come to the movie world

Chapter 230 Wind and Rain

After returning, Qin Hui, who had Professor X in his hand, ordered his scientists to use the frequency of the professor's brain waves to scan power people all over the world. Whether it is mutants or other individuals who have gained superpower, their brainwave signals are different from ordinary people. So after the first scan, I got a signal that surprised Qin Hui.

37,000 people have powers or superpowers. On the monitors made by scientists, there are 37,000 signal sources. These people are distributed all over the world and are increasing. Some of these people are amazing in strength, while others are no different from ordinary people. For these non-humans, Qin Hui also issued an order to secretly arrest them.

Three months of arrest was accompanied by bloody winds, which made these lawless beings realize what fear is for the first time.

Some of these people can turn into a pool of water, and some can turn their whole body into hard stones. Some people can control objects, and some people can change local weather, but they have not escaped Qin Hui's arrest without exception.

The strength of Dr. Manhattan, Wood, Hulk, Victor, Super Warrior Legion and Qin Hui is not something that these individuals or groups can fight against.

Some of these superhumans captured by Qin Hui work for the government, and some are mice from underground research institutes. Some are rich people, and some are ruffians on the street. What's more, they are leaders and backbones of power groups.

is different from the life of ordinary people. With Qin Hui's action, the whole underground world and the power world have been affected differently. For a while, everyone is in danger, afraid that they will die inexplicably.

As time went by, most of the powers around the world, except for some who could hide their traces, were captured by Qin Hui in the fortress base.

The experiment of more than 30,000 people allowed Qin Hui to build five large laboratories in the fortress base to carry out human research and some extreme anatomy day and night. This is to study the evolution process of powers and the possibility of human evolution.

I don't know what's going on. People in the world are getting powers in different ways every day. Some were electrocuted, some suffered radiation, some suddenly woke up, and some were small accidents.

There are more and more powers, and the ways to become powers are also different. Qin Hui has a feeling overwhelmed.

Nowadays, the power is like a cut leek, one dead and two popping up. When these powers broke through 30,000 again, Qin Hui, who gradually felt wrong, had to slowly change the idea of eliminating all the powers.

Qin Hui wanted to destroy all the powers at first, but now that the powers are inseparable, Qin Hui intends to make the whole world become powers in her own way. Let everyone enjoy the changes brought about by power.

Bloody, violent and inhumane. These words are not enough to describe Qin Hui's means and the cruel human experiment process.

The elderly, children, women, and even some disabled people, as long as they have powers, are the targets of super soldiers to capture and invite.

The ubiquitous super corps, with powerful and fearless national weapons, have the combined consequences of the two beyond everyone's expectations. Except for some powerful powers, the whole world is integrating at a rapid speed and moving towards a new era.

Whenever Qin Hui thinks of her plan, she will be proud of her outstanding contributions in the history of human evolution. Think about it, if this plan is implemented, it will be absolutely a blessing for human beings all over the world! Through the grafting of flying powers, human beings can fly freely. Through the grafting of power and power, human beings will become infinite beings.

All kinds of excellent genes will make human beings stronger, and the strength of human beings will also represent various fields, and will be revived and leap forward again.

Just like the First Emperor of Qin repairing the Great Wall, just like Emperor Yang of Sui opened a canal. In Qin Hui's view, a small sacrifice is also necessary for the establishment of this mythical world.

But is everyone so far-sighted? Among them, Stark, who Qin Hui has always thought is a smart man, has failed to understand Qin Hui's good intentions.

The incomprehensible Stark finally came together with Hancock after Qin Hui's frequent human experiments and helped Magneto jointly establish a group against Qin Hui. This group hosted many powerful powers who escaped the first arrests and formed an organization called the Alliance of Justice.

Dramatically, the leader of this organization with the ultimate goal of destroying Qin Hui, the demon king of terror, is actually the guy of Magneto. Qin Hui, who has a new code name, really has a feeling of crying and laughing.

In the current world, the powers are divided into two camps, one is Qin Hui, who dominates and has strong strength. One is the newly established Alliance of Justices, which can only hide with the anti-peep helmet developed by Magneto.

For this so-called Justice League, Qin Hui began to pay vigorously. The scientific research team is also stepping up the development of experiments that can avoid Magneto helmets. As long as the helmet protection of Magneto is broken, there is no place for these people to die.

