come to the movie world

Chapter 258 Hermione's Unexpected Gain

"In my course, I don't need you to wave your wands stupidly, or you don't need to read those nonsense spells. All you have to do is listen carefully and remember every word I say!" With a burst of urgent words, Snape, a potion teacher in a black robe, walked into the classroom.

"Now turn the book to page 7!" Snape knocked on the blackboard with his hand, and there was no expression on his poker face.

"Wangla..." All the new students in the classroom turned over the books one by one and waited for Snape's lecture.

Snap was not in a hurry to give a lecture, but glanced at these first-year freshmen and finally stayed on Harry.

At this time, Harry was holding a quill and writing something quickly in the textbook without noticing that Snape had arrived.

"Maybe some of you have become famous before entering school, but as Professor Qin said, you are just a group of incompetent wizard apprentices. If any of you feel that you don't need to listen to my class, then I will be very honored to throw him out of the window. Snape said, walking gently to Harry's side and looking at his old friend's child.

Harry Potter is James. Potter and Lily. Potter's descendants, and when he was in school, the introverted Snape always fell in love with Lily. Potter did not change until Lily Potter married Harry's father and was killed by the mysterious man. However, unlike his love for Lily Potter, Harry's father was a little bully of the school at that time and always had fun bullying the introverted Snape.

So for Harry Potter in front of him, Snape's heart is full of contradictions. One reason is that Harry is the child of his goddess, and he wants to protect the descendants of his goddess. Another point is the hatred for Harry's father, which always reminds him of the unpleasant past when he sees Harry.

"Harry..." Hermione, who was at the same table with Harry Potter, gently pulled Harry's sleeve under the desk and brought him from the state of hard writing to reality.

Harry looked blankly at Snape standing in front of him and found that the tutor looked at him again with hatred.

Snap looked at Harry Potter and finally shook his head and said, "You are Harry Potter!" I saw the same arrogant and defiant eyes in you as your father!"

"Mr. Potter, tell me, what will happen if you add narcissus juice to the licorice solution?"

Harry looked at Snape blankly, because he had never come into contact with these before he came here, and he didn't know what Snape would say. And the same reaction as Harry, dozens of new students in the classroom also looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Just when Yaque was silent in the classroom, Hermione, sitting next to Harry, raised her hand like a little peacock, which was particularly prominent in the whole silent classroom.

Snepp glanced at Hermione, the only one in the classroom who raised her hand, and then did not ask her questions, but then asked Harry, "If I need a heart of yellow sheep for casting, where do you need to find it for me?"

Harry glanced at Hermione, who raised her hand again, lowered her head and whispered, "I don't know, professor."

"What is the difference between the boat-shaped acond head and the wolf-shaped aconic head? What's the difference in their effect? Snape ignored Hermione again and asked Harry.

"I don't know, professor!" After a while of silence, Harry shook his head helplessly and felt that he was as ridiculous as a clown under the eyes of the whole class.

Snepp didn't care about Harry's look, but said indifferently: "What a pity! It seems that fame does not represent everything. Compared with your deskmate, you are really far away!"

With Snape's words, Harry lowered his head and glanced at Hermione, who was like a proud peacock because she was praised by Snape, and then clenched his fists in the loud laughter of his classmates.

"It's the first time I've made a mistake, so I forgive you once and turn the book to page 7!" Snape turned around and walked back to his podium without looking at Harry's sad expression.

"Floating is one of the most basic skills of wizards. This magic can make objects fly and consume less magic." With the discourse, in the magic knowledge class, an old goblin tutor who is only more than one meter tall explains the principle of magic to the new students.

"Let's do it with me, gently wave the wand at the feathers on the table, and then bounce up your wrist."

"Wave it and then bounce!" With the words of the goblin tutor, everyone waved their wands and waved to the feathers in front of them.

Watching everyone do it in their own way, the goblin tutor said again, "Come on, we are cooperating with the spell to make the feathers fly... Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviosa.

"Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviosa." Everyone waved their wands, but the feathers in front of them did not react at all.

"Pay attention to the correctness of the pronunciation and don't be in a hurry." The goblin tutor corrected the pronunciation of the students.

"Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviosa." Hermione waved the wand in her hand, and as the spell was used, the feather in front of her swirling in front of her, and then flew in the air.

