come to the movie world

Chapter 354 Fire Kirin

The two eagles galloped all the way in Lingyun Grottoes. Are the eagle and the bat good people?


Two people kill, burn and loot all kinds of evil, but people like them are gradually attracted by the personality charm of Bu Jingyun under the battle.

The scholar died as a confidant. Today, the two of them don't even agree with the hero, but only recognize Bu Jingyun as their leader. In their opinion, Nie Feng, who was forced to walk away, is also their enemy. Now that Xiongba has a murderous heart, it's better to break the net.

The Lingyun Cave was dark, and the forked path was full of dilapidated vines and some white bones. The three of them kept running through it, one chasing and two fleeing.

"Master, what are you doing here? Although the fire unicorn is extraordinary, the effect of this blood bodhi on us is indeed negligible!"

In a cave that no one knows, a figure in a mask is standing half a step behind a man in a gray robe.

"Go, protect Nie Feng from death and let him get the Blood Bodhi!" The man in gray did not explain, but quietly looked at the mirror composed of water waves in front of him and pointed to Nie Feng inside.

"Yes, sir!" The masked man looked at the water mirror, and above this water mirror, Bu Jingyun coming to Leshan, Qin Shuang, who ran all the way, and Nie Feng and Maying, who had come to the side of Blood Bodhi, were clearly visible.

Looking at the different scenes, the gray-robed man bowed his head respectfully and asked why, and his body disappeared in front of the gray-robed man.

"Blood Bodhi, it's really Blood Bodhi!"

The eagle and the bat are now standing in front of a stone pillar, reciting words while holding the blade in their hands, quickly carrying pieces of strange red fruits on the stone pillar.

There are several theories about the origin of Blood Bodhi. One is that the blood droplets of the fire unicorn appear behind, and the other is because the fire spirit of the fire unicorn appears. Regardless of which of these two statements is correct, no one has ever objected to the effect of blood bodhi increasing power and rebirth.

Ma Ying and the two kept moving, but Nie Feng, who followed all the way, stood at the entrance and looked at a big knife not far away.

It is a wide-backed knife with a silver ring on the back of the knife, and next to the knife is a broken white bone.

Nie Feng ignored the ecstatic two eagles, but went towards the big knife with short breath.

"Dad, is that you?" Nie Feng knelt on the ground on one knee, gently stroked the knife handle, and stared at the white bone in front of him.

The heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked. All changes are still calm and calm. Forget yourself and keep one, six big fixed. Quit to nourish the spirit and be selfless.

Nie Feng lowered his head, and next to the white bone, a small line of small words were clearly engraved on the stone wall behind the white bone.

"This is the ice secret of my Nie family. Dad, you died so miserably!" After seeing the engraving on the stone wall, Nie Feng immediately recognized the origin of the formula. Because before King Nie rushed to Lingyun Cave, he forced the young Nie Feng to write down this formula.

"Beast, where are you? Come out and see me!"

Looking at the scattered white bones on the ground, Nie Feng immediately thought of his father's experience, and then couldn't help picking up the knife and roaring loudly.


Before Nie Feng's words fell, a deafening roar suddenly came, shaking the stone walls on both sides into debris.

"It's a fire unicorn. It's not good. Let's go!" Listening to the deafening roar, the eagle pulled a handful of bats around him, and the cold sweat on his face was more clearly visible.

There is a different fruit blood bodhi in Lingyun Grottoes. People who practice martial arts can increase their skills by 30 years, relieve hundreds of poisons and give birth to white bones. However, although the treasure is touching, no one has ever heard of anyone who took the blood bodhi and walked out of Lingyun Grotto alive for hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, countless warriors have entered it, and the reputation of the fire unicorn has also been rumored around the world.

The fire unicorn has a flame protection on its body. It is not only invulnerable with scales and armor, but also extremely powerful and murderous. This is a story that children know, and Magy doesn't dare to neglect it.

"Let's go, do you want to die here?" The eagle roared angrily, because the bat at this time was still greedy to dig the blood bodhi and tremblingly did not want to leave.

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon. I dug eight yuan, and I must be one of the best masters in the world in the future!" While looking around in a panic, the bat kept looking at the Blood Bodhi in his hand.

"Beast, come out, come out quickly!" Nie Feng was still roaring, and the sword in his hand was cold and fearless at all.

"No, I'll go first. I won't stay with you if you want to die!" There was more and more cold sweat on Ma Ying's face. Finally, he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart and grabbed a few blood bodhisattvas and was about to leave.


It was not the sound of the bat that answered him, but a heat wave. The eagle turned his head and saw the bat holding the blood bodhi in his hand, and in front of him stood a three-meter-tall unicorn with flames all over his body.

"Let's go, let's go..." The eagle did not dare to speak loudly, but wiped the cold sweat on his face and kept prompting the bat to run.

"Ah..." From fear, the bat raised his hands and threw the blood bodhi, which was regarded as a treasure in his hand, into the sky, while he turned around and fled strangely.

"Kka, Ka..." The fire unicorn shook his head, poked his head like a puppy, and ate several blood bodhis in the air into his mouth.

"Sw..." The fire unicorn suddenly jumped up and rushed ten meters away. When it landed, it had blocked the hole behind the bat.

"Don't kill me, I still have it here. I'll give it to you!" At this time, the bat also secretly hated why he didn't leave quickly, but at this point, he could only look forward to the fire unicorn's kindness.

The bat took out his clothes for a while, and then took the two blood bodhis close to him in his hand and handed them to the fire unicorn watching him.

"Hu..." Two flames erupted from the fire unicorn's nose, then shook his head and pointed a little on it.

"You let me throw it!" The bat asked with a giggle, but after hearing his words, Kirin nodded, drooling, and staring at the blood bodhi in his hand.

The bat swallowed secretly, then opened its arms and threw two blood bodhis into the air.

"Bang..." Looking at the flying blood bodhi, the fire unicorn stamped his feet, and his fat figure suddenly jumped. He opened his mouth and bit the blood bodhi.

After eating the blood bodhi into his mouth, the fire unicorn was very happy. It fell down and rolled in place before standing up again.

"You still want to eat!" Looking at the fire unicorn that poked its head again, the bat retreated repeatedly, spread out its hands, and said as if coaxing the child; "It's gone..."


The fire unicorn turned into a flame and rushed to the bat. After the flame, the fire unicorn licked its big nose, and the original bat was gone...

After eating the bat, the fire unicorn chased the place where the eagle disappeared, and Nie Feng, who only realized it at this time, raised the snow-drinking knife without saying a word and followed the fire unicorn.

With the movements of one person and one beast, the eagle ran all the way and stood pale in front of a hole with no way back.

"Hu..... Hu..."

The light is getting brighter and brighter. While illuminating the whole cave, the fire unicorn that Magy wanted to see still appeared in front of him.

"I also have this! I'll give it all back to you, okay?

Looking at the slowly walking fire unicorn, the eagle remembered the experience of the bat just now, and hurriedly took out his blood bodhi and threw it to the ground without saying a word.


Looking at the blood Bodhi thrown directly on the ground, the fire unicorn was furious for some reason. A fire burst into the eagle and screamed into a fire ball.

"Beast, where to escape!" After the fire unicorn killed the eagle, Nie Feng finally arrived late.

Looking at Nie Feng behind him, the fire unicorn suddenly sneezed and looked behind Nie Feng doubtfully, because I don't know when a masked man appeared there. From this person, the fire unicorn felt the threat of death and its least favorite cold smell...


Yunxiao has a million words, please reward the local tycoon as an alliance leader! How can Yunxiao be motivated if there is not even an alliance leader in a book! Kneel and beg....