come to the movie world

Chapter 234 Evil Alliance

Although I don't want to say it, there are really a lot of strange things in Japan. And there are many people who can transform in Japanese animation.

"What kind of transformation! Is it Ultraman?" Hancock also asked curiously about this person who could transform.

Qin Hui shook his head and replied, "No, his ability is to transform into a ninja turtle, and even his shape and ability are the same as that of a ninja turtle."

"It's the green-shell turtle!" Hancock, who had extraordinary strength, immediately became interested after hearing that he had become a ninja turtle.

Qin Hui pulled on the screen, turned the picture to a number and then said, "Don't you wonder what's going on?" You should know that although there were many supernatural powers in the past, they will never be as numerous as they are now. Nowadays, the number of supernatural people in the world has exceeded 200,000. Five months ago, the number of power people was only more than 30,000.

Hancock looked at Qin Hui without saying a word and waited for his next words.

Qin Hui did not sell the barrier, but just paused for a moment and then continued: "After many experiments, we found that these people who suddenly became powers in different ways to generate powers. Some of these people are stimulated by external substances, such as radiation, electric shock, drowning, etc. Some of them produced power after seeing the strange scenery. Some of them produced light powers after seeing the aurora, and some people produced magma powers after seeing the volcanic eruption.

"The way these powers are generated is simply night visions, and it is simple to wake up after sleeping. So we suspect that there is something that breaks the law of the emergence of power, so now power people can be generated so easily.

Hancock fell silent after hearing this, because the appearance of power is too simple now, and simple is not in line with the law of power generation in the past.

"Wouldn't you have any doubts?"

Hancock asked directly, because now Qin Hui's powers are the strongest, and the number and power are also the largest. So when Qin Hui said this, Hancock also realized that it was really abnormal recently.

Qin Hui nodded and said uncertainly, "All this happened after I handed over the Rubik's Cube to the government, and no other special treasures were born in these five months, otherwise it would have been impossible to cheat my search. So I suspect that there is something wrong with the cosmic Rubik's Cube. It may have broken or expanded some balance.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube!" After thinking about his memory, Hancock found that he had not heard about it for a long time.

Qin Hui picked up the glass and said after taking a sip: "I'm not sure, but this possibility is very high. The cosmic Rubik's Cube is the treasure of the gods. Even its owner, the Frost Giants, can't peep into all its mysteries. In my hand, it is even more like a chicken rib-like existence, and I have never been able to get its power.

Hancock, who was upset, drank the red wine taken out by Qin Hui without saying a word and poured one glass after another. After drinking one bottle in a row, he breathed and said, "Why did you give me these things? I don't have a cosmic Rubik's Cube in my hand!"

"Since that day, Magneto has reached a very big consensus with the government. In order to restrain me, the government also secretly hid the Rubik's Cube in the headquarters of the Justice League. Qin Hui said, pointed to Hancock in front of him, and said word by word, "As for why you are sued, it is because in the Justice League, you, Super Hancock. It's also the only few people in that ridiculous alliance that can be seen by me.

"Can you say something practical! Why do you always withdraw these useless things!" Listening to Qin Hui's praise, Hancock was not happy, but showed an impatient look.

Looking at the stinky Hancock, Qin Hui scolded in his heart; "Damn it! If I hadn't asked you for help, you would have invited me, and I wouldn't have come to your doghouse!"

Although Qin Hui couldn't wait to strangle Hancock directly, he still resisted, because he really needed Hancock's help in this matter.

"In a word, the anti-spiritual detection helmet developed by Magneto makes it impossible for me to find them accurately. And you are the only one at the top of the Justice League who never wears that helmet and likes to swagger through the market, so I came to you. After saying that, Qin Hui observed Hancock's eyes and wanted to see his inner thoughts.

"I want to ask why you are so interested in this matter!"

Regarding Hancock's words, Qin Hui boasted: "Because of interests and curiosity, the cosmic Rubik's Cube is like a stone in a pit, so I want to know how the cosmic Rubik's Cube does this and see if there are any benefits. Our two camps are not born with fire and water, and good cooperation is also a good start for our two camps.

"Are you afraid of death?" Just as Qin Hui was waiting for Hancock's answer, Hancock suddenly said something that Qin Hui couldn't understand.

"What do you mean!" Qin Hui frowned and asked about Hancock's words.

