come to the movie world

Chapter 284 The domestic elf "Dobby"

Qin Hui is very happy today. This is not because of anything else, but because Qin Hui found a very interesting creature, that is, an elf only 50 centimeters tall.

Unlike goblins and goblins, goblins are greedy, and goblins are usually unfriendly. But the elves are not like this. The elves are the most famous servants in the wizarding world. Wizard families with elves are all powerful wizard families that have been passed down for a long time.

For example, the old elf Chelik of the Breck family who has lived for hundreds of years, such as Vidoth, the elf of the Harry family who died with James Potter. For example, the elf in front of us comes from the Dobby of the Malfoy family.

"Your name is Dobby! What a cute little guy!" Qin Hui looked at Dobby, who was locked in the basket, and said with a smile.

"You mean Dobby, cute!" Dobby looked at Qin Hui in front of him and was not afraid, nor did he ask Qin Hui how he got to its name. Instead, he rubbed his hands and looked at Qin Hui with expectant eyes.

Dobby is a young and strong elf, with a long pointed nose, big ears, brown and yellow eyes that occupy one-third of his face, and a dry and thin body, which is somehow associated with the noble word cuteness.

"Can you say it again! Dobby wants to listen to it once, even once!" Dobby looked at Qin Hui eagerly with big eyes, because although the words of the domestic elf were very good, it still could not change the fact that he was a slave.

"Please, sir, just say it once. Dobby has never heard such a compliment!" Before Qin Hui could speak, his body flashed out of the cage, as if the iron cage that had been blocked by magic had not been blocked by him at all.

"How did you get out!" Qin Hui looked at Dobby in front of him in surprise, because only he knew what kind of magic the iron cage had been put on.

Dobby looked back at the iron cage, then turned his head and said to Qin Hui, "Dobby is an elf, and the elf will never be trapped by any magic!"

"It's incredible. You know, this is not magic! This is..." Qin Hui, who was just about to say that he was using his mind, stopped when he was about to say it. Because in the eyes of others, the magic simulated by your own mind is at least no different from the real magic in appearance.

"What kind of gentleman!" Dobi stood on the table and shook his head and looked at Qin Hui curiously.

"It doesn't matter what it is, but how you came out!" Qin Hui's voice changed and did not answer Dobby's words, but eagerly asked back.

For Qin Hui's fiery eyes, Dobby was so scared that he retreated and said with some fear: "Dobby thought of it, and the result came out. This is Dobby's innate ability as an elf. No one has ever asked Dobby why, so Dobby doesn't know how to do it."

"Dobby is a bad elf, Dobby is bad, bad Dobby!" Looking at Qin Hui's doubtful eyes, Dobby couldn't explain it clearly. Her body jumped directly from the table and kept hitting the wall of Qin Hui's office with her head.

"Unreasonable! I think your strength should be only A-level. I am the defense boundary of S-level subordinates. There is no reason for you to break through so easily!" Qin Hui looked at Dobby, who kept hitting the wall in front of him, and couldn't figure out what was going on. You should know that the gap between the two is simply a big difference, and the gap is just like the power gap between Spider-Man Peter and Superman.

Dobby kept hitting the wall, and Qin Hui did not want to stop it at all. In this way, in a short time, Dobby's forehead was swollen because of the impact, and his head was half bigger than before.

"Yes, yes. Although Dobby is strong and has the ability to cross the boundary. But his body is thin and weak. Even if an ordinary person attacks him, he will be injured or even dead. I think this is the price of the elf family in exchange for this ability!" Looking at the big bag on Dobby's forehead, Qin Hui remembered the scene where Dobby was killed directly by the flying dagger.

Elf is born to cast spells and is the favorite of heaven. However, the body is weaker than ordinary people, and some wounds that are not fatal to ordinary people will also evolve into fatal wounds on the bodies of elves.

Qin Hui looked at the Dobby in front of him, looked in his hand and took his sword in his hand.

"Dobby, come here, come to your uncle!"

"What are you going to do!" Dobby stopped hitting the wall doubtfully and looked at Qin Hui holding the sword puzzledly.

Qin Hui smiled and walked slowly towards Dobby and said, "There must be some wonderful power in your blood, which is the source of your strength. Come on, Dobby, we should boldly explore them and study the meaning of this power.

"Gu..." Dobby looked at Qin Hui, who came slowly, swallowed, and his body leaned back in fear. He said weakly, "Can Dobby not know! Dobby is just an elf. I don't want to know so many things!"

"No, no, no. Dobby, it's too difficult for you to be an elf. With your ability, you should have a bigger stage!"

Qin Hui didn't pay attention to Dobby's reaction, because he saw too much of this expression in the fortress laboratory. And Dobby's ability can be said to be unique in the world full of superheroes in the Hulk. Therefore, Qin Hui, who can return to the world of the Hulk again, feels that Dobby's blood gene must be very valuable for his genetic experiment.

"Dear sir, Dobby has been out for a long time. I think it's time to go back, otherwise my master will be worried!" Dobby was scared by Qin Hui's expression and retreated repeatedly. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. His body was more suitable to go straight through the door of Qin Hui's office and ran back to the corridor.

"Ha ha, I'm so hospitable. It's too rude for you not to stay for a while!" Qin Hui looked at the place where Dobby disappeared and smiled, and her body gradually faded and chased after Dobby's position.

Dobby kept running in the corridor and looking back from time to time for fear of being caught by the man like a black wizard for human experiments. You should know that there is everyone in the wizarding world, and there are many evil wizards who experiment with all kinds of strange creatures.

Although Dobby has never seen pork, he has still seen pigs running. Those rumors about black wizards constantly appear in Dobby's heart, which makes Dobby feel shudder.

"Bang!" Qin Hui, who was distracted by Dobby's incident, was directly hit by someone after being chased out of the corridor.

"Gaul, what are you doing here!" Qin Hui's body was motionless, but Gao Er and Clark, who hit him, were directly bounced out by the invisible shield on Qin Hui's body and howled on the ground.

"Flash!" Looking at Qin Hui being blocked, Dobby snapped his finger in his hand and disappeared into Hogwarts in the form of phantom movement at the moment when Qin Hui's eyes were attracted by the two of Gore.

Although phantom movement is very useful, if it is to be used in front of other wizards, it will be positioned by other wizards and found along the trajectory of magic. Therefore, when Qin Hui was absorbed in capturing Dobby, Dobby did not dare to leave directly by phantom movement, because he was afraid that it would attract Qin Hui to the Malfoy family.

"Professor Qin!" Looking at Qin Hui, who looked cold after Dobby escaped, Gore and Clark couldn't help lowering their heads.

"Hmm!" Qin Hui snorted coldly and looked at the place where Dobby disappeared, and found that it was too late to hunt down again.

"Forget it, I'm lucky to have lost my life. Sooner or later, there will be the day I met." Although Qin Hui knew that Dobby would hide from himself in the future, Qin Hui believed that there would be another day when she met it.

"Mentor, we have something else to do, so let's go first!" Gore lowered his head and whispered, then took Clark's hand and ran to Slater's dormitory without looking back.

"Wait..." Just as the two were about to run out of Qin Hui's sight, Qin Hui suddenly stopped them.