come to the movie world

Chapter 388 Longtan

There is a mountain in the Central Plains, from Gansu in the west through Shaanxi to Henan, known as Qinling.

The depths of the Qinling Mountains are rarely visited, but unlike the silence of the past, there is a group of horses walking in the deep mountains of today's Qinling Mountains.

Qin Hui, who held the seven-star sword, walked first, and behind him were Wu Invincible, Xu Fu, Zhuhuang, Xiongba, Jiansheng, Unknown, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and others. Far from Qin Hui, a red-robed monk lowered his head and followed the footsteps of the crowd.

This monk was Shi Wuzun. On that day, Qin Hui did not kill him because it was not a shameful thing to die in the world. Although Qin Hui felt sorry for the death of the Sword Emperor, the death of the Knife Emperor was open and dignified. Qin Hui was not sad for the death of the Sword Emperor, but also proud of him, because this is The best destination for warriors.

The so-called revenge will only happen after being humiliated in the world. No one will blame others for the aboveboard battle. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for your poor learning.

Qin Hui and his party walked in the dense jungle of Qinling. The knife emperor who had seen the dragon was dead. Although there was a route left by the knife emperor, everyone was still dizzy in Qinling and could not find any sign of the existence of the dragon.

However, all the people present are masters. Although the mountain paths are tortuous and difficult to walk, people are still turning over and getting older and narrowing the scope of search.


The jungle on both sides is lush, and a clear river flows through the woods and appears in front of everyone.

"We have searched all over Qinling. We have searched for thousands of miles away, and we don't know where the dragon has gone!"

Everyone sat down by the stream. Except for Qin Hui drinking their own wine, everyone else took out the stream with their hands and ate the dry food they brought.

There are few people in the mountains, and everyone is dedicated to the matter of the dragon. Now that the food is about to run out, they can't care about the dignity of any masters.

"Old ghost!" The pig emperor sat on the ground, looked at the stream in front of him, and then looked at the wine pot in Qin Hui's hand.

Qin Hui looked up at him, drank wine without saying a word, and gently touched his finger on the seven-star sword.

"Old man, is this wine delicious?" The Pig Emperor patted his buttocks and stood up from the ground and walked to Qin Hui's side.

"It doesn't taste good!" Qin Hui looked at the Pig Emperor and still drank wine by himself.

With the words of the Pig Emperor, everyone focused on Qin Hui. After searching for many days, the wine everyone brought at that time had already run out. Only Qin Hui could drink wine every day as usual, as if his wine was endless.

"It doesn't taste good! I don't believe it. Come on, let my old pig taste it!" The Pig Emperor stood beside Qin Hui with a cheap smile and kept rubbing his hands.

"Get out of here!" Qin Hui doesn't look at the pig emperor. Qin Hui has known the character of the pig emperor for so many years. This pig emperor is a stubborn donkey who doesn't walk and fights backwards. You can't give him a good look.

"Old ghost, this stream is so sweet. I'll keep the wine for you. You can also go and drink a few mouthfuls of water!" The Pig Emperor surrounded Qin Hui unrelentlessly, and even if Qin Hui didn't say a word, he was unwilling to give up.

"Is that so!" Qin Hui was annoyed by the Pig Emperor and suddenly waved it in his hand.

A strong wind blew, and the Pig Emperor only felt that it was not the wind but the falling stone on the top of the mountain, and flew backwards with a strange cry.


"Ouch, drowning! Drowning people!"

The pig emperor's body fell into the water, and the deep river only reached the pig emperor's waist, and the pig emperor sat in the water, with his hands constantly fluttering, and instantly muddyed the clear river.

The pig emperor's martial arts skills are not low, and his age is not much younger than that of Xiongba. So looking at the pig emperor, everyone shook their heads and couldn't even drink the river.

The pig emperor seemed to be playing unconsciously in the water, and in front of Qin Hui, everyone also frowned, and then ate dry food without saying a word.

"What is this!" Just when everyone ignored it, the pig emperor suddenly gave a soft voice, and his fat body seemed to block something.

Listening to the pig emperor's call, no one cares. After all, the pig emperor's character is like this. If you are serious with him, you are a fool.

