come to the movie world

Chapter 260 Flight Lesson

Hermione, who incarnated as Holmes, held her chin in her little hand and analyzed to the two listeners, Harry and Ron: "The professor named Qin came here for the treasure you took out from the gobron bank. Although we don't know what it is, it must be very important for Hogwarts, otherwise there would have been three dogs guarding here!"

Ron scratched his head and said in disbelief; "It's impossible! Although Professor Qin spoke a little arrogantly, after all, he was invited by Dean Dumbledore. How could he come to steal!"

"Ron, after all, Dean Dumbledore is old. He may have been blinded and did not see Professor Qin's sinister intentions. So we have to do something and not let these bad people succeed!"

Hermione looked at Ron helplessly and really wanted to pry his head open to see if it was empty.

Ron said ungratefully about Hermione's words: " Come on, we are just freshmen in the first grade. Now we will be punished even if we go out at night. What can we do?" We are just lucky today. If we are caught by Filch, none of the three of us will be punished.

Although Hermione makes sense, Ron feels that Hermione is too broad, which is not something that people should worry about. And with Ron's complaints, the three of them fell into silence.

After a while, Harry Potter first broke the silence; "I also think we should do something, if we don't know, but now we know, we can't wait like this. It's very late today. I want to go to Hagrid together after school tomorrow and tell him about our findings. As long as Hagrid knows about this, he will definitely sue Dean Dumbledore. And Hagrid's appearance is much more useful than those of us freshmen.

Ron lowered his head, curled up on the sofa and said in a low voice, "Harry, Hermione. You're not serious! Professor Qin is also our honorary professor anyway. If you guess wrong, we will be annoyed!"

Seeing that Ron was still hesitating, Hermione and Harry looked at each other and shook their heads coincidentally. Obviously, they were disappointed with Ron's timidity.

"If you are friends, let's go together tomorrow. If you don't treat us as friends, even if I haven't said these words!" Harry stood together and looked at Ron with a serious expression, but although their expressions were serious, only 11 or 12 years old matched this expression, which made people laugh no matter how they looked.

Ron, who wanted to say no, received the words after seeing Hermione and Harry's eyes, for fear that they would really ignore themselves.

"Go and go. What's there to be proud of!" Ron pouted and said unhappily.

"That's right! We are the Gryffindor Gold Trio. What can we do without you here!" After hearing Ron's words, Harry patted Ron on the shoulder and smiled at Hermione.

The next morning, Qin Hui, who was doing nothing, put her hands on the observation deck outside the top floor of Hogwarts and waited for the sunrise motionless. With Qin Hui's waiting, slowly, the early sun of dawn passed through the clouds and rose from the horizon in Qin Hui's eyes. The golden sunlight gently shone on Qin Hui's body. From a distance, it seemed to make Qin Hui put on a golden coat.

"Professor, I'm very interested!" Just as Qin Hui was motionless, a joke came from behind her.

"It's just a pleasure in bitterness!" Although Qin Hui did not look back to see who was coming, he already knew that the person who came was Dean Dumbledore.

Dumbledore came to Qin Hui's side, looked at the golden sun, and said nostalgicly, "When I was a Hogwarts student, I also liked to come here to watch the sunrise. At that time, I was carefree every day, and I stood here as if I had everything!" After saying this, Dumbledore looked back at Qin Hui and asked, "Professor, haven't you found your baby yet?"

Qin Hui shook her head, turned over, sat on the guardrail of the observation deck and said, "There is no clue. That thing may be a fast stone or a wine glass. In short, I don't know what he will look like before I see it. Everything is possible. But one thing I can be sure of is that dust can never hide the light of rare treasures, so it will always be born one day. And then, it's time for it to return to my arms.

Dumbledore opened his hands and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his body while nodding his head and said, "It sounds good, but are you really going to sit back and wait to death!"

Qin Hui sat quietly on the guardrail and said in relief, "I have searched all the ancient books. As long as I can get the treasures above, I will read them all in detail. However, although some of those things are extraordinary, they have nothing to do with my treasures. And the sea of people is vast. I really have no choice but to adapt to changes!"

"In this case, are you interested in bringing a few apprentices to spend a boring time?" Dumbledore induced Qin Hui and wanted this extraordinary mysterious professor to contribute some of his strength to Hogwarts.

"Apprentice!" Qin Hui shook her head and pointed to the little wizards who were learning to ride the broom on the playground below and said, "Most of these people are mediocre talents, and there is no one who can enter my eyes!"

"Well..." Dumbledore paused and then pointed to a new student below and asked, "How's this little guy?" Hermione, and I have noticed her since the first day. She is very self-motivated and is the most attentive listener in class every day. She is definitely a good seedling.

"Maybe!" Qin Hui looked at Hermione with a broom underneath, nodded and said, "Although diligence can make up for shortcomings, no matter how much sweat you have, it is still useless without that one percent talent. With her talent, she can basically reach your current level, but if she wants to go further, the possibility is absolutely minimal.

"What!" Dumbledore looked at Qin Hui in surprise, not because Qin Hui didn't say well, but because the evaluation was too high. You should know that Dumbledore, as the dean of Hogwarts, is at least five wizards who can compete with him in a hundred years. And this 11-year-old Hermione is actually a person who can be compared with him in the future. How can this not surprise Dumbledore?

"Your strength and the strength of the mysterious man are above and below A in my eyes, and Hermione's future achievements are mostly similar to yours. Although this is already amazing in your opinion, it is really not enough for me. The vision is an absolute achievement. At least my apprentice must have no less than my current achievements.

"Isn't this a little too high!" Dumbledore asked hesitantly.

"Too high! That's in your eyes!" Qin Hui looked at Dumbledore with a smile, and then shook his hand, with an extra wine bottle and a glass. Qin Hui unscrewed the wine lid and slowly poured a cup for herself, and then drank it all, leaving Dumbledore who didn't know what to say.

Eye determines achievements. In the world of Harry Potter, Dumbledore's strength is close to its peak, and it is impossible to achieve anything great. But for Qin Hui, Dumbledore's A-level strength is really nothing in the endless movie world. Even in Qin Hui's evil alliance, Dumbledore's strength is at most a deputy commander, and he has no power to lead the army, let alone others.

"Welcome to your first flight class. I'm your flight instructor. You can call me Mrs. Huo Qi." With a burst of female voices on the playground, a mature woman with short hair and golden eyes stood in front of the new students with a broom.

"Hello, Mrs. Huo Qi!" Dozens of new students, including Harry Potter, bent down to Mrs. Huo Qi, and then waited for the first time to ride the broom.