come to the movie world

Chapter 224 God King Odin

Accompanied by Hancock and the divine woman, Chirac walked to the podium in the center, where staff had already set up a temporary podium for him.

"Ladies and gentlemen from afar, welcome." President Chirac stood on the stage and said loudly to the legislators present.

With Chirac's words, the people in the audience put down their conversation and put their eyes on the podium.

"Mr. President, do you think it's true that you will show the Rubik's Cube of the universe and decide to accept the new defense minister?" Before Chirac could speak here, a charming congresswoman first asked.

Chirac, who was about to speak, stopped and then smiled at the congresswoman and said, "Beautiful lady, although I don't know how you got the news, I can tell you for sure that it's true."

With Chirac's affirmative answer, the underground congressmen immediately burst into discussion. Although these legislators had heard about the topic of this meeting, it was just gossip. President Chirac's affirmation has finally opened up this event.

In the conversation, the congresswoman stepped forward and asked coldly to President Chirac: "Mr. President, General Ross used to listen, and this time he handed over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the government because you promised the post of Secretary of Defense on behalf of the government in exchange for Ross. Do you have anything to say about the general's compromise and the return of the Rubik's Cube?

"Damn, what does he want to do! Who sent her!" Listening to the female senator's words, Qin Hui asked Laura as if to ask, as if to tell.

After hearing Qin Hui's words, Laura, Qin Hui's secretary and part-time intelligence gathering, whispered beside Qin Hui: "General, this congresswoman's name is Luna, and she is a bachelor. And she has always been neutral. In her subordinates' information, she has not heard anything about her joining other factions. I think it should be her personal opinion.

"The current situation is close to clear, and no one told her why she said so! Doesn't she have a brain?" Qin Hui looked at the congresswoman who was still questioning Chirac and couldn't figure out the reason why she did this. You should know that this compromise is the result of several important members' discussions together. So this Senator Luna's interference will only bring her the dissatisfaction of Chirac and the legislators, not interests.

"Madam, please calm down. Every decision of the government is from the perspective of the people. There will never be any individual or group that can affect the fairness of the government in a private nature." Chirac is also a little confused about Senator Luna's words.

Many words are not suitable for speaking outside, especially to let these parliamentarians who are irrelevant and idle all day know. Although there are more than 500 legislators present this time, only a dozen can really influence the political situation and affect the government. As for other legislators, they are just invited to be a foil and audience.

As for Chirac's words, Luna, an insignificant congressman, did not buy it, but forced him to ask again like a senseless fighter: "Mr. President, now it is rumored that you and several other legislators have promised General Ross, a war criminal, to become a ministerial seat in exchange for the cosmic Rubik's Cube. Don't you and several other important legislators want to say something about this hasty decision?

Listening to Senator Luna's outspoken words, other legislators also held wine glasses and looked at President Chirac and other important legislators with interest.

Chirac's eyes swept over several legislators behind him, and he saw that Rhodes and Kruger's eyes were also full of doubts.

Looking at several people looking confused, Chirac was secretly relieved, because as long as the other important legislators were not behind their backs, Chirac was fearless.

"Madam, although I don't know why you are full of derogatory meaning for General Ross's appointment as Secretary of Defense, I can tell you very clearly that General Ross's strength and courage are the best candidates for the position of Secretary of Defense, and I personally believe that he can do this well."

After Chirac finished saying this, he gave a look at Hancock beside him. After seeing Chirac's signal, Hancock took a few steps forward, used superhuman speed, and pulled the congresswoman and disappeared in front of everyone without saying a word.

Looking at the stunned parliamentarians below, Chirac smiled and said, "This beautiful lady is a little excited. We should let her calm down before attending the meeting."

After solving Senator Luna, Chirac nodded to Qin Hui, who had been watching, and said, "I think everyone is also curious about the Rubik's Cube. General Ross, please bring the Rubik's Cube."

Put down the wine glass in her hand, Qin Hui picked up the suitcase and asked Wood and others to accompany Betty. She walked forward alone and came to Chirac's side.

"This is the Rubik's Cube of the universe!" Qin Hui put the suitcase on the podium carved with the American national emblem and opened the suitcase, revealing the Rubik's Cube with blue light inside.

"How beautiful! It's unbelievable!" The legislators around took two steps forward, surrounded the Rubik's Cube of the universe and widened their eyes.

There were more than 500 legislators present, and with their attendants and attendants at the banquet, thousands of people were surrounded at the scene. These people raised their necks and pointed their toes, all wanting to see the beauty of the Rubik's Cube of the universe.

