come to the movie world

Chapter 238 The Variation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube

With Qin Hui's request, everyone focused on the iron pimples and waited for the appearance of the cosmic Rubik's Cube. Just as Magneto wanted to open the blockade and take out the Rubik's Cube of the universe, the thin monkey suddenly spoke and directly interrupted everyone's eyes.

" boss, why are you doing this so tightly! Why did I feel bloated when I first came here?" The thin monkey with a severe headache kept knocking on the iron wall around him and felt that it was more like a huge iron hill grave than a bullshit laboratory.

"Well!" Magneto was stunned when he heard the sound, because this was made by him and Professor X when they were young. Generally speaking, it is a prank made by two young people who are full and have nothing to do. Otherwise, which adult can do such a thankless thing.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of the prank that the novelty of the two is gone, and this place will be forgotten. If the Rubik's Cube hadn't been in the hands of Magneto, and Magneto had no good place to place it, it might have stayed in the ice and snow forever, and there was no possibility of seeing the sun again.

Just when Magneto didn't know how to explain it, the black widow in a black silk wearing a suspender also rubbed her forehead and asked doubtfully, "Lead, what's going on here? Is there radiation? Why do I feel bloated after I come in!"

With the words of the black widow, other powers also feel some chest tightness and shortness of breath, and it is difficult to breathe, as if there is something wrong

Looking at the big-eyed companions, the Green Devil couldn't help interrupting: "Guys, are your heads rusty? This place is so tightly closed, how can there be air coming in? And his head is bloated. It's so funny! My partners, don't you even know what hypoxia is!"

" Hypoxia!" Everyone looked around and found that there was no ventilation system here.

"It's really hard for you! It's not easy!" Qin Hui patted him on the shoulder regretfully under the unhappy eyes of Magneto.

"Well, you won't die if you breathe less air!" Magneto scolded discontentedly as he put his hand on the iron block.

Magneto's hand was placed on the iron block, and with his movement, the iron block, which was originally one meter or lower, was constantly changing like a mechanism box, unfolding out layer by layer. This wonderful transformation is full of science fiction, which attracts everyone's attention in this small room.

The unfolding of the iron layer, the appearance of the cosmic Rubik's Cube slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"How could this happen!" Looking at the cosmic Rubik's Cube that finally appeared, Qin Hui couldn't help exclaiming, and with Qin Hui's words, the Hawkeye and Wolverine who had seen the appearance of the Rubik's Cube couldn't help staring.

With the lifting of the blockade by Magneto, the cosmic Rubik's Cube did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air.

The Rubik's Cube emits a red light, and the visible energy swims in it. And with each energy wandering, the cosmic Rubik's Cube will vibrate like a heartbeat, like a beating heart.

"Ding.... The system has additional tasks to obtain the mutatic cosmic Rubik's Cube, otherwise the return system cannot be turned on..."

Just as Qin Hui was surprised by the changes in the cosmic Rubik's Cube, there has been no additional task system since the Gun King World, and suddenly gave Qin Hui an unexpected hint.

Listening to the cold prompt sound of the ear system, Qin Hui also clenched her fists, and even gave birth to the idea of letting Dr. Manhattan kill them and recapture the cosmic Rubik's Cube as long as Magneto repents.

Together with the murderous intention in Qin Hui's heart, the first thing he felt was Wolverine with the intuition of the beast. After feeling Qin Hui's murder, Wolverine Logan stepped back two steps and stretched out a pair of steel claws in his hand. Looking at Logan's reaction, others also felt more or less the chill on Qin Hui and made a posture to prepare for battle.

Magneto looked at the Rubik's Cube in front of him, and then looked at Qin Hui beside him. After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice, "Although I am also curious about the changes in the Rubik's Cube, people are untrustworthy. What I said before, the agreement reached with us is still valid. And I don't think that the changes in the Rubik's Cube need to break our cooperation.

The shadow of the famous tree and the power in Qin Hui's hand also made the power present shudder. Although they also feel that the change of the Rubik's Cube will not be simple, the peace they just arrived is more desirable. No one present jumped out of the stone. Family, friendship, love, career, pursuit are all things that everyone can't let go of. And the villain Green Devil in the movie is willing to die to save his son.

Some people like war and bloody battles, but no one likes to fight against invincible opponents, especially when such battles may endanger their families and avoid them.

Magneto took two steps back, waved to Qin Hui standing in front of the Rubik's Cube, and said, "The powers should unite, not endless battles. I will keep my promise and hope you will do the same. Take it now. It's yours now.

Hawkeye looked at the Rubik's Cube with no expression on his face. Although he was unwilling to take away the Rubik's Cube, he could not question Magneto's words. Hawkeye, born in the military, first learns obedience, and is no exception to the officer Magneto.

Some of the people present were disapproving, some were hot-eyed, some were curious, and some were disdained. But in any case, the people present did not come forward to stop it, because it was a win-win situation. No matter how good the cosmic cube is, it can't be in your own hands. It's better to exchange it for peace. Although this peace is like a mirror, it is always a hope.

When you go to school, small classmates may be bullied by big people. When working, newcomers may be excluded by old colleagues. And this statement is the same in the country and power. The current League of Justices is not as good as others, just like people have to bow their heads under the roof.

Now Qin Hui is like Guan Yu's single-knife meeting in Jiangdong. Although Jiangdong's heroes are kind-hearted, Qin Hui is deaf and still invin's uninhabited.

Qin Hui did not look back to observe everyone's reaction, but stood in front of the Rubik's Cube, looked at the beat of the Rubik's Cube like a heartbeat, without saying a word.

The scene fell silent with Qin Hui's silence, and everyone stared at the movement of the Rubik's Cube motionless.

"How can it fly! Have you loaded antigravity?" Logan looked at the Rubik's Cube hanging in the air and asked the eagle's eye beside him.

"Don't talk, pay attention!" The eagle-eyed eyes swept Logan and turned his eyes on the Rubik's Cube again.

Hawkeye, Logan and Victor came to Qin Hui's base with confidence and were driven away by Qin Hui like a homeless dog before they showed their ambition. Even in the end, Victor betrayed himself because of the ** of power. However, there is still something to gain. After all, all three of them have seen the Rubik's Cube of the universe. Although the cosmic Rubik's Cube at that time was magical, it absolutely did not have such an effect, nor did it have the ability to float in the air and beat like a heart.

"Magnet, is the Rubik's Cube in your hands? Is there any such change?" Qin Hui stood in front of the Rubik's Cube and withdrew her hand when she was about to reach out. After all, if the power appears now, if it really appears because of the Rubik's Cube, it's better to be careful before you understand its characteristics. Otherwise, it's okay if you have a power, but you will cry when you become a ninja turtle. I'm not a turtle fan. How can I make my wife happy if I become a turtle? And the turtle is small and short... Hahahaha.

For Qin Hui's words, Magneto hesitated after thinking about it and said, "There is no change in my hand, but the energy inside is always wandering around. And I just looked at it briefly and put it here. I don't know anything else.

"Lead, it jumps and jumps. There will be no radiation!" Looking at the beating Rubik's Cube, the Black Widow did not look forward like others, but stepped back a few steps.

"It's okay for us to stand here for so long. How can there be radiation..." Before the green devil finished his words, the red energy in the Rubik's Cube suddenly burst out from the inside and swept around like ripples.