come to the movie world

Chapter 337 Before the Storm

With the debut of the Fallen King Kong, other Autobots and Decepticons who had been on standby came to Egypt from different locations after receiving the signal of the bumblebee.

A black helicopter circled in the air. The plane had a clear sign of a Decepticon, and a rope was tied under the helicopter. The dilapidated body of the helicopter came quickly towards Egypt under the pull of the helicopter.

"Red spider, I'm a surfboard. I'm coming to Egypt with the leader's body. In addition, I can't wait to avenge my dizziness!"

The surfboard is a helicopter that is the same as vertigo. It is precisely because of the same body that the surfboard has always regarded the vertigo that is stronger than itself as the boss. Like the human world, second-line machines such as surfboards that cannot talk directly to leaders usually choose robots of their own kind as their own leaders.


With the link of the dialogue, the surfboard only heard the noise in the communicator of the red spider opposite, as if it were fighting with someone.

"Red spider, what's wrong with you? Did you meet that alien?" The surfboard asked anxiously as it accelerated.

"No, no... Bang bang... I'm fine. Come on. The fallen King Kong is in a bad mood now... Pong, oops..." The red spider looked at the fallen King Kong that trampled on him and said with a sad face.

"How dare you question me!" Fallen King Kong looked at the red spider that hung up and held his spear in his hand.

"No, great supreme, I'm just worried about your safety. You know, there is no supreme that can fit with you now!"

The red spider spread his hands and dared not resist the big feet trampled on him by the fallen King Kong.

"You can't mention this to me!" With an angry face, the fallen King Kong flew up and kicked the body of the red spider and kicked the body of the red spider six or seven meters directly out.

"Supreme, I don't want to mention your sadness, but this is the truth. I'm just worried about you!" The red spider's body was thrown fiercely on the sand, but even at this time, the red spider still did not change its mouth.

"Okay, Supreme, I'll pick up our companions!" Looking at the bad expression of the fallen King Kong, the red spider lowered its head in fear, then turned into a jet plane, roaring towards the sky.

"Bumblebee, this man is the supreme of the Decepticon. When will our Optimus Prime arrive? He won't stop us from resurrecting him, will he!" Looking at the powerful fallen King Kong in front of him, Sam and Carly Simon stood behind the bumblebee and asked worriedly.

"I don't think so!" Bumblebee looked at the fallen King Kong and the energy cabinet array in Sam's hand, and said uncertainly.

Fallen King Kong is a supreme. Except for the same supreme, other offspring robots can't kill him. For this old man who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, Bumblebee doesn't know what he thinks and whether he will resurrect Optimus Prime, the supreme descendant.

Optimus Prime is a supreme descendant. In the world of Transformers, if you want your offspring, you have to give your energy source to the newborn. Optimus Prime got the legacy of a dying supreme and became the second supreme in Cybertron except for the fallen King Kong.

However, because Optimus Prime is not the seventh supreme of the first generation, although he is more powerful than ordinary robots, he can still be killed by ordinary robots. He will not be like the Fallen King Kong. Except for the supreme energy source, other ordinary robots of the same kind can't kill him.

"I've been waiting for a long time. My jazz is coming." Just when the bumblebee was a little bumpy, Jazz, who had been waiting for the news of the bumblebee, rushed to the scene before the Decepticons.

"Where is the energy cabinet array? I brought Optimus Prime!" The red ambulance flew on the sand, and behind the ambulance, Optimus Prime's body was covered with a green rain cloth and pulled by the ambulance.

"Optimus Prime!" Looking at the Optimus Prime pulled by the ambulance, the bumblebee quickly stepped forward and carefully removed the rain cloth on it.

At this time, Optimus Prime lay quietly on the tractor, with his eyes closed. The chest armor torn by Qin Hui and the big hole broken by Qin Hui on his arm made the fallen King Kong frown secretly.

"How was he killed!" The fallen King Kong's body jumped, and then disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already standing beside Optimus Prime.

"This breastplate was torn by the alien as tall as me, and the arm was smashed by the alien's fist!" Looking at the huge fallen King Kong in front of him, Sam said without raising his head as he climbed to Optimus Prime.

"Didn't he use a weapon?"

Under the fearful eyes of Jazz and the ambulance, the fallen King Kong squatted beside Optimus Prime and looked at the one-meter-sized gap in front of Optimus Prime's chest and found that it was indeed torn apart by external force. The original supreme fire source inside was also taken away, leaving only the torn line.

"No, nothing is useful. In the hands of that alien, the armor on Optimus Prime and others is like paper!" Sam stood on the body of Optimus Prime, then looked at the energy cabinet array in his hand and whispered to the fallen King Kong, "Can I resurrect him!"

"Of course, at that time, I was like brothers with other supremes, but it was only because of different opinions that triggered the war. Now I really want to see what the supreme of this freshman is like, whether it is the same as his ancestors!"

