come to the movie world

Chapter 312 This is sour and unbelievable

Avadaso's life spell is the first of the three unforgivable spells. The reason why the life spell is strictly prohibited is that once hit by this spell, the probability of the recipient's life will be less than 1 in 10,000.

In this way, with Qin Hui's light lifting his fingers, the green light of Avadasso's curse turned into a skeleton roaring and rushing to the distance. Albert and Albert, who had just stood up, fell into the position they were passionate about before they could react. They didn't know it before they died. Why did Fang suddenly kill the killer?

"Avadaso's life spell! You, you killed them!" Blake stared at the man in black in front of him and didn't expect that human life was so fragile.

"Go on!" Qin Hui neither defended herself nor had any restlessness about Black's words. Instead, he withdrew his hands behind his back again, with a calm face, as if the death of the two people just slapped two flies to death... Insignificant.

"You devil, Azkaban will be your final destination!"

Black stared, his body slowly moved towards the fireplace, and then his body suddenly rotated and twisted and disappeared into the passage.

"Kkakaka..." At the moment when Blake disappeared, the golden decorations on the fireplace suddenly twisted, turning into golden railings to block the fireplace and blocking the exit to the outside world.

"Resistance is meaningless!" The cold words came from Qin Hui's mouth, and then Qin Hui's figure was also distorted and chased Black's position in the form of phantom movement.

New York, Singapore, Paris, Moscow, and even Beijing, two figures flashed by everywhere.

The two kept moving in an instant, one chasing and the other fleeing.

"brush..." With a sound, Black's tired figure half knelt on the ground, and there was a deep bone blood stain on his shoulder, which was constantly flowing blood outward.

Sirius Black's strength is not low, but at best, it is at the same level as Snape and others. Although he can also use Phantom Mobile, the pulling power generated by the movement still makes him tired of dealing with it. And this scar on his body is left by cutting through the space.

There are countless energy turbulence in space, which are the biggest obstacle to the movement of phantoms. If it is not good, it will tear people to pieces. That is, after several consecutive phantom movements, Sirius's body still inevitably leaves the price of illusion.

"Did you get rid of him?" Sirius gasped like a dead dog. At this time, he just wanted to lie down and have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

"Not yet!" Just as Blake looked left and right, Qin Hui's figure appeared directly behind him, put his hand on his shoulder, and said calmly; "The rough phantom movement is as unsightly as a primary school student's workbook!" Take me there. I don't like hide-and-seek games!"

"Go to your grandma!" Sirius twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth and looked up at Qin Hui, who looked like a devil, and did not mean to give in at all.

In fact, Blake is a person with high self-esteem, and the pride in his heart does not allow him to lower his head even if he dies. Now Sirius is full of humiliation. Not to mention going to the Phoenix Club, even if Qin Hui asks him for a feather pen, now he will refuse without hesitation. Because this is Blake's life, which is better than bend.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you!" For Blake, who was not afraid of boiling water, Qin Hui also frowned and regretted letting Black lead the way instead of looking for Dumbledore. Compared with Black, who is like a stone in a pit, I believe that Dumbledore, a smart man, can understand himself.

In fact, Qin Hui's purpose has always been very pure. He just wants to get the crystal ball to complete the task and use the power of fate in the crystal ball to eliminate the negative impact left by returning to the past. However, the originally very simple thing developed into a conspiracy in the hearts of Black and others in Qin Hui's mouth, making everyone no more likely to sit down and talk in detail, and even became a hostile existence.

In fact, I don't blame Blake for thinking about it, because for an evil wizard who looks like a skeleton and shawl, he will be alert in his heart. What's more, this evil wizard, who doesn't know the enemy and me, also wants to explore the secrets hidden in the deepest part of your heart and kill people without blinking.

Sirius sat on the ground and giggled, allowing the bright red blood to wet his chest.

"Compared with living in humiliation, I would rather die. I am Sirius, not a wild dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy! I have learned a lot in my life, but I haven't learned to compromise, even in the face of destruction!"

"Do not flinch even in the face of destruction!" Qin Hui was silent for a while, and Black's series of refusals made Qin Hui have a deep feeling of evil, because he hated people without rules and existence that were not controlled by himself. In Qin Hui's view, such a person should be punished and let him know the cost of saying these words.

"Heart Curse!"

Qin Hui looked at Sirius in front of him indifferently and gently touched his fingers on his heart.

Ah.... Ah..."

With the pain in his heart, Sirius rolled all over the ground and made a terrible howling. However, Qin Hui's calm face showed a cruel smile on Sirius's face.

Because of the pain rising from the bottom of his heart, Blake kept scratching his body with his hands. After tearing his clothes, he scratched a blood stain on his chest, and after a while, he became flesh and blood blurred.

"Give in, Black, your resistance has no meaning, and the secrets of the Phoenix Society are not worth your life. Send me, take me there, and I will reward you after I get what I want!"

Looking at Black rolling on the ground, Qin Hui's smile on his face became more and more ferocious, and he became more and more ferocious under the influence of his skull face.

Qin Hui has to suffer boundless pain every day, which is unimaginable by ordinary people, so after hearing Blake's painful wailing, Qin Hui's heart even rose an inexplicable joy.

"I... I said... I said..." Blake hammered his chest crazily, as if such a move could relieve his pain.

"Look, you have improved a lot!" Qin Hui stopped the heart spell and was sincerely happy that Blake learned to compromise.

"Speak, my dear Mr. Black!" Qin Hui smiled happily, and her skeleton-like body trembled.

"I said... Why don't you die! You are a pervert..." Just as Qin Hui was laughing, Black's words made Qin Hui's laughter stop.

"I'm a pervert! How can I be a pervert!" Qin Hui looked at Blake, who was gasping for breath, and then shook his head, suddenly pointed to him and shouted; "The heart spell..."

Ah.... Ah..... Cool, cool! Hahaha..." Blake rolled all over the ground. Although his hands scratched the white bones out of his chest, he still laughed as if he was really happy.

Qin Hui did not stop the torture of Black, and Black's body was also twisted, constantly repeating the fact that he was very happy with weak words.

Is the heart-piercer spell really cool? Many people can answer this question.

For example, Neville's parents were tortured by the curse, but compared with Neville's parents, more sufferers died of pain.

The intensity of people with different strengths to use the heart-hunch spell is also different, such as the heart-hunch spell used by Qin Hui, which is at least three times more effective than that of ordinary wizards.

Of course, looking at the white bone that has been caught on Blake's chest and the blurred flesh and blood in his nails, I think this may not believable, but no one will believe that it is really so sour.