"Old ghost, old ghost, look at it!" The Pig Emperor shouted repeatedly, but Qin Hui and others did not look at him.


The pig emperor's body burst from the river and flew a splash to the shore.

The water splashed out, and the Wu invincible people by the river flew up without saying a word. By the time the Pig Emperor stood on the shore, everyone had reached a place ten meters away and glared at the Pig Emperor.

"Look, everyone, what is this!" The Pig Emperor opened his hands, and a palm-sized golden scale glittered in the sun.

"This is..." Everyone surrounded the pig emperor and looked at the golden scale without blinking.

This scale is the same as the scale on the snake, but unlike the snake, this scale is more than ten centimeters long, and the golden texture in the sun gives people a thick and majestic beauty.

"Old ghost, here, this is what I found in the river!" The pig emperor pushed away the crowd like a treasure and handed the scales to Qin Hui.

Qin Hui took the scales in her hand and shook them slightly. With the force scales in Qin Hui's hand, she bent them until Qin Hui let go and returned to their original state again.

"What a high resilience, a strong defense!" Qin Hui looked at the scales in his hand and found that the inconspicuous scales weighed at least a dozen pounds, as if they were not scales but a piece of raw iron.

"This should be dragon scales. Let's go and take a look at the source of the river..." Qin Hui threw the scales in his hand to the pig emperor, and then flew up at a little and went to the source of the river on the water.

"Dragon!" After watching Qin Hui fly up, Xiong Ba spit out the dried meat in his hand to the ground, and a transparent light ball rose from his body, wrapping Xiong Ba on the water.

As Qin Hui's words passed by the water, only the Pig Emperor stood there stupidly in a blink of an eye.

"It's not so fast to remove the mill and kill the donkey!" The pig emperor took the scales in his hand and looked at the people who left.

"Wait for me!" The reacting Pig Emperor shouted eagerly and quickly followed the scales into his arms.

This river is not big and the water is not urgent. Everyone followed Qin Huifei and kept going upstream. After half an hour of flight, everyone saw the source of the water flow.

This is a pool by the mountain. The whole pool is thousands of meters in size. The water in the pool is sufficient and water keeps pouring out of the pool, forming a small river outside.

"There should be a spring in this pool!" Looking at the pool that kept pouring out, he said affirmatively.

Listening to the nameless words, Qin Hui shook her head and whispered, "No, this mountain is empty, and the spring is not in the pool, but in the mountain!"

Qin Hui said and raised her hand. Everyone followed Qin Hui's gesture and saw a dark hole near the mountain. According to the movement of the water flow, these water gushed out from the hole close to the lake.

"The water is not deep, but there is a dragon. Let's go in!" Qin Hui flew straight across the water, aiming at the dark hole.

The pool water seems plain, and there is another universe in the cave.

Qin Hui and others flew into the mouth of the cave by wiping the surface of the water. In their eyes, they saw the sound of ticking water and the endless cave at a glance.

The space in the cave is at least more than ten meters high, and the stalactites on the top of the head are constantly dripping down, turning the cave into a rainy day.

"This place is a little interesting!" Qin Hui stood on the surface of the water, felt the depression suddenly rising in his heart, and said uncertainly.

"My heart pounded as soon as I entered here. Do you feel this way?" The Pig Emperor wiped the drops of water dripping on his face and asked everyone with lingering flin.

Everyone was silent, and everyone knew each other and nodded. Obviously, this feeling is not unique to the Pig Emperor.

"This is not a good place. The hero sword is constantly urging me to leave. Be more careful!" The nameless hand kept touching the hero's sword, and everyone followed his words and saw the hero's sword trembling as if they were afraid.

"God Soldier Protects the Lord!" Jiansheng looked at the nameless and held the unparalleled sword in his hand, because his unparalleled sword was also constantly trembling, as if it was foreshadowing something.

"Old ghost, this place is so evil. I feel like I have entered the ghost gate. Let's go!" The pig emperor shook his head and looked around, with a palpitation on his face.

The more evil the door is, the more likely it is to be the hiding place of the dragon. No one present said anything. The scene was silent for a moment, only the sound of water droplets kept coming.