At this time, the fallen King Kong had a soft face. Although the metal mask on his face made Sam unable to see his expression, the care in the words still made Sam feel strange.

"Put the energy cabinet array on his chest so that he will be resurrected!" Looking at Sam, who was a little hesitant, the fallen King Kong pointed to the incomplete position of Optimus Prime's chest.

Sam looked at the two Carly underground, then raised his hand under the eager eyes of the bumblebee and smashed the energy cabinet array in his hand at Optimus Prime's chest.

"Ji..." A burst of light blue energy leaked out of the energy cabinet, and the first Optimus Prime's body was shocked. Under everyone's gaze, he suddenly opened his eyes. The originally disappeared energy source in his chest also slowly appeared in the blue energy tide, emitting a bright luster in Optimus Prime's body again.

"Don't look for the energy cabinet array, don't promise that alien..." After the resurrection, Optimus Prime suddenly sat up and still kept in his memory at the moment when Qin Hui asked everyone to find the energy source.

"Help, help!" Looking at the resurrected Optimus Prime, Sam's expression was different from the others present. At this time, he fell into a crisis because of Optimus Prime sat up. He held Optimus's broken breastplate tightly with both hands and let himself fall down at a height of 89 meters after Optimus Prime sat up.

"Sam!" Optimus Prime looked at the other transformers around him, and then lowered his head in Sam's call for help.

"You have resurrected me! Use the energy cabinet array!" Optimus Prime raised his arm to take Sam down, and then looked at the energy cabinet array suspended on his chest and the broken armor on his body.

"Welcome back, the supreme of the new life!"

Looking at the still stunned Optimus Prime, the fallen King Kong took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to Optimus Prime.

"It's you! Fallen King Kong!" Optimus Prime was shocked when he saw the fallen King Kong, and his body suddenly jumped up and looked at him alertly.

"Don't worry, the supreme of the new life, if I don't agree, do you think they can resurrect you!" The fallen King Kong held the spear in his hand and pointed to the bumblebees standing beside him.

"This..." Optimus Prime looked around and finally lowered his head and said in a low voice, "This time I owe you, and I will pay it back later."

"The war in Cybertron has been too long, and I'm tired of the long war. And more than 100,000 years of fighting have made us self-contained, and now even you leaders will be killed, which is an irony!"

Fadent King Kong said, stretched out his hand to Optimus Prime in front of him and said softly, "Welcome home, the supreme in Cybertron, I'm tired of war!"

"Go home! Home..." Optimus Prime's eyes swept over the faces of the Transformers and found that both the Autobots and the Decepticons present showed a longing look with the word home.

"When my father gave me the supreme energy module, what he missed most was the moment when the seven supremes fought for Cybertron in the universe. This wish can't be taken care of when he dies!" Optimus Prime's face was depressed, and then he held the fallen King Kong's hand tightly.

"If you really want to truce, then for the future of Cybertron and the future of Transformers, I am willing to give up everything, even if I accept your leadership!" Optimus Prime said seriously, then picked up the suspended energy cabinet array on his chest and put it in front of the fallen King Kong.

"Originally, I was so eager for the energy cabinet array, but when I woke up, all I saw was the news of Cybertron, the dilapidated planet, and your death!" The fallen King Kong finger flicked gently, and the energy cabinet array originally placed in front of him by Optimus Prime rotated and flew to Optimus Prime's side.

"You are serious!" Looking at the returned energy cabinet array, Optimus Prime couldn't help but look at the words before the fallen King Kong.

"You are not worth lying to me, the supreme of the new life! And I said that peace is peace. No one can question me, never." The fallen King Kong looked at the spear in his hand, because he had killed many supremes and all those who questioned his orders with this spear.

"I have a gift for you, an unexpected person!" The spear in the hand of the fallen King Kong suddenly raised, and then a light flashed on the spear, and then a red transformer appeared in front of Optimus Prime.

"This is! My tutor is amazing!" Looking at the sleeping robot in front of him, Optimus Prime showed an unbelievable look.

"Head, the Lord is not dead, but his body's energy is too low, and he has fallen into a deep sleep!" The ambulance turned into a machine form, and then the medical equipment in the arm glowed and swept over the body.

"Everything I saw today has subverted my previous views on you. At this time, you are the supreme and unique supreme in Cybertron!" Optimus Prime nodded to the fallen King Kong, then picked up the energy cabinet array and gently put him on the shocking body.

"Zizi..." The energy in the energy cabinet array flashed, and the dusty body slowly trembled, and then jumped up, and the steel knife in his hand suddenly split towards Optimus Prime.

" Stop, it's me, it's me!" Optimus Prime blocked the steel knife with both hands and said repeatedly.

"It's you, Optimus Prime, my disciple!" The shocking electronic eyes swept over Optimus Prime, and the weapon that was originally held high was slowly taken back by him.

