come to the movie world

Chapter 256 Confidence and Azied

For Dumbledore, the danger brought by the mysterious man is nothing compared with Warcraft*. After all, although the mysterious man is powerful, Dumbledore is the first to believe that he is the first in the world. Because in the hundreds of years of Dumbledore, he has seen too many strong men. In his opinion, these strong men are like the unknown Professor Qin, hiding in all corners of the world. They have been exploring the mysteries of magic all their lives and are not known to the outside world at all.

"People say that I and the mysterious man are the strongest in the magic world, but compared with those wizards who break the limits of life and the holy beasts in the taboo forest, what is the strength of me and the mysterious man! Ha ha, maybe it's because our strength is not the top that we are famous!"

Although Professor McGonagall is good, he is still too narrow-minded. Maybe in the eyes of those real strong people, we are as ridiculous as the unknown monkey king!" Dumbledore smiled bitterly in his heart and looked at the direction in which Qin Hui disappeared.

In this way, as the night slowly came, boats with lanterns gradually appeared on the water on the originally calm lake. Qin Hui stood in her tutor's dormitory on the tower, quietly staring at the red lights outside, waiting for the new students once a year.

The castle in Hogwarts is divided into seven floors. The first floor is a variety of auditoriums dedicated to various banquets. The second floor is the student dormitory, which is used to arrange students from one to seven years old. The third floor is a teaching building with a laboratory that provides knowledge for students. The fourth floor is the residence of the college tutors, where dozens of tutors from various disciplines live. The fifth floor is the library, which has the most comprehensive books in the magic world. The sixth floor is the office of Dumbledore and four branch directors. The seventh floor is a forbidden place, which collects all kinds of secrets since the establishment of the school and prohibits students from entering.

The place to receive new students this time is placed in the auditorium on the first floor. The flags of the four major branches are hung everywhere in the auditorium, and you can't see the magically simulated starry sky on the ceiling at the top. Hundreds of college students of all grades sat on both sides of the long table under the starry sky, with tens of thousands of candles hanging in the air above their heads, constantly floating bursts of light.

Dumbledore sat on the main seat of the high platform and looked at the students below with a smile. The four dean positions followed Dumbledore and sat with Qin Hui, an honorary professor. In addition to these Hogwarts executives, tutors in charge of different disciplines also sit on both sides of the platform and look at the new students below.

Seeing that the students and tutors were together, Dumbledore nodded with a smile to Qin Hui, and then stood up and walked to the podium between the students and the high platform.

"Good job, new students. I'm Dumbledore, the dean of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am honored to be here to gather with you and work hard for the prosperity of the magic world. Dumbledore stood on the podium and tirelessly said his annual opening remarks.

With Dumbledore's long speech, the underground new students listened attentively one by one. However, unlike the new students, the senior students and tutors on the stage who have listened to it countless times show a lack of interest in this annual opening remarks.

Looking at the sleepy seniors underground, Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, and then gently tapped the podium a few times, making everyone's eyes focused on him again.

Dumbledore looked at the lazy students below and said again, "Seeing everyone, I know that you are tired of my old man's long speech. Well, I'll tell you something interesting today."

"Interesting thing!" Listening to Dean Dumbledore's words, not only did the students below raise their ears attentively, but also the tutors on the high platform sat up one by one, waiting for Dumbledore's next words.

Seeing that everyone was cheering up, Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction and said, "In the new year, our college has welcomed a strong new tutor. However, for personal reasons, this tutor may not take any lessons for you.

"Mentors who don't go to class! So what is he doing here? Mixed salary?"

"We don't welcome tutors who don't attend classes. It's a waste of our time."

With Dumbledore's words, the students below talked a lot and couldn't help but look at Qin Hui. The mentors on the high platform and these old students have met, and the only thing that makes them feel strange is Qin Hui. So when Dumbledore said that a new tutor had joined, everyone looked at Qin Hui to see what was different about the new tutor.

"Quiet!" Dumbledore clapped his chin a few times, suppressed the discussion below, and said, "Professor Qin is a special professor at Hogwarts. The reason why he won't teach you is that you are not good enough. However, the professor's strength is extraordinary. If any of you can get his guidance, it may be more important than studying hard in the library all your life. So I hope everyone can be angry and get the approval of Professor Qin.

Among the freshmen, the arrogant Hermione looked at Qin Hui's appearance and found that Qin Hui was about 20 or 30 years old. Although she was dressed extraordinary, she did not look like an experienced professor at all.

"He doesn't look good either! Can such a young and handsome man still be a strength? Hermione quietly lowered her head and whispered in her new friend Harry Potter and Ron.

Dumbledore turned a blind eye to the students' comments, because he knew that time was the best witness.

"Next, let's invite Professor Qin to say a few words for us." Dumbledore retreated and then first applauded Qin Hui.

"Wangling..." Whether the colleges below like it or not, even the dean Dumbledore applauded, and they can only do it.

With the applause, three of the tutors sitting on the high platform cast different eyes on Qin Hui.

One is Professor McGonagall, who has always been displeason with Qin Hui, the other is Professor Rocky, who teaches the defense class of black magic, and the best one is Hagrid, who felt the breath of killing from Qin Hui at first sight.

"It's understandable that McGon doesn't like him, but Professor Lodge and Hagrid have never played with him!" Qin Hui looked back at Rocky, a middle-aged Indian dressed with a thick cloth belt on his head.

"Yes, in Harry Potter I, Rocky is Voldemort's symbiosis. From this point of view, he should not be able to identify my identity!" While thinking about it, Qin Hui came to the podium and decided to give a small warning to Voldemort, whose ambition and strength were not directly proportional, so as not to let him disturb his happy campus life.

Qin Hui stood on the podium, glanced at the faces of several major plot members, and then said in a low voice, "Good evening, students and mentors. You can call me Professor Qin. Although you may not have heard my name, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that I want to teach you a good lesson now and tell you what is heaven and earth.

With the uproar under Qin Hui's words, even the tutors sitting in high positions cast their puzzled and angry eyes to Dumbledore to know whether Qin Hui came to smash the scene.

"Papa..." Although Dumbledore did not understand Qin Hui's meaning, he applauded again and affirmed Qin Hui's words with his actions.

Qin Hui's strength Dumbledore has discussed with McGonagall, and the final result of the discussion is to hide it. Because this can play the role of a strange soldier at a critical moment, so that those who have intentions can't figure out Hogwarts' strength.

And Dumbledore felt that he was definitely not here to show off with Qin Hui's strength. There must be a reason why he did this he didn't know. As long as he supported him, it was enough. After all, there was no loss to himself. Even other dissatisfied mentors would only be dissatisfied with him and not involve himself.