come to the movie world

Chapter 371 Dragon Vein

I feel more annoyed and annoyed. The resistance of the martial arts in the Central Plains exceeded the expectation of the godless, and the battle between the godless palace and the major factions also fell into a quagmire and could not retreat.

Think about how energetic it was to dominate Dongying and look at the divine state from afar. But now this unpleasant thing makes the godless hair a little gray.

On that day, the godless palace came across the sea with 3,000 ghost warriors, and there were less than 300 original members left in the continuous battle in the past six months. Only the godless himself knows that the godless palace is now known as 30,000 ghosts. In fact, most of the people in it are disguised as Jianghu guests who came to the Central Plains. Although they still wear ghost masks, they are not Dongying warriors at all.

Sometimes the godless also thinks that if it goes on like this, this generation will marry and have children, I'm afraid that three generations will not have their own Dongying Godless Palace, and I'm afraid they will have to change their name to the Central Plains Godless Palace.

The lesson of the former car, the teacher of later generations. Think of the Ming religion from Persia and the Buddhism handed down from India. Later, who else recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan!

In fact, this is not the case in the original plan of absolute godlessness. The original idea of absolute god came from Dongying, judging the martial arts with the momentum of autumn wind rolling fallen leaves, and then lifting the pole with the help of martial arts power. He defeated the palace and destroyed the imperial court, and finally ascended the throne in 95 and returned to Dongying. Alas! I was a little excited when I thought about it!

However, nine out of ten things are unsatisfactory in life, and now at this point, there is no god and no ambition. What he is planning now is to gain a firm foothold and don't let the foundation he brought flow. As for the future, let his children and grandchildren worry about it.

Juejin thought so. Standing in the original hegemonic hall, now he looks at the starry sky outside the hall of the godless palace and shakes his head a little lonely.

"Father, Father..."

While thinking quietly, the somewhat panicked figure of Jue Xin ran up.

"Father, good news, great news!" At this time, the absolute heart was no longer as calm as before, and ran quickly while shouting good news.

Listening to the words, he was silent and whispered in a boring voice: "What good news? Did he die namelessly, or did the evil emperor die violently? Or will the sects of the Central Plains come to surrender collectively?

"Well..." Juexin shook his body and then smiled awkwardly; "No father, he died namelessly, and there was no news of the evil emperor's violent death. All major sects in the martial arts are actively preparing for the war, and even many disciples have been summoned back!"

There was no sadness or happiness on his face, but he said absent-mindedly, "What else can there be! Don't say that your mother is pregnant again!"

"Father, today you..." Looking at the godless, the joy on her face slowly calmed down.

"I'm about to pass the age of 40, and it's almost fate!"

The determination on the face of the godless face is still there, but the feeling of fatigue can even be felt by the heart.

"Tell me, what good news!" He sighed and looked at his son who was still dreaming of the imperial dynasty.

What else can good news be! Does it count if we come here?"

Didn't wait to open his mouth, and with some sharp words, a man in a red eunuch's uniform twisted his buttocks and came from a distance.

"Eunpa Liu! Why are you here?" Jue Wushen frowned. This Eunuch Liu is not a good man and believery woman. In the view of Jue Wushen, I'm afraid that Eunuch Liu came out of the big house this time, I'm afraid it's not as simple as visiting him.

"Half a year, you have been huddled in Leshan. If we don't come to see us, we will think you are back!" Eunuch Liu sneered at the absolute godless, and his face with light makeup showed dissatisfaction.

Eunuch Liu was a helper who had no power to lead a large army. If it hadn't been for the information and cover provided by Duke Liu, there would have been no god to break through the coastal blockade of Fujian sailors so easily and brought thousands of people to the Central Plains.

Listening to Grandpa Liu's sarcasm, he was absolutely godless and not angry. Instead, he said indifferently, "It's not easy for Grandpa Liu to come out. If you come to see me laugh, then go back and serve your master. I'm not as big as the palace, but I don't have any delicious greetings to my father-in-law!"

"You, you! It's really pissed off our family!" The godless attitude made Liu Gong tremble angrily, and it took a while to calm down.

