come to the movie world

Chapter 290 Combat Mage Academy

Snepp and Professor Elok met in the open space. They looked at each other, stood the magic wand in their hands on their foreheads, and then bowed to each other and practice the etiquette of fighting between wizards. After finishing the etiquette between wizards, the two turned around like western cowboys, turned their backs to each other, moved their feet gently, and opened the distance between them.

"One..... Two..... Three..."

With the countdown, Snape and Ilok waved the wand in their hands.

"Strong Strike..."

The two coincidentally used magic that could blow away their opponents, but with their shouts, a blue light quickly rushed out of Snape's wand, while Elok's wand did not react at all, as if casting had failed.

"Bang..." As the magic light flashed, Ilok's expression on his smiling face condensed, and he was blown out until he hit the students.

"Oh, my God! What's going on!" Watching Prince Ilock defeat in my heart, many little girls couldn't help covering their mouths and looked worriedly at Professor Ilock who fell to the ground.

"Harry, this Elock is really unreliable!" As Elok sat on the ground and shouted pain, Ron, who was sitting among the students, whispered to Harry.

Harry shook his head and said worriedly, "Elock's reliability has nothing to do with us, but Dean Dumbledore and Hagrid, who was taken away by the Ministry of Magic, I'm really worried about them. Although Dean Dumbledore is strong, he is no longer young. And Hagrid is now in Azkaban, and he doesn't know how he will be treated!"

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder and said in embarrassment, "Harry, we are just two little wizard apprentices. No matter which of these two things, it is not something we can interfere with!"

With Ron's words, Harry could only nod silently and slowly silent.

"Oh, it hurts me so much!" Elok struggled to stand up from the ground and impatiently pushed away a little girl who wanted to help him up.

"Professor Elok, I think you need to see a doctor!" Qin Hui stood on the podium and looked at Elok indifferently without comforting him at all because of his injury.

"I'm fine. It's just a minor injury. Just take a few days off!" Ilock pressed his waist, looked at Snape with resentment, and then limped to his room. Obviously, he held a grudge against Snape for not leaving a message for himself.

"Is there anyone else who opposes Snape's proposal to become a teacher of the magic confrontation class?" Qin Hui did not look at the leaving Elok, but asked the same words again.

"Professor, may I ask what I need to give to the students?" With the silence of the scene, Snape slowly asked Qin Hui. And with Snape's words, the students and tutors also listened to see how Qin Hui would arrange them.

"All you need to do is give them more powerful magic, and then teach them how to fight and defeat their opponents!" Qin Hui looked at Snape and said calmly.

"Professor, I really don't want to interrupt you, but they are still just some children. Is it necessary to learn those powerful magic and carry out this magic confrontation class! You should know that magic is destructive, and a bad student will be injured!" Professor McGonagall heard Qin Hui's words and asked worriedly after pondering for a while.

"Professor McGonagall, do you think those who threaten us will give up because they are children if they are threatened?" Qin Hui asked with a smile at Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, who will threaten these children!" Professor McGonaga looked at Qin Hui inexplicably.

"Well said, who will threaten these children!" Qin Hui smiled and said affirmatively to Professor McGonagall, "It is precisely because you can't think of this problem that I feel that they have more need to learn powerful magic. Because only hidden threats are the most deadly, just like poisonous snakes in the grass. And as the new dean of Hogwarts, all I have done is to prevent it.

"Papa..." With Qin Hui's words, Snape, who was born without a sense of security, took the lead in applaud. And with Snape's action, Filch also sent his own applause.

There are two. In this way, the applause in the auditorium became stronger and stronger, and under the guidance of many good students, shocking cheers broke out in a short time.

Hogwarts' teaching is graded. Except for senior students aged six or seven, students in other grades can come into contact with poor attack magic. Therefore, Qin Hui immediately won the laud of these junior students after she said that she was about to launch a magic confrontation class to let everyone learn more powerful magic.

A son of heaven, a minister. With the takeover of Hogwarts, Qin Hui also began to think the right way of education.

Hogwarts's new school rules; every student in each grade must master the attack magic equivalent to the grade before this year's upgrade exam, and have defeated at least two peers, otherwise they will be dealt with.

With the promulgation of Qin Hui's new school rules, the atmosphere in the whole Hogwarts condensed, which aroused the competitive confidence in the hearts of these boys and girls. There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. With the promulgation of the new school rules, the college is full of students of all grades practicing magic, and many young wizards competing with magic.

Two weeks later, Qin Hui introduced another school rule again.

The college will implement a ranking system. Students of each grade will be ranked according to their respective strengths. The first place will receive a student fund of 50 gold coins, the second place will receive 40 gold coins, and the third place will receive 30 gold coins. 10 gold coins for the fourth to tenth students.

The purchasing power of gold coins in the magic world is quite strong. Even in colleges such as Hogwarts, Qin Hui, who became the dean, is only 300 gold coins in January. And Professor McGonagall's deans are all 150 gold coins. The salary of major professors such as Snape and Ilock is 120 gold coins, and the salary of non-staff personnel such as Mrs. Hoch, Hagrid, or Filch is about 100.

So after the school rules were issued, these students who had no financial resources but could only rely on their families to help, one by one, developed a greater enthusiasm for learning.

In this way, with the arrival of Qin Hui, the whole Hogwarts gradually broke away from Dumbledore's scholarly education and gradually changed to the path of the School of Combat Magic.

There must be a brave man under the reward. Now Hogwarts is more combative, and the style of the students has gradually become more enthusiastic. Even if you don't agree with each other, it also happens from time to time in the college.

In this way, a month later, Professor Malt, who had cultivated Mantra grass, also removed petrochemical magic for the students who had been in petrochemical magic.

With the lifting of petrification magic, people also knew the fact that it was a python that was originally hidden in the secret room. But now Hogwarts has gradually forgotten about it because there have been no new attacks.

Now the students have transformed their original concerns into a competition for the ranking of the college. One by one, they are ready to show their skills and prove their strength in front of others.

"Hermione, you're going to treat me this time. After staying in the hospital for a month, you can actually beat Harry and Malfoy to get the first place in the second grade! It's hard to believe that this is a reward of 50 gold coins!" As Mandela grass matured, Hermione, who had been petrified, also said goodbye to the sick number and returned to the students.

"What's the matter? I already mastered a lot of magic, and even those third-grade seniors are not my opponents!" After listening to Ron's words, Hermione raised her head and said proudly.

" By the way, has there been any progress in your investigation of the secret room?" Hermione looked at Harry, who was a little absent-minded because she lost to herself.

Harry didn't raise his head and said absent-mindedly, "There is no clue. No matter how we look for it, we can't find the disappeared secret room!"

"Are you talking about the secret room again? I thought you gave up!" Just as Harry looked irritable, Luna, with her magic wand in her ear, didn't know when she had come to Harry and the other three.