come to the movie world

Chapter 345 Sword Saint Out of the Mountain, Sword 23

The pig emperor came out with the shout, and his big hand was just a big hand, and he grabbed Qin Shuang's shoulder without saying a word.

"Brother, be careful!" Nie Feng, who had been staring at the pig emperor's movements, shouted after seeing the pig emperor's action. The folding fan in his hand immediately turned into a weapon and hit the back of the pig emperor's hand.

"Good boy, you still want to do it with my old pig!"

With Nie Feng's action, the Pig Emperor suddenly withdrew his hand, poked the knife to the ground, and grabbed Nie Feng and Qin Shuang respectively.

"Tianshuang Fist... Fengshen Leg..."

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang looked at each other and used their unique skills to attack the Pig Emperor one left and one right.


With a muffled sound, the pig emperor's right hand blocked Qin Shuang's fist, and his left hand grasped Nie Feng's calf tightly.

"Ha ha, Shi Bei will treat each other with new eyes for three days, and my old pig is no longer the same as before!" The Pig Emperor smiled proudly, and then suddenly turned over between his hands and threw Nie Feng and Qin Shuang out of the steamed bun shop.

With the big fight between the three, the diners in the steamed bun shop fled in horror. With the exclamation of the diners, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang, who were thrown out by the Pig Emperor, also took a step forward, blocked the door and stared at the Pig Emperor tightly.

"Why, you still want to fight with me!" The pig emperor sat on the bench, patted his big belly, and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll sit here. If you can get me up, you will win!"

"Age Zhuhuang, can you beat them?" Looking at the pig emperor sitting on the bench eating steamed buns, the second dream asked worriedly.

"Yes, my two brothers are awesome. They are among the best masters in the world!" Listening to the words of the second dream, Kong Ci also nodded repeatedly.

"My name is the third pig emperor. In my life, there is no one I can't beat except the first old ghost and your father's second knife emperor! The two little guys haven't practiced martial arts yet. How can they be my opponents!"

The Pig Emperor shook his head as he spoke, looking cynical.

"Brother, let's go together..." After listening to the pig emperor's words, Nie Feng looked at Qin Shuang beside him, and then the two nodded together and quickly rushed to the pig emperor.

"Frost falls from the sky..."

Qin Shuang shouted in a low voice, crossed her fists on her chest, and then looked out and rushed to the Pig Emperor.

Qin Shuang's fist exuded bursts of cold air, leaving frozen footprints on the ground all the way. The remaining steamed buns and warm tea eaten by the guests on the table on both sides also formed thin ice in an instant.

"Storm and wind..."

Seeing that his brother used his unique skills, Nie Feng also stepped on the ground, and his body followed the wind, kicking the pig emperor like raindrops.

"How can such a good martial arts be practiced in your hands like women!"

With the vision brought by Nie Feng, the Pig Emperor's eyes were one, and his two fat hands quickly met Nie Feng first.

The two kept playing against each other. The pig emperor sat on the stool, while Nie Feng's figure was erratic and kicked the pig emperor as soon as he had a chance.

The pig emperor looks five and three thick, stupid and stupid. However, as soon as he met Nie Feng, he found that the speed of the Pig Emperor was also amazing, even comparing himself.

The two fought quickly. When Qin Shuang arrived, they played dozens of rounds at least.

"Go back!" The Pig Emperor punched and hit the center of Nie Feng's kick.

After Nie Feng received this blow, his body also retreated fiercely and then retreated seven or eight steps on the ground and stopped.

After stopping, Nie Feng just wanted to rush up, but a burst of pain came from his calf, which made Nie Feng kneel on the ground with one knee.

"You have a wound on your leg!" Looking at Nie Feng, Zhu Huang, who was fighting with Qin Shuang, frowned, because his punch was mainly used to repel Nie Feng, and Nie Feng should not have knelt on the ground with a painful face at all.

Before Nie Feng could reply, Qin Shuang looked at the pig emperor who was fighting with him while watching Nie Feng's face darkly and angry, and his heart rose with a competitive spirit, and his fists in his hand rushed up one after another.

"The younger generation met a master today, and the result was that he was competitive for a while..."

"What does the person you meet look like?" Listening to Nie Feng's words, the Pig Emperor pushed Qin Shuang back with one punch and stood up from the stool.

" Uncle Pig, you lost!"

Looking at the pig emperor standing up from the stool, the second dream took Kong Ci's hand with joy and jumped and said.

"Dead girl, it's important to find your uncle!" The Pig Emperor shook his head, then sat back on the stool and asked, "What did the tall man you met look like and where did you meet him?"

"This..." Nie Feng glanced at Qin Shuang and Mud Bodhisattva beside him, and then recalled Qin Hui's appearance and whispered, "The hair is very long, the martial arts are unfathomable, and there seems to be something on the forehead!"

"Is it a red yin and yang pattern?" The pig emperor smiled and hurriedly asked.

"It seems so. I heard that he is going to Daxue Mountain!" Nie Feng was a little uncertain, because Qin Hui was carrying a bamboo hat, and he didn't see what it was.

