come to the movie world

Chapter 333 Looking for the Energy Cabinet Array

"Smithsonian Aviation Museum!"

The next morning, Sam, Simon and Carly drove to the location of Skyfire, but when Sam stood in front of the door of the museum, Sam was a little uneasy.

"Are you sure it's here? It doesn't look good here!" Sam stood at the door of the museum, looked at the staff in twos and threes, and whispered to Simon.

"Don't worry, although I analyzed it from just a few words, the reliability is definitely more than 90%, and I took this!" Simon said, taking out a password box from the bumblebee's trunk, opened it and took out an instrument like detecting radiation.

"What is this?" Sam looked at Simon's hand full of curiosity and surrounded Carly's instrument.

"Special energy detector, this thing can detect the energy reaction of autobots and Decepticons!"

There was only one button on the detector in Simon's hand, and he pressed the button on the bumblebee, and then the pointer on the detector changed for a while and finally stayed on the number 664.

"664 Hera, it seems that your mount still has a long way to go. You know, when we are doing research for that big guy in the seventh district, the frozen Megatron sky has thousands of Hera's energy reactions!" Simon showed the instrument to Sam, then shook his head and smiled.

"The Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons, and it is inevitable that he is more powerful than the bumblebee." After saying this, Sam said in a low voice, "But what's the use of this! Megatron and Optimus Prime are not the opponents of the aliens. Even if the Bumblebee has thousands of Hera's energy, it can't change anything!"

Carly couldn't help lowering her head with Sam's discouraged words. Qin Hui's shock to her that day was so strong that she couldn't resist now.

Looking at Sam's depressed mood, Simon put down the instrument in his hand, put his hand on Sam's shoulder, and said seriously, "Listen, boy, I know you're in a bad mood now, but I want to tell you that I'm here to pick up private work this time. If we don't do anything, my seventh district will In the face of disbandment, can you imagine me being laid off?"

"But is it useful for us to do this? I mean, what if the alien doesn't leave after getting the cabinet array? Let him do whatever he wants?" Sam looked at the museum nearby, and now he is a little afraid of the upcoming discovery.

"Strength is just a means of diplomacy. Sometimes communication can have a better effect than force. Put your heart in your stomach. Things are not as bad as you think. At least we are still alive, aren't we?"

Simmon smiled at Sam and then walked to the museum first.

The Smithsonian Aviation Museum is an open building, where you can find all the aircraft styles in human history. Whether it is the earliest spiral aircraft or the bomber during World War II, this is a treasure that has been precipitated by history, allowing you to experience the development history of aircraft and the ladder of human progress.

The museum is full of old planes, bombers, fighter planes, fighter planes, civil aircraft, some of which are older than Sam's three combined, and hundreds of planes are placed in one place, which makes people feel dazzled.

"It's so big here! How can we find so many planes!" Looking at the planes one after another, Sam turned around and whispered to himself.

"Are you in a hurry?" Simon, dressed in a suit and sunglasses, asked in a doubtful tone.

"No, don't be in a hurry!" Although Sam didn't know what Simon meant, he still answered.

"That's all right. There are hundreds of planes here, and there is also a warehouse behind this, which contains thousands of old planes, all of which are obsolete from the United States. The effective range of my detector is two meters. We need to screen one by one in front of these big guys. If nothing happens, we can't go anywhere today!"

"All day! No way, don't you know that there are Transformers here?" Sam was shocked after hearing the number of the day and asked in disbelief.

"Let's work. We know that there is a plane that can be deformed, and we also know that the owner of this plane is called Skyfire. But we don't know what he looks like. After all, all we get is information!" Simon nodded affirmatively, then picked up the detector in his hand, crossed a guardrail without saying a word, and came to a separated civil aircraft.

The search of the three people one by one for more than half an hour in a row, and the sneaky appearance of the three finally aroused the suspicion of others.

I saw a tourist who came to visit. After watching the three people for a while, he regarded the three as thieves and secretly reported them to the security guard in the museum.

"Dangduang..... Come down quickly. What are you doing? This is a museum, not your home!"

A security guard in a white shirt knocked on the stone pillar beside him with a baton in his hand and called Simon, who was climbing on a fighter plane suspended in the air, back to reality.

At this time, Simon stood on an old plane, climbing up while constantly pointing the detector in his hand at the fighter hanging in the air.

"Come down quickly, before I get angry, or I will pull you down and kick your ass hard!" The security guard looked at Simon, who was unmoved, pushed Sam away and went to the position of the plane, trying to catch Simon.