"Welcome back, my mentor, it's all over, the war is over!" Optimus Prime took two steps back and stood behind the fallen King Kong after hesitating, showing the current situation with his actions.

"It's over!" The shocking eyes swept over the bodies of the Transformers. Both Autobots and Decepticons nodded silently at this moment to indicate that the war was really over.

"I have been waiting for this day for more than 100,000 years, peace, long-awaited peace!" The expression on Jingpo Tian's face can't be said to be excited or lost. A person who has experienced more than 100,000 years of war has been peaceful as soon as he wakes up. Even though Jing Po Tian, the so-called most intelligent transformer, could not accept this sudden peace for a moment.

"How did peace come, a complete failure of one party, or a reconciliation between the two sides!" He was dressed in fiery red armor, holding an alloy knife as tall as a bumblebee, and a silver beard composed of cables on his chin.

"Exotic forces broke our war. It is a very powerful alien, evil and emotionless. Many people died, iron sheet, Hercules, dizziness, vibration waves, and finally me, and the majesty in the Decepticons!" Optimus Prime said, pointing to his torn breastplate.

"It's hard to imagine that peace comes suddenly!" Shocking, he put the big knife in his hand behind his back and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sound waves come to report..." A five-meter-high metal bird flew like a gust of wind, then circled in the air and landed at the feet of several people.

"The roadblock is here..." A police car set off a storm on the sand and roared to stop beside everyone.

"The surfboard is coming..." The surfboard that turned into a helicopter slowly appeared in front of everyone with the sound. The majestic sky hanging in the cable was also thrown on the ground by the cut rope, stirring up a burst of dust.

"This fool, he will break my disciple!" Looking at Megatron falling down, his mentor's fallen King Kong jumped in place, and then his body instantly appeared below Megatron's landing and held Megatron's huge body in his arms.

The situation of Megatron was different from that of Optimus Prime. His whole head was blown up by Qin Hui's fist. Then, although he had the strange treasure of energy cabinet array in his hand, the people present couldn't help worrying after really seeing the appearance of Megatron.

"Our Transformers intelligent computer is in the brain. Now the situation of Megatron is resurrected, and I'm afraid it's also a pile of unconscious waste iron!"

Looking at the broken cable at Megatron's neck, he shook his head when he knew the situation.

"Breaking, you are the best scientist in our Cybertron. What can you do about this situation!"

Transformers itself is a huge collection of technology, so after seeing that Megatron's injury was so serious, Fallen King Kong did not ask the ambulance, but looked at the scientists in the mechanical race.

"It's tricky. We can transplant a head for him, but I'm not sure if this will work!" The shocking sky squatted down to check the shocking injury, and then said bluntly to the fallen King Kong in a strange mood.

Peace came too suddenly, and now the sky is still full of confusion.

"This revenge must be revenged, and the dignity of the mechanical race cannot be trampled on!" The fallen King Kong held the spear in his hand tightly, and there were continuous electric sparks flashing on his body.

"Revenge is certain, but now we have to fix him first!" Countless cables flew out of the shocking body, wrapped around Megatron's body, and explored Megatron's physical condition with his own identity as a scientist.

After a few minutes, he took back the cable on his body and turned his head and said, "Removed a robot. I'm going to press a new head for him so that he may be resurrected!"

The robots present looked at each other face to face, and no one wanted to be the one who sacrificed for justice.

"That's it, dismantle it!" The fallen King Kong's eyes swept over everyone. The bumblebee and Jazz were smaller, and the only one with a body more than ten meters was the surfboard that was the same helicopter as Vertigo.

"No, Supreme, you can't do this. I have to avenge the dizzy boss. I can't die!" The surfboard retreated in horror and couldn't help looking at Optimus Prime and the shocking sky.

With the eyes of the surfboard, Optimus Prime couldn't help lowering his head, and the shocking sky beside him was interested in the size of the surfboard's head.

"Sorry, we can't disobey the supreme order!" The roadblock and the red spider strode forward and surrounded the surfboard in the middle.

"Wat me to kill!" The surfboard looked at the two people in front of him, and then his body instantly changed its weapon, hit the red spider with a blow, and flew the stunned red spider out.

"Supreme, I can't die. I want to avenge the boss with my own hands!" After flying the fastest red spider, the surfboard soared to the sky and flew into the distance without saying a word. Obviously, it was a good choice after seeing that there were no flying transformers in the field.

"Stay!" Looking at the movement of the surfboard, the spear in the hand of the fallen King Kong jumped up from the same place.

The idea of the surfboard is very good. Except for the red spider that has been stunned, there are no flying transformers, but he doesn't know the supreme.

As the supreme of the first generation, the fallen King Kong has a very effective way to kill the enemy, that is, teleportation.

The surfboard flew in the air, and before he flew far away, the fallen King Kong, who had stood in place, disappeared in an instant. When it appeared again, it had reached a few kilometers of high. And beside him was the somewhat panicked face of the surfboard.