After the breakup, Stark disappeared, and the newly formed S.H.I.E.L.D. also withdrew. Whenever I think back on Stark's anger when he broke up, Qin Hui's heart was also full of melancholy, and there was even a feeling that everyone was drunk and I woke up alone.

Now Qin Hui has become the Minister of Defense as she wishes. Qin Hui, who has completed the task, has left at any time. But Qin Hui did not leave, because Qin Hui's plan had not yet succeeded, and he was unwilling to go back with regret.

Qin Hui, dressed in military uniform, watched the latest research report with red wine in front of him was the heroic Laura.

"General, we caught a different existence in the capture in Ethiopia." Laura raised her hand gently, and the influence of a child appeared in front of Qin Hui.

Qin Hui looked at the little boy in front of him. The child looked only eleven or 12 years old, and there was nothing special at all.

"What's special about him!" Qin Hui knew that Laura was very steady and would not make such a joke with herself.

Laura smiled and whispered, "General, this man is not a child. He is over 300 years old."

"Fat!" After hearing Laura's words, Qin Hui grasped the wine glass in her hand, and the bright red wine dripped to the ground along Qin Hui's hand.

It's not long to come to this world, but in Qin Hui's message, the life of the longest vampire family in the world is only twice that of ordinary people. These vampires have many hidden dangers in their bodies. They are afraid of light, can't leave blood, and are afraid of silverware, which are flaws that cannot be solved by science.

After a little stunned, Qin Hui shook off the wine performance and restored the previous calm.

"Is the news credible?"

"Very reliable, our means are irresistible as long as we are a human. And we have also directly explored the brain of a person with memory extraction ability. With the combination of two points, the probability that he will live more than 300 years is absolutely 99%.

Qin Hui nodded with satisfaction for Laura's words and asked, "How is his health now?"

Laura changed a glass for Qin Hui again and said softly while pouring red wine: "The cells in his body are aging very slowly, and now his body functions like an 11- or 12 years old developing child!"

"What a miracle!" Qin Hui, who has been worried about his long life, didn't expect such good news to come when he had given up.

"Did the research force in the laboratory and form a team of 100 people to study the mystery of the boy. I want to find out the secret of delaying aging in him in the shortest time.

"General, what is the rank of this boy's identity?"

As Qin Hui's personal secretary, Laura naturally knows that Qin Hui has been persistently pursuing the power of long life. And this rating is an affirmation of the importance of the power. This level is divided into D, C, B, A, S and SS at the instruction of Qin Hui.

Those who can't be rated are just the lowest-level experimental bodies. Although the vast majority of such people stand, they are like mice in the laboratory. They live and die, and no one cares about their lives.

D-level evaluation and C-level evaluation are those who have a certain value. This kind of ability will enjoy some treatment. Usually, they will only cooperate with some experiments and will not be easily dissected. Among them, the strength of Hawkeye is the C-level evaluation.

B-level powers are the existence of a strong man everywhere. The original Wolverine and the Fantastic Four are at this level. This level of power will also receive good treatment and have a certain freedom in Qin Hui's camp, just like a soldier on duty.

A-level powers are the level of Magneto and Stark. There are very few powers at this level, each of which is a humanoid nuclear bomb. This level of power, once joining the two camps, whether under Qin Hui or in the Justice League, are the top combat power.

Qin Hui was silent for a while and slowly said, " Set his level as SSS and provide 24-hour protection. Without my order, he is prohibited from seeing anyone alone."

After hearing Qin Hui's words, Laura was also stunned for a moment. Because in Qin Hui's evaluation, Dr. Manhattan and the King Odin are just double S's evaluation. This evaluation includes Superman who traveled to the universe, and there are only three people in the world.

"Evalation of three S! It seems that this child is really amazing in the general's heart! You know, it's Betty, and the protection is the evaluation of three S! Betty of 3S has been following Dr. Manhattan and accompanied by Hulk!" Laura sighed in her heart. She didn't know whether this child had any special life except life, and her future fate would be good or bad.

"Name this plan Hope, and the confidentiality level is the highest. Among those who know this news, all those who know the information below A level are executed and the confidentiality regulations have been issued."

"The experiment was carried out as quickly as possible and ordered scientists to ensure the safety of its life in the experiment, led by Dr. Jon. All scientists involved in this experiment are prohibited from going out and all external communication in the experimental site. Once the boy died, these 100 scientists also did not stay.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Laura, who knew the seriousness, made a standard military salute to Qin Hui, and then turned away without hesitation.