hundred years of Maotai!" Qin Hui was stunned when she heard it.

"Hey! Hello! General, are you listening? Hello!"

"Soldier, I order you to rush in immediately and take back my wine." Qin Hui roared loudly at the phone.

...... In General Ross's mansion.

"Mentor Banner, I found that my heart beat so fast after seeing you! If you don't believe it, touch it!" With the voice, a 1.6-meter tall, very cute Loli. While pulling a 30-year-old man's hand to his chest, he said with a bad smile.

Banner looked at the flat-breasted Lori in front of him and secretly swallowed his saliva, because it was too unbearable for him in his thirties without a wife.

"Many diseases are caused by some small inducements. The tutor is an experts in this field. Let me take a look at it for you."

Banner nervously wiped the sweat on his head, and then trembling and stretched out his hand to Lori.

Looking at Banner with a nervous face, a bad smile flashed in Betty's eyes, and the other hand was also taken out from behind. What Banner didn't see was that Betty's other hand was holding an electric shocker newly developed by the military.

"Zizi... Pa..." With a crisp sound, Banner, who was about to succeed, was directly blown out by the sparks ejected from the electric shocker.

"I... I knew it... Again... It's like this again!" Banner, who fell to the ground, twitched and said with difficulty. With these difficult words, two lines of tears slipped from Banner's eyes.

Looking at Banner's appearance, Betty took his arm and said softly, "Mentor, he hasn't grown up yet. How can you do it!" I have already said that I will be your girlfriend when I become an adult. You are so anxious every day, how can I rest assured! Look, as soon as I test you, you will be exposed!"

"It's numb, my whole body is numb! Don't guess the woman's mind, and you can't guess Lori's mind even more! I really want to go home. I miss my mother so much!" Banner twitched with tears in his heart, and then fell into darkness.

"Squeak..." With a rapid brake sound, a black command car suddenly stopped in front of a villa.

Just as the driver stabilized the car, a general in military uniform with three stars on his shoulder opened the door and jumped out of the car.

"General, General, be careful!" Looking at Qin Hui jumping down from the car, the two stood in front of the villa, and the sneaky people immediately greeted them with a smile, looking flattering.

"What are you doing standing stupidly outside? Why don't you rush in and take back my wine!" Looking at the two people who trotted towards her, Qin Hui said unhappily.

"Miss Betty flattened his tutor a few times, so we didn't rush in." Two guards in casual clothes said flatteringly.

"It's over! Humph!" Qin Hui snorted coldly and then opened the door.

With the opening of the door, Qin Hui saw her cheap daughter Betty at a glance. At this time, Betty was holding a man's hand and desperately pulling towards the sofa.

Although it was only the first time she saw this daughter, Qin Hui had to admit that Betty was really cute. 1.6 meters tall, and can only be faintly seen*. With a delicate face and the bad smile hidden in the big eyes, it is definitely the favorite of all the strange millet.

"Betty! What are you doing! Your father is a general. Do you know that it will humiliate me that you let a man in!" After recalling General Ross's style, Qin Hui shouted at Betty.

"Dad!" After hearing Qin Hui's roar, Betty lowered her head with tears in her eyes and released Banner's hand with an aggrieved face.

Looking at Betty with aggrieved face, Qin Hui suddenly felt that if she had a daughter, it would actually be quite good, at least to make her life more seasonings.

"Soldiers! Drag this old man out and beat him hard, as long as he lives. My daughter is only 14 years old. Doesn't he know that he is committing a crime?" Qin Hui kicked two feet on Banner's body and then shouted outside the door.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" The two soldiers who entered the door saluted Qin Hui, and then dragged out the coronated Banner.

After the soldiers dragged Banner out, only Qin Hui and Betty were left in the room. At this time, Betty sat on the sofa with tears in her eyes, bowed her head and looked pitiful.

Looking at Betty's appearance, Qin Hui took apart the Maotai wine on the table and took out a delicate bottle.

"Say it! What's going on! Your tutor, Banner, is 34 years old this year, and you are only 14 years old. With your high IQ, will you still make such a mistake?" Qin Hui said, unscrewing the lid of the liquor and smelling the wine.

Listening to Qin Hui's words, Betty looked at Qin Hui, who tasted a sip of wine with a happy face, with tears in her eyes and retorted loudly, "You go back to your military headquarters. You don't have to worry about my affairs. I will take care of myself."

Qin Hui looked at Betty with a fierce reaction, patted the mahogany table beside her, and said in a low voice, "I'm your father. I don't care about you. Can you live in such a big house and live an enviable life! Look at what you wear and use. Which of these things is not the best! When I was your age, I didn't even have enough to eat. I squatted on the roadside every day, just like a dog.

"I don't need it! I'm a genius, and I can support myself!" Betty said, grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it at Qin Hui.

Looking at Qin Hui, who grabbed the pillow, Betty jumped on the sofa and cried and said, "You know how to go to meetings every day and how to consolidate your rights!" When did you think about how I felt? I'm your daughter, but I can't see you several times a month. That's why you don't have the right to teach me a lesson!"

Qin Hui looked at Betty's appearance and thought about it in her heart. After the little by little bit of General Ross and Betty, she couldn't help scratching her head and thought to herself, "My good boy! No wonder he likes an uncle like Banner. This child lacks fatherly love!"