"Ky my ass!" After knowing that the plane hanging in the air was not the fire he was looking for, Simon stopped climbing and stood on the fuselage of the plane below and asked the security guard with a smile, " By the way, can you tell me what size of shoes you wear!"

"What size shoes! I think you have lived enough!" Although the security guard was not strong, he seemed to have a bad temper. With Simon's words, the security guard was furious and raised the baton in his hand and was about to throw it away.

"Don't move, man! If I were you, now I would take back the broken stick and lie on the ground obediently!" Simon shouted in a low voice, took out a pistol from his waist suit, and looked at the man in front of him jokingly.

"Well..." Looking at the weapon in Simon's hand, the security guard slowly took back the baton in his hand after a little hesitation, and then carefully lay on the ground.

"Don't be arrogant, you're not the only one with a gun!" The security guard lay on the ground with his hands on his head, but he still said unruly.

"Real! Not only do I have a gun, but I also have this!" Simon jumped off the old plane a few times, took out a small black book in Sam's envious eyes and threw it in front of the security guard.

"Look, this is the unscrupulous and lawless badge. If I want to, I can use this to close you for a lifetime!"

The security guard looked at the little black book left in front of him, picked it up doubtfully, and whispered according to what was written above: "Special Director of District 7, Simon Senior Investigator of the Homeland Security Administration, United States of America, Special Researcher on Security Issues!"

"My name is Simon. Now I'm calling for national security issues. Please block the museum and don't let unrelated people disturb me! This matter is a matter of state secrets. I think you are willing to work for the government!" Simon snatched his* from the security guard and said with a smile.

"No, no problem... I have always wanted to serve the country, but it is too difficult for civil servants to take the exam, so I asked for a second time to become a security guard and serve the people!" The excited security guard immediately jumped up from the floor and said as he ran to the gate. Obviously, he was going to clean up the tourists.

"You are an abuse of power!" Sam looked at Simon with a proud face, looked at the runaway security guard, and stammered.

"It's understandable, but this is also the reason why I cherish this job very much! Otherwise, once the seventh district is dissolved, the one lying on the ground will be me!" Simon shrugged his shoulders and was obviously accustomed to the abuse of power.

The three kept looking. At noon, each of them ate a hamburger bought by the security guard and began to check them one by one again.

"Didi Didi..."

"Wait, there is a reaction, there is a reaction!" Just as Simon passed a black bomber, the originally stationary Zhu pointer suddenly turned and suddenly stopped at the position of 980.

"980 Hera, this is the most read Transformers I have ever seen except for the two leaders of Megatron and Optimus Prime!" Simon walked step by step towards the ten-meter-long black bomber, gently brushed his hand on the fuselage, and finally saw the sign of the Decepticon in the abdomen of the plane.

"This is the sign of Decepticon, not Autobot!" Looking at the familiar sign in front of him, Sam said with an ugly face.

"Debiter, Autobot! Is there any difference now? You should know that not only Optimus Prime is dead, but also Megatron, the leader of the Decepticon, is dead. What we need now is cooperation!" Simon sighed, then knocked heavily on the plane's head and shouted, "Skyfire, is that you? We are friends of Decepticons. Answer me when you hear it.

Surrounded quietly, Sam and Carly held their breath, while Simon knocked on the bomber in front of them one after another and repeated the name Decepticon loudly.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes passed, but the bomber in front of him still did not respond.

"It seems that it is really asleep, and it may be dead!" Simon looked at the unresponsive bomber and said helplessly.

"Dead! Robots will die too!" Sam stepped forward and looked at the bomber in front of him in disbelief.

"Who knows! But he didn't respond at all. Although the energy reading is still there, I don't know what's going on!" After saying that, Simon scolded the Decepticons and kicked the plane heavily to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Who is kicking me! Where did the miscellaneous soldiers come from? I don't know if I have retired and won't participate in the war!" Just as Simon and others were about to turn around, the huge bomber suddenly heard a human sound, and then with the sound of clicks, the plane changed into a robot more than ten meters tall with a cane.

"Quickly show your identity. I just heard someone talking about the name of the Decepticon. Who sent you? Can't I stay here quietly when I retire?"

The robot's face is angry, and its body is rusty. In addition, the landing gear of the plane in his hand becomes a crutch. Anyone who sees it will think that this is an old transformer.

"I am Tianhuo, the most legendary Transformer Tianhuo under the leader. You need to remember my eternal glory as the sun!" The sky fire shook his head. He has been long since this year. He has experienced the glorious period of the supremes, the chaotic war of Cybertron, the birth of a new leader, and the death of the old leader.