"It doesn't take any time to come. Dream, let's go. Don't play with them!" The Pig Emperor took a few steamed buns on the table in his hand, then carried the knife on his shoulder, led the unhappy second dream and left, leaving only Qin Shuang, who were at a loss.

"When did there be so many masters in the world!" After half a sound, Qin Shuang, who came to his mind, asked Nie Feng doubtfully.

Nie Feng shook his head gently. In his opinion, his martial arts skills should be very high, but today, this series of facts have told him, and he is just a frog in the well.

"Young people, the masters in the world are like a carp crossing the river. You still have a long way to go! But compared with most people, your future will not be peaceful!"

The clay bodhisattva shook his head, held his little granddaughter in his arms, and looked up at the sky...

This is a place surrounded by green water, with lush green forests on both sides, and an extraordinary building is located between the green mountains and green water.

Unparalleled City, there is a stone tablet in front of the gate. There are many strong soldiers standing majestically on the six or seven-meter-high wall behind the monument. Unlike in the past, today's unparalleled city has a hint of joy under the seriousness of the weekday.

Because today is the day of unparalleled city's great joy, and it is the 60th birthday of the city owner alone.

The 60th birthday of the lonely party, and the three-day celebration in the unparalleled city. Countless girls took to the streets, singing and dancing to celebrate the birthday of the lonely party, making this town that belongs to the lonely family more prosperous than usual.

"Iron Sword Gate wishes Mr. Dugu a blessed life like the East China Sea and a long life..."

"Eagle claws wish the old man all the best every day..."

"The Jingshui faction wishes the owner of Dugu City all his wishes come true..."

Countless representatives of various small sects came forward one after another, took the gifts prepared by their respective teachers, and entered the unparalleled city in groups. The disciples who were led by both sides were brought to different seats according to their different identities.

"Today is my birthday. Thanks to the praise of my friends in the world, I came all the way to congratulate my husband. I won't say much. Come on, I've dried this bowl of wine!"

On a built high platform in the city, a middle-aged man in white brocade clothes sat in the first place, entertaining the guests coming and going with a smile. From time to time, he raised the big bowl in his hand and drank a bowl of wine.

"The lonely city is dry, and there are 3,000 diners. It seems that all the beautiful things in this world really belong to the city owner! However, since Master Duguming has set up these three-day rich family banquet for you today, why haven't we seen Master Duguming present?

As everyone toasted each other, a middle-aged man dressed as a businessman couldn't help asking the lonely side strangely.

"Hahahaha, this silly boy said, I want to find a mud bodhisattva to wish me my 60th birthday. You said that none of us who walk around the world believe in those nagging things!"

Dugu Yifang laughed. Although he said that Dugu was talking nonsense, he had a smile on his face. Obviously, he was happy that his son could be so sensible.

With the rise of the mood of the lonely side, the underground people are also very lively. A roast whole sheep and a suckling pig are quickly served by the maids, which is in response to the old saying that people in the world drink and eat large pieces of meat.

"Come here!"

When everyone was drinking to their best, Dugu suddenly put down the wine bowl in his hand and waved to the disciples of the unparalleled city around him.

"What's the order of the city owner!"

The two disciples knelt on the ground and arched their hands with weapons in their hands.

Dugu Yifang looked left and right, and then asked in a low voice, "Have you come to celebrate my birthday?"

"City Lord, not yet!" Two disciples replied in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Dugu snorted coldly, grabbed the leg of the sheep in front of him and took a bite.


Just when the Wushuang City was happy, many people in the city with bucket hats gathered in one place.

"Master, we have arranged to inquire. Except for Dugu Ming, the son of the lonely party, who is not present, all the high-level officials of Wuhuang City have been present."

The door of a small inn was closed, and a man in black sat at a table, and beside him were hundreds of people in black who bowed their heads.

"Ma Ying, have you found out the whereabouts of Kensei?" The man in black closed his eyes and asked softly.

"Lord, the residents of Wushuang City are rumored that Kensei has died, and the senior officials who may know the details dare not do it for fear of beating grass and frightening snakes! However, there is definite news that the unparalleled sword in the original sword saint's hand is now in the hands of the lonely side. The man named Eagle said quickly with a crescent-shaped weapon, and he was also one of the few masters in Feiyun Hall.

Bu Jingyun nodded, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Since Kensei is not here, we have nothing to worry about. Everyone go to rest and do the third update in the evening. Be sure to go unparalleled in one fell swoop to remove the big troubles for the master!"

"Yes, Lord..." The people in black answered in unison and walked to the guest room in the restaurant without saying a word. Some people who don't have guest rooms lie on the ground to rest.

There was silence around, and the clouds did not move. They closed their eyes and listened to the noise from outside.

At the third update, the sky has become dark, and because of the dark clouds tonight, people can't see the scenery ten meters ahead.

"Master, it's ready. Today, most of the masters of Wuhuang City are drunk, and they never dreamed that someone would come to Wuhuang City to make trouble!"

"Departure..." Bu Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes, and the two cold lights should penetrate his heart.

Bu Jingyun and others galloped all the way. Because of today's banquet, many invinctive warriors slept on the street, holding the wine world in their arms.

