come to the movie world

Chapter 395 Changes in the World Subscribe

The other side of Tianya is the name of a high-end villa area. The terrain of this community is very high, and the gate of the community is a big uphill. The perimeter of the community is not a wall, but a huge gentle slope composed of right angles, like the kind of anti-collapse wall attached to the mountain, which stiffly lifts up the terrain of the whole community.

The whole community seems to be built on a soil slope, and there is a two-story gap between the area near the edge of the community and the outside of the community. And because this community is full of villas of rich people, there is a saying that the other side is the end of the world.

"Some people are born superior, and I have always agreed with this statement. If the biochemical crisis is really like the performance in the movie, as long as the terrain here breaks the way forward, the un evolved zombies will not rush!"

The three of them arrived at the place Zhang Ze said in a flash, and looking at the terrain here, Qin Hui immediately thought of the word easy to defend and difficult to attack.

With Qin Hui's words, only the fourth-level Zhang Xin's face turned red. Zhang Ze kept looking around and looked stunned.

"This, that's it!" Zhang Ze said with some snoy, looking around for a while and Qin Hui for a while.

"Obviously..." Qin Huixi's words are like gold, pointing to the other side of the three people and nodding.

Zhang Ze looked at Qin Hui stupidly. You should know that his brother and sister were just a few miles away on the street and were brought here by the man in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Would you like to invite me in for a drink? I don't want to eat the wind outside!"

Qin Hui looked around and found that there were still police patrolling with guns at this time, which was obviously a good place to avoid the end of the world.

"This..." Zhang Ze bowed his head and said with some embarrassment, "We don't actually live here, but I heard that there are high walls and police here, so I want to take refuge here!"

Zhang Ze said shyly, and Zhang Xin's face turned redder and hotter.

"A little scheming!"

After hearing this, Qin Hui nodded indifferently, and then went to a villa under the gaze of several police officers.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you." Qin Hui took the lead and took the two of them to a villa.

Qin Hui has checked this villa with his mind. It is fully equipped, but a few people have not entered it for half a month.

"Brother, do you live here? By the way, why didn't I see your level?"

Zhang Ze followed Qin Hui without saying a word, but his sister couldn't help expressing her doubts.

"Level!" Qin Hui was stunned when he heard the sound, and then looked at the top of his head.

"Qin Hui..... Level???..... Skills???..... Career???....."

A few seconds later, Qin Hui saw her data, but unlike Zhang Ze and others, her data was a series of question marks and did not mark attributes at all.

"Brother Qin, I'm afraid you can bring us here at level above ten! Is the way you brought us here just now your skill?

Zhang Xin looked at Qin Hui and asked repeatedly, and her mind was still thinking about the changes during the momentary movement.

"Maybe!" Qin Hui looked at her data and answered perfunctorily. Because of such a while, her data changed again.

"Qin Hui..... Rank;??? 186..... Occupation;??? Time Traveler... Title;??? Gun King, Judge, General, Great Magician

"Can't you see my level?" Qin Hui looked at her message and asked without looking back.

"I can't see it. The system says that the level is suppressed and can't be perceived!" Zhang Xin nodded and said affirmatively.

"Ha ha, interesting!" Qin Hui shook her head and then stretched out her hand to point to the door lock.

"Alaho Cave opens..."

"Khi..." As the door lock of the magic villa opened, Qin Hui went straight in without saying much.

"Open the Alaho Cave!"

Zhang Ze and the two walked in, and then Zhang Ze's sister recalled Qin Hui's strange words and pointed to the door that was closed again.

There was no reaction. Zhang Xin looked at her fingers and then looked back at Qin Hui standing by the sofa.

"Most people are giftless Muggles. These people can't send magic even if they know spells!"

Qin Hui explained carelessly, then snapped her finger in her hand and whispered again; "Cleaning spell, wow..."

With Qin Hui's words, a breeze suddenly rose in the room, and the breeze blew through the room with a faint fragrance of vegetation, swept away all the dust and left a new furniture and carpet.

"Is this also your skill?"

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Zhang Xin looked at Qin Hui in a while, and Zhang Ze beside him also looked dumbfounded.

"I can understand this, but after understanding, I want to know what's going on here?"

Qin Hui nodded and raised an extra bottle of red wine in her hand. The wine bottle came down, and there were three more red wine glasses on the table before it fell on the table, firmly grasping the red wine flowing out.

Qin Hui picked up a glass of wine and took a gentle sip, and then with a finger in his hand, the two cups flew into the hands of Zhang Ze and the two.

"It tastes really good!" Zhang Ze took a sip gently. Although he didn't understand red wine, the mellow fragrance in the wine was something he had never felt in the red wine he had drunk in the past.

Drinking red wine, Zhang Ze also began to tell his story.

Three days ago, a company named Ambrera announced that it had developed a new drug to cure cancer, and on the same day, Ambrera arranged 100 people to start a global live broadcast of cancer treatment.

Everything went well at the beginning. Medical devices showed that cancer cells were dissipating, and an ingredient called a new anticancer drug was destroying this cancer cell in people's bodies.

Everything is changing as Ambrera said, and it seems that this new drug is impeccable. After three hours of treatment, the first patient opened his eyes.

numbness, bloodthirsty, madness, this is all the patient's performance. No one knows what happened, because there has never been such a mistake in previous experiments.

Many doctors were at a loss. Under the global live broadcast, they pressed the patients on the operating table for reexamination and began new tests.

Half an hour later, a doctor who was undergoing treatment suddenly twitched to the ground, and before everyone helped him up, the doctor became the same as the bite patient.

Many medical devices were smashed to the ground in the chaos, and hundreds of patients treated for cancer woke up one by one, turning into the kind of bloodthirsty monster attacking the people around them.

Five hours later, the virus infected the whole raccoon city. Ten hours later, the virus spread to the whole United States. One day later, the whole world became purgatory.

Maybe this is the end of the world, and maybe this is the disaster of mankind. But all this began to turn around, because a voice resounded around the world a day after the outbreak of the virus, which claimed to be the master of the game and will help everyone get through this disaster.

The whole world is being digitalized, and everything has become traceable. And we have also gained the power to fight against zombies, which is powerful and progressive.

Humans all over the world have a level. Our initial level is random 3-8, and the level of zombies is fixed at level 5. For example, I am a powerful warrior with an initial level of eight, which gives us the capital to fight against zombies.

Like most people, I also thank the selfless game master, because its appearance gave me the strength to escape with my sister.

We can upgrade by killing zombies, and we can also evolve by killing zombies. Today, the world is a large Colosseum, where people kill zombies and zombies kill people. However, because the end of the outbreak is still short, the city is still in our hands. The people on that street just gathered together and planned to rush out of the city to a safer place, and then we met you...


In this way, Qin Hui quietly listened to Zhang Ze's words, and while listening, Qin Hui was also secretly thinking about the story.

The outbreak of the biochemical crisis is due to the negligence of Ambrera, but the reason why the world has changed like the game is probably because of the fifth fragment.

"Why did the fifth fragment do this and what is the purpose of doing this? Is it to choose soldiers to fight against yourself, or do you want to hide something!"

Qin Hui keeps thinking about all kinds of possibilities, because if the world continues to develop, perhaps decades later, there may really be such a strong man or the same existence as himself.

"People are not as good as God, and it's only strange that you are too slow!"

Qin Hui recalled everything possible, and then looked at Zhang Ze, who blushed when he mentioned the game master, but the level was still only eight, with a sneer on his face.


Don't worry, I won't let you down.