In the history of Transformers, the sky fire has left a deep stroke. Although he is old now, the pothole, bullet-stained body and ferocious weapons after the deformation are still telling the glorious years of his master.

"It's really uncomfortable to live here. The air is humid and the maintenance is poor, which makes me rusty! Who told me that this is the best aviation museum? I must kill him and kill this liar!"

Tianhuo shook his head in the museum. With his words, sparks scattered on his body from time to time, combined with his old body, full of a feeling of dilapidation.

"I think the museum is going to be angry this time!" Looking at the fire going out, Sam whispered to Simon and the two.

With the recovery of the sky fire, the whole museum was in great trouble. The sky fire kept roaring and walking all the way out, and many planes were smashed by the walking stick in his hand.

"I haven't seen the sun for a long time. Is it 20 or 50 years! It's unforgivable that they didn't take me out to bask in the sun!" The sky fire directly hit the wall of the museum and came to the lawn outside the museum.

"My ass is so itchy. Damn it, my line is broken!" Tianhuo stood on the lawn with crutches, grabbed the back of his buttocks with both hands, and pulled a piece of armor off his body.

"Skyfire, where are you going? We have something to talk to you now!" Looking at the sky fire going out, Sam and his others chased out and shouted repeatedly.

"Talk! What are you talking about! I still have something to do. Yes, are robots still fighting a civil war? The fire stopped and roared loudly at Sam behind him.

"No, I won't fight!" Looking at the neurotic sky fire, Sam couldn't help taking two steps back.

"No more civil war! What's going on? Did the Decepticons win, or did both sides lose? Impossible, it's impossible for the Autobot to win. The Autobot doesn't have many powerful roles! By the way, who is the leader of the Decepticon now?

At this time, with the words spoken, parts fell off on his body every few steps. As he said, he was too old to retire.

"No one won. Now the Decepticons and the Autobots are truce, and they are fighting against a common enemy. The leader of the Decepticons is Megatron, and the leader of the Autobots is Optimus Prime, but they are all dead and killed by aliens!" Sam said repeatedly, but what he said changed Tianhuo's face.

"It's all dead! The child of Megatron is also dead! What's going on? Where did the aliens come from? How did he kill the two leaders? What are those transformers doing? Do they just watch their leaders being killed? These bastards, how long have I been resting? How did the world become like this? Without the existence of fire, Transformers will fall!"

The sky fire roared loudly, and I don't know if the engine was broken. With the roar of the sky fire, black smoke kept spewing out of his mouth, mixed with sporadic sparks.

"Bang..." Just as the sky fire roared loudly, an open parachute suddenly appeared behind him. The huge parachute suddenly opened and pulled the sky fire to the ground under the wind.

"Damn it!" The sky fire fell to the ground, and the crutches in his hand kept hitting the lawn and said angrily, "My propeller is broken. I have lived for so long that I have never been so embarrassed as today!" I am Tianhuo. I am a legend that no one can deny in Cybertron. I have killed more than a dozen autobots in a single fight, and my reputation resounds throughout the whole universe. Except for the supreme, I don't pay attention to anyone who fights alone!"

"Wait, you speak the supreme, do you know the supreme language?" Listening to the words of Skyfire, Sam asked excitedly.

"Of course, I know the supreme language like the palm of my hand, because I am the richest legendary robot below the supreme! Of course, I used to be..." As Tianhuo said, the pride on his original face gradually faded, because now he is too old to be brave again.

It is inevitable for heroes to see white heads. Now the sky fire has reached the last moment of his life. Although he said that he is retiring in the museum, everyone present knows that the sky fire is just waiting for his death in the museum. He is just naturally proud and does not allow his current appearance to be known by outsiders, because he is a sky fire and a legend...

"There are many symbols in my glasses, which can guide us to find clues to the resurrection of Optimus Prime, but now the Transformers are all young generation, and they don't know this symbol!"

Sam took a dagger from Simon's body and then painted it on the lawn destroyed by the fire without saying a word.

"This is what it is. As long as we know what this is, we can find something that resurrects Optimus Prime and Megatron!" After a while, Sam drew more than 20 special symbols like ghosts on the ground.

"This is... This is the supreme language. I know them. This is the order given to me by the fallen King Kong to look for that strange thing!" Looking at the symbols on the ground, the huge body of Tianhuo half squatted on the ground.

"When the scorching sun shines on the tip of the dagger, the three kings will open their treasure house. Only those with justice can get the king's legacy..."