"Show it to everyone!" Chirac looked at the crowded scene and whispered to the magic woman behind him.

The magic girl wore a sexy skirt and held the Rubik's Cube in her hand and went to the crowd. Along the way, the legislators looked at the Rubik's Cube displayed and turned a blind eye to the long thighs of feminine power.

Looking at the eyes of the legislators being attracted by the Rubik's Cube, Chirac asked Qin Hui beside him with an unchanged look: "General, I heard that you were assassinated on the road. Are you all right?"

Qin Hui smiled disdainfully and said without raising his head, "It's all small feet, but it's not mine. However, Mr. President should pay attention to the fact that this Rubik's Cube is a treasure, and the treasure will always attract hungry wolves to peep.

"Peep! It's a good thing when someone peeks at it!" Chirac said carelessly.

"This thing is very tricky. I'm afraid that your two bodyguards alone can't keep it." Qin Hui stared at the legislators under the scene, as if warning or as admonishment.

"Kho!" Just as Qin Hui was talking to Chirac, with a thunder and lightning, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the clear sky, and then a colorful column of light was projected in the clouds.

"What is it!" Looking at the rainbow-like beam of light projected in the sky, everyone found that the position of the beam was the center of the banquet.

"Protect the general!" Laura shouted, and Wood and Victor escorted Betty and immediately rushed to Qin Hui's side. At the same time, several other important parliamentarians were also protected by their respective masters.

Qin Hui took Betty's hand and stood beside Wood, Victor, Laura and Dr. Manhattan who suddenly appeared. Behind President Chirac stood the superman Hancock and the magic woman who returned in an instant. Behind Rhodes were the principals of four magic colleges who took off their hoods, and Harry Potter was also among them. Behind the chief of staff Yoth, Professor X pressed his eyebrows, while Magneto appeared four floating crescent-shaped flying knives around him. The two interstellar agents behind Military Commissioner Kruger took out two sci-fi pistols from their clothes.

"Kka!" A golden lightning flashed in the sky, and at the same time, an old man in golden armor and holding a scepter appeared in the colorful beam of light. The old man has white hair, ** is a unicorn, and on his majestic face, he wears a golden blindfold.

"Rainbow Bridge, God King Odin!" Looking at the old man who appeared in the colorful pillar of light, Qin Hui's face flashed with a sad and happy look.

"Odin! Is he Odin in mythology? Chirac looked at Qin Hui without believing and got Qin Hui's positive answer.

"If there is no other Odin, he will."

Odin looked down at the crowd in the air, and other people gradually appeared beside him. Among these people are Rocky, the descendant of the Frost Giant that Qin Hui has been looking for, the seven warriors of the gods in Nordic mythology, and Heimdal, who guards the Rainbow Bridge and is not under Odin in the movie.

The people of Odin, dressed in gold armor, stood in front of everyone with the disappearance of the rainbow bridge.

" mortals, you are really greedy. You not only want to take my treasure for yourself, but also imprison my son Thor! Are you trying to launch a war against the Divine Realm? Odin looked at the cosmic Rubik's Cube held in his arms by the divine woman and said calmly.

"Father, this is the man who imprisoned Thor and seriously injured me." Rocky pointed to Qin Hui with a smiling face, like a child who was bullied by his classmates and reported to the teacher.

"Wo!" With Loki's words, the people present looked at Qin Hui and jokingly at how Qin Hui wanted to solve it.

"You don't want to watch a play, do you? They are not here to travel!" For everyone's eyes, Qin Hui pointed to the cosmic Rubik's Cube protected by the divine power woman.

"Prepare to fight, gentlemen!" After hearing Qin Hui's words, Chirac looked at the cosmic Rubik's Cube and had no intention of handing over him at all.

"Fight! Do you want to be the enemy of God?" Odin, who was full of soft light, sat on a unicorn and said, "Hand over the Rubik's Cube and Thor. I don't want to embarrass you."

Qin Hui did not answer Odin's words, and the superheroes behind Chirac, Rhodes, Yoth and Kruger also took a step forward, reflecting everyone's position.

God's majesty must not be trampled on, so Odin's reaction to the crowd showed a bloodthirsty smile on the corners of his mouth.

"I have summoned you in the name of the God King, the meaningless Thor!" With the words of the gods that everyone could not understand, the weight of Odin's hand poked fiercely on the ground, emitting a golden light.