"Look, it took me a lot of effort to get it. If you hadn't kept moving, our family wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to you!" Grandpa Liu took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve and threw it on his heart and handed it to him.

He bowed his head and opened the bamboo slips and looked at them at a glance.

There is little information on bamboo slips, but it is of great significance. The bamboo slip is written by the Sichuan border general, which means that Leshan was occupied by a group of martial arts people from Dongying and wanted the court to send troops to encircle and suppress this group of crazy people who occupied the mountain as the king.

"I'm afraid now, and I still don't move! You really think that the court is a dry meal! General Wu of Sichuan asked to mobilization 100,000 troops to encircle and suppress you, and also asked the court to send masters to supervise the war!"

As Grandpa Liu spoke, he pinched an orchid finger and put up his buttocks. If it weren't for not being handsome, it might have been cute.

"Afraid! What are you afraid of! It is impossible for the imperial army to gather overnight. They want to fight against Leshan. At worst, I can go to Huangshan!" No god closed the bamboo slip and said carelessly.

"Oh! You are so pissed me off! Why are you so disappointing! If you lose the base camp of Leshan, how can you enter the capital in the future? Who will take you seriously?"

Grandpa Liu looks more anxious than absolute godlessness. After all, there is a way out, but Grandpa Liu is different. Euke Liu has a deep hatred with the royal family. What he wants to do most in his life is to see the day when the country changes generations.

"People in the world don't know the battle, and they say that they have martial arts. However, once the two armies confront each other, under the attack of 30,000 people in the army, I'm afraid that even 20,000 regular troops can't beat them. What do you want me to fight for? Time! I'm short of time!"

Zong Wushen has dealt with the questioning of Mr. Liu. In fact, today, he has no determination to break into the capital. What he thinks about most is just a rich and noble.

With the current godless mentality, if this is really under the pressure of the army, I'm afraid that the most likely thing to do is not to fight, but to sail along the water after two games.

When this person is ambitious, he always feels that he can achieve great things, but once this ambition calms down, he still thinks about wealth the most.

The absolute god was originally full of confidence, but in the past six months, he fought with the major factions in the world and saw the unfathomable martial arts of the evil emperor. There is no god to think more about leaving something for future generations, and you can't just escape back to Dongying in such a gray way.

Ze Wushen, Juexin and Duke Liu didn't say anything. He looked at the night sky above his head, while Eunuch Liu looked at the absolute heart in front of him with changed his eyes.

"There is absolutely nothing. There is another good thing here in our house. If you are still willing to be your shrinking turtle after watching it, then our family will turn around and leave and never bother you again!"

The three were deadlocked for half a quarter of an hour. In the end, Duke Liu, who was eager to revenge, softened and couldn't help showing his last card.

"Oh!" There was no god, but he still stood there weakly and didn't care about what good things Grandpa Liu had from beginning to end.

Looking at the disapproving appearance of Jue Wushen, Grandpa Liu said that it was not, nor did he say it. For the first time, he regretted making Jue Wushen come to the Central Plains.

"Eunuch Liu, my father has been a little restless recently. You'd better say something directly!"

Looking at Grandpa Liu's changeable eyes, he took two steps forward and took Grandpa Liu's hand and said eagerly.

"Alas!" Grandpa Liu shook his head, then groped from his sleeve for a while and handed a yellow map to Jue Xin.

The map of Duke Liu is no different from the ordinary map. The only difference is that there are no place names on this map, but only black lines, and the black line eventually intersects.

"Imperial dragon vein, keel, amazing martial arts!" Juexin looked down at the only few text labels on the map and couldn't help asking doubtfully, "Eunuch Liu, what is this?"

"What else! The dragon vein of the imperial court is located, and the martial arts secrets of opening up the territory with the emperor's staff during the founding of the country!"

Duke Liu whitened his heart and raised his voice to the godless back: "The previous emperor once had a last word that those who get the keel get the world, and those who get the secret book get the martial arts. This one represents the country, and the other represents the first in the world!"

"Jiangshan! No. 1 in the world!"

Originally, his heart was as godless as stopping water. After hearing Mr. Liu's words, his body trembled slightly and gently turned his head.