Hancock explained: "I can only take you alone, and in the Justice League, although Magneto is the leader, there are many people whose strength is not below him, so I ask you if you dare to go alone."

"Of course, you'd better go now!" Qin Hui said and looked at the buttons on his chest. What no one knew was that in Qin Hui's clothes, there was a split of Dr. Manhattan.

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, although the Justice League does not dare to assassinate himself, Qin Hui will still prepare for the worst. Just like in reality, no matter where Zhang Ling is going, Qin Hui will arrange someone to protect her. You should know that when a martial saint like Guan Yu still cares to lose Jingzhou, Qin Hui doesn't want to cry like Liu Bei at that time.

After hearing Qin Hui's words, Hancock flew up directly without saying a word. And flew directly from the removed gate, leaving only stunned Qin Hui, who was at a loss.

For Hancock's sudden self, Qin Hui, who couldn't figure out the situation, went out and wanted to see what Hancock was doing.

"What are you still doing here!" Hancock, who flew in the air for a while, had no choice but to find that Qin Hui did not keep up. So he had to go back the same way and found Qin Hui outside his lawn.

"Can't you fly! Why don't you keep up!" Hancock looked at Qin Hui standing on the lawn, stood in the air with his hands on his chest, and asked Qin Hui why he didn't follow.

For Hancock's words, Qin Hui really has a feeling of crying and laughing. Because another person can't keep up with Hancock's thinking mode. After all, the two were still discussing ways at the previous moment. As a result, as soon as Hancock agreed, he left directly, which would only be inexplicable.

Qin Hui flew up in front of Hancock and said affirmatively, "I suspect you are a Martian, and I finally know why you have always been single!"

"Why!" Hancock, who couldn't find his girlfriend, couldn't help stretching his neck and wanted to know why he had been alone for so many years.

For Hancock's words, Qin Hui said maliciously, "Because you are a fast shooter at first sight!"

Hancock had a black face and rose to the sky again without a glance. After seeing his movements, Qin Hui, who was prepared this time, also quickly followed.

Qin Hui followed Hancock and flew all the way high in the air. On the way, Qin Hui must also admit that Hancock's flight speed really exceeded herself a lot.

Now Qin Hui's full flight speed is about 9,000 kilometers per hour. And the speed of 9,000 kilometers per hour is already eight times faster than that of supersonic. With such a flying speed, ordinary people can't withstand such high air pressure even if they sit in a plane. And passenger planes in the world generally do not even meet the standard of supersonic flight.

Compared with Qin Hui's speed, Hancock's flight speed is at least five times that of Qin Hui. On the way to fly again, Hancock easily threw away Qin Hui with just a small acceleration. Looking at Hancock's comfortable face, Qin Hui felt that Hancock's flight speed, even if he could not reach a circle around the earth in a second like a real superman, was probably very terrible.

"Reduce the flight speed, we will be there soon." An hour later, Qin Hui, who was exhausted, finally heard a good news.

Qin Hui's flight is the use of energy in the body, even with Qin Hui's current body, he is also tired after an hour of flight.

As the flight speed decreased, Qin Hui saw a huge flying aircraft carrier a few minutes later. Looking at the flying aircraft carrier in front of him, Qin Hui found that this was the most popular aircraft carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie Avengers. Here, the logo of S.H.I.E.L. has been changed to the Alliance of Founders, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was also disbanded under the pressure of Qin Hui before it was completed.

Qin Hui and Hancock, who were waiting to open the outer deck, stood in the void, watching the kilometer-long air giant and staring at the four big words printed on the aircraft carrier. The four big characters of Justice League are written on this huge aircraft carrier, each of which is hundreds of meters in size and emits a red flash between the blue sky and white clouds.

Looking at the windy aircraft carrier, Qin Hui asked Hancock beside him, "Now Magneto is forced by me to look like a homeless dog, but he is leading the Justice League!" So what do you think I have in your hand? Evil Alliance?"

Listening to Qin Hui's words, Hancock was slightly stunned, and then nodded affirmatively and said, "You have this awareness, which shows that you are still very self-aware!"

Qin Hui stared at Hancock and found that his expression was not joking at all.

"Ang.... Ang..." With a sound of alarm, the aircraft carrier hung in the air and opened the deck outside the command tower.