"In a group of five, our goal is the high-level of the unparalleled city. As long as the high-level of Wuhuang City dies, Wuhuang City will no longer be a threat!"

Bu Jingyun said quickly, and all the drunks who passed along the way were silenced. Everyone responded in different directions and headed for those high-rise rooms.

Bu Jingyun stepped on the ground step by step, and his purpose was to be alone with the unparalleled city owner.


With the sound of pushing the door, Bu Jingyun stood in front of his own goal and lonely bed with a standard sword of the world meeting.


The lonely side, who was originally snoring loudly, suddenly woke up when Bu Jingyun stood at the head of his bed and took a sword placed at the head of the bed.

This is a golden sword with a ring on the scabbard. The whole sword looks full of atmosphere, and the word "unparalleled" is on the hilt.

"Forgive the late congratulations!" Bu Jingyun's eyes were on the unparalleled sword. Although he apologized in his words, Bu Jingyun's face was cold, which made Dugu, who was only wearing pajamas, strangely touch his head and didn't know where the cool breeze came from.

"Oh, it's Bu Jingyun, the master of the World Conference!" Dugu looked at the people at night, and then put down the sword in his hand.

"Why did you arrive so late? Today's banquet is over!" Dugu put the sword aside, stood up complaining, and walked towards the hanger beside him, and did not notice Bu Jingyun's colder and colder eyes.

"The owner of Dugu City, the master has an order, and the younger generation must take back the unparalleled sword and your head!"

Looking at the lonely side that turned around, Bu Jingyun said in a low voice, and then pulled out the sword in his hand with a brush.

"What did you say?..... Well....."

"Master, it has been dealt with!" As Bu Jingyun walked out, many people in black stood beside him with blood-stained swords in their hands.


Just as Bu Jingyun nodded secretly, a man with a knife wound in the chest suddenly ran out of the path beside him.

"I didn't expect that the people in the world would be so despicable. We are unparalleled..."

Looking at the person who appeared, he frowned, and then his hand shook violently, smashing the wine jar beside him. A ball of wine flew out of the shattered wine jar, and Bu Jingyun sucked the wine in his hand and hit it out as a hidden weapon without saying a word.

The wine turned into a flying sword and flashed by, cutting off the head of the man who escaped by chance.


As the man's headless body fell to the ground, a sudden scream came from under the table. It turned out that the man's head rolled under the table, so that a child hiding under the table couldn't help shouting out.

"Master, there is still alive!"

Looking at the child who quickly covered his mouth, the eagle took two steps forward and pulled the child out from under the table.

The child caught in the hands of Maying kept crying, and looking at the child in front of him, Bu Jingyun remembered the night ten years ago and his Bujiazhuang.

Unlike this child, I didn't shed tears from beginning to end that night.

"Master, this child knows that we come from the world, are we..." Maying said, he stretched out a hand and stroked his neck.

"Cut the grass and eradicate it, you are also an old man. Do you still need me to teach you how to do it?" Bu Jingyun's face remained unchanged. After saying this, he strode out.


The next morning, Duguming, who came back, only saw the white cloth hanging all over the city and the sadness on everyone's faces.

"How could this happen? How could Wuhuang City be like this? What about my father? Where is my father?

"Young city lord, you are back. Our unparalleled city has been attacked by evil people, and the owners of the old city and several masters have gone!" Looking at Dugu Ming entering the city, an old man dressed as a housekeeper hurried forward, took Dugu Ming's hand and cried.

"Why, why is it like this! Isn't my unparalleled city in the sky? Why is it like this!" Duguming knelt down numbly and stared at the corpses on the ground that had not yet been dealt with.

"Unparalleled cities are in the sky. If you can do this, you can't think of anyone except the poor monks in the world!"

Just as Duguming kept crying, Shi Wuzun came up gently and held Duguming's arm to help him up.

"I'm sorry, the old city is mainly to see that you have such filial piety, and you can feel at ease under the nine springs!"


Looking at Shi Wuzun in front of him, Du Guming suddenly knelt on the ground again and begged repeatedly, "Master, you are a Shaolin monk. Can you help me and beg Shaolin to uphold justice for me! I have been in peace for hundreds of years, and I would like to ask Shaolin to uphold justice for us!"

Duguming kowtowed repeatedly, and every time his forehead hit the ground heavily, his face became full of blood after a while.

Looking at Dugu Ming's appearance, Shi Wuzun smiled bitterly and asked, "Amitabha, benefactor, poor monk is willing to go to the world with you even if he gives up this stinky skin. But my Shaolin is also at dusk now, and what justice can I have for Shaolin to host!"

"This..." Du Guming was stunned and couldn't help sitting on the ground.

Yes, Shaolin's momentum is not as good as that of his own unparalleled city. The prestige of the past has long been over.

"No, my uncle is still there, and my uncle has become a sword 23. He will definitely not stand by. With my uncle, how can you use Shaolin to uphold justice?"

Duguming, who was heartbroken for not being able to revenge, suddenly sounded and sounded a grassy house regarded as a forbidden place outside the unparalleled city, and the weight represented by the word sword saint.