come to the movie world

Chapter 293 Brother Ala, our friend

Two flashes kept shuttling in the silent forest, and finally stayed under the big trees embraced by three people, revealing an old woman and a middle-aged man in a black robe.

"Snep, what do you think Professor Qin thinks? What brings the students to the forest is simply nonsense!" The old woman looked up at the surrounding forest, and it was difficult to hide her dissatisfaction with a calm expression.

"What do you think!" The man in black paused and said in a pause, "In Professor Qin's eyes, all I see is indifference to life. Maybe in his opinion, this is just a joke, just to find a little fun in it!"

"Laughing talk! Fun!" Professor McGonagall looked at Snape with dissatisfaction and said heavily, "There are at least thousands of students in this forest. Does he want to treat the lives of these students as a child's play?"

"If I said bluntly, I'm afraid the truth is really almost the same as what you imagined!" Snape nodded quietly to Professor McGonagall and said uncertainly.

Professor McGonagall sighed and said helplessly, "The dense woods cover everything below. Let's split up and bring the students together as much as possible!" We are mentors in Hogwarts. What should we do?

For Professor McGonagall's words, Snape nodded, shook his body to another position, and disappeared from Professor McGonagall's sight in a blink of an eye.

With the respective actions of the mentors, the large number of students in the forest also ushered in their own challenges. However, the periphery of the forest is still safe after all. Of course, it is at least so at present. As for some common ordinary beasts such as wild wolves and black bears, they have no power to fight back in front of three or five groups of wizards. After the initial rush, the students who suppressed their fear issued their magic one after another, easily defeating those invincible existences in the eyes of ordinary people and greatly boosted the self-confidence of these young wizards.

However, unlike the general situation, Harry and others are naturally unwilling to be ordinary, but in the arrangement of fate, they accidentally walked to the depths of the forest.

"Harry, are you sure this is the road to the castle! How can I find that the surroundings are getting darker and darker, and the trees around me are becoming more lush!" Ron followed Harry, maintaining the fluorescent magic in his wand, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

"Ron, this road is right, and the darkness around is just because it's dark!" Harry followed the light from the wand and confidently answered Ron's doubts.

"Shasha, Shasha..."

The four people kept walking through the dark forest, and with the passage of time, the scenery in front of them could only be faintly seen with the complete setting of the sun, even the distance of more than ten meters ahead could only be vaguely seen with the help of the light from the magic wand.

"Wait, Harry, something's wrong!" While Harry was still sticking to his own opinion, Hermione suddenly squatted down when she passed a big tree and carefully didn't know what she was looking at on the ground.

"Hermione, what's wrong!" With Hermione's pause, the whole team also stopped, and several people gathered around Hermione and looked at her strangely.

"Look at what this is!" Hermione stood up after being busy on the ground for a while, but after she stood up, there was a big colorful mushroom in her hand.

"Mushroom! Can it still be bread!" Ron complained indifferently, and then rubbed his empty stomach. To be honest, Ron hasn't had a bite since noon, and he has been hungry for a long time.

"This is a spider mushroom. I have seen this in the book. This is one of the spider's favorite things. It is their main source of food in case of food shortage. And there is also an explanation in the book that there is only one spider that likes to eat this mushroom, that is, the spider family called the spicy spider in the forbidden forest. After Hermione couldn't speak, Luna next to her explained.

"What's wrong with this! We're not looking for spiders!" Ron glanced at the big mushroom in Hermione's hand and urged everyone to go on the road quickly.

"What were you doing in class! Spider mushrooms are the companion food of spicy spiders. They won't be too far apart!" Hermione said, raised her hand and gave it to Ron, which made Ron shrink his head.

"I'm not looking at you yet!" Ron touched his head and muttered a little depressed.

"I heard it from Hagrid. Hagrid said that in the forbidden forest, he had a spider friend named Brother Ala who could give us some guidance. However, at that time, Professor Qin became the dean, and all the students were required to observe at school, so I didn't pay attention to this matter!" Harry looked at the mushroom in Hermione's hand and said hesitantly.

"Harry, you're not really lost and take us to the depths of the forest!" Ron looked at Harry with a dull expression.

"In fact, it's not deep, because Hagrid said that Brother Ala's position should be at the junction of the edge and the depth!" Harry scratched his head and said something that made Ron pale.

"Children, are you talking about Hagrid? What's wrong with him? I haven't seen him for a long time. Is something wrong?" As soon as Harry's words fell, an old voice came from the low slope not far away.

The old voice is accompanied by the dark forest, which sets off the atmosphere in the field.

Who is it! Who is there?" Listening to the sudden old voice, Harry and his others couldn't help but be shocked.

"Me! I'm Brother Ala!"

"Kkakaka..." With the old sound, countless clicks like toes resounded in Harry's ears, and countless tire-sized spiders were quickly swinging their long legs from under the gentle slope and quickly climbed out.

"Brother La, which one is you!" Ron, who is most afraid of spiders, stared at the spiders that kept crawling out of the gentle slope, and first found the figure of Brother Ala from it.

"Dong Dong..." Two dull impact sounds were pierced through the gentle slope, and soon after the impact sound was made, a large spider that stretched eight or nine meters long and shaped like a heavy tank climbed out.

"You call me!" The big spider's huge compound eyes stared at Harry and others, flashing cold and cruel.

"No, you must have heard it wrong. It's getting late. You'd better go back and have a rest! Don't get up and greet us!" Ron looked at the huge spider in front of him, his teeth trembled with fear, and he said breathlessly.

"Stop talking, let's go!" Harry looked at the dense spiders, pulled the corners of Ron's clothes, and his body slowly retreated backwards.

"Go!" Brother Ala looked at the four people in front of him, and his two huge jaws collided up and down. He said in a low voice, "Don't rush to go. I don't know anything about Hagrid yet!"

"Some people say that Hagrid opened the secret room 50 years ago and released the monsters inside to attack the students, so he was caught in Azkaban by Mr. Conilius of the Ministry of Magic!" Harry said in a hurry. After saying that, he waved his hand to Brother Ala quickly and reluctantly laughed as he retreated; "It's okay now. We won't disturb you. Go to bed early!"

"Dong Dong Dong..." As Harry and others retreated, Brother Ala also looked up at the four people.

"No, you really don't have to send it. Go ahead and don't worry about us!" Harry and others said in the same voice. After saying that, they looked at each other, turned around and ran away, as if they didn't want to open a few more legs.

"Don't rush to go! You brought me such important news that I should treat you well!" Brother Ala said no longer, but the dense spiders around him rushed up like a tide and surrounded Harry and others.

"Brother Ala, we are students in Hogwarts and friends of Hagrid! What do you want to do? You will get into trouble by doing this!" As Hermione retreated, she raised the wand in her hand and threatened the spiders who were pressing like the tide.

"Because of me, my children will not attack Hagrid. But as Hagrid's friends, you want to give it to those who can understand my pain!" After saying that, Brother Ala glanced at the little spider below and ordered, "Go, children, go and enjoy your dinner!"

"Ah..." As Brother Ala's words, the little spiders cheered in unison, and their cold eyes even made life feel hot.