"How did you do it!" Ron, sitting behind Hermione and Harry, stabbed Hermione with his hand and asked in disbelief.

"Hmm, I'm a genius!" Hermione whitened Ron and raised her head proudly.

"I don't believe that only you can do it!" Ron muttered unhappily about Hermione's arrogance, and then waved his wand repeatedly in his hand and shouted: "Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviother. Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviose!"

Ron kept shouting and was scared by Ron's shouts. Hermione's flying feathers also fell down in the air.

Looking at the fallen feathers, Hermione turned around and patted Ron's table and said, "Well, the spell is Yu Jiadi's mother, Leviosa. The last word is Sa, not Se! You have problems with your pronunciation. How can you make feathers fly!"

After hearing Hermione's words, Ron, who was dissatisfied, took his wand and said provocatively, "You are so powerful that you have the ability to make feathers fly! That was just shit luck. Anyone can do it!"

Hermione looked at Ron disdainfully, and then turned the wand in her hand and chanted the spell again, making the falling feathers fly again.

Feathers kept flying in the air and making all kinds of strange movements, attracting the attention of the whole class and students, all on Hermione.

"Well done! The person who can make feathers fly in the first spell, you are the second of the students I have taught!" As Hermione controlled her feathers and flew up again, the goblin tutor touched his sparse beard and did not hide the appreciation in his tone throughout the class.

"Learn more from your classmates. You are really stupid!" After performing Hermione, the goblin tutor looked at Ron regretfully and felt that he was so stupid that he could not even master the pronunciation of the spell.

Compared with the smiling Hermione, Ron looked disappointed after being reprimanded, which formed a sharp contrast to Hermione's smile.

"It's Sa, not Se! You have to emphasize the pronunciation. Your pronunciation is wrong!" After class, Ron walked beside Harry and kept repeating Hermione's words in a funny tone, which made everyone laugh.

"You didn't see her proud look! No wonder she has never had any friends! She is so annoying, like an annoying fly!" Ron kept repeating his words and didn't see that Hermione had stood behind several people.

"I don't need friends!" After hearing Ron's ridicule, Hermione held the book in her arms, sobbed and rushed away Harry and the others, disappearing from everyone's sight.

"She seems to have heard it!" Harry looked at Hermione who trotted upstairs and hesitated to say, "Ron, why don't we look for her!" After all, we are her only friends.

"I won't go. You don't know how embarrassed she makes me. I won't treat her as a friend!" Ron twisted his head and denied Harry's words.

"Okay! In fact, I also think she should stay alone for a while!" After hearing Ron's words, Harry also thought of the scene where Hermione embarrassed herself in Snape's class.

Hermione just wants to show herself, which is not wrong with an 11-year-old girl. So she can't understand the words of her two friends, because Hermione has regarded Harry and Ron as friends after a short time, and she feels that her friends have betrayed her.

In this way, Hermione held the book in her hand and kept walking on the moving stairs. Now she just wants to hide in a deserted corner and cry loudly.

Hermione finally found a good place, which is in the forbidden book area of the library. As students are prohibited from coming here, but she just wants to stay alone for a while, there is really nowhere to go.

"Stepping..." Just as Hermione hid in the corner and was about to cry, footsteps suddenly came to her ear.

Who is it? Did Harry and the others come to see me? I knew they would come to me!" After listening to the footsteps, Hermione looked happy. In fact, Harry and Ron did not know how important their two friends were in Hermione's lonely inner world.

"What a headache. Where the hell is that thing? It's been half a month, why haven't you heard anything!" Just as Hermione wanted to get up, she suddenly heard a mysterious voice.

"It's not Harry and others, this tone is Professor Qin's arrogant! No, this is the forbidden book area. Let him die when he sees me!" Hermione's face changed greatly when she heard the sound of opening the door.

"Forget it, I have been to the forbidden book area many times, and there is nothing useful here. Why don't you go to the seventh floor to have a look!" Just when Hermione was at a loss, Qin Hui did not push the door to enter, but walked out of the library.

What is Professor Qin looking for? Why is it so mysterious!" Hermione kept recalling Qin Hui's words and felt that there must be an unspeakable secret in it, and formed a cloud shrouding Hogwarts.

"Professor Qin, what a coincidence!" Just as Hermione stood up quietly, another person's voice came from outside the door.