come to the movie world

Chapter 398 Ambrera, Core Laboratory

"Do not move!" Under the leadership of Alice, the members of the special forces team raised their weapons and aimed them at Qin Hui.

Alice and others held a gun, in which Matthew, the captain of the special team, took a few steps forward, took out a palm-sized instrument and scanned Qin Hui.

"Ma Matthew..... Level 12..... Professional warrior... Captain of the special forces team under Ambrera..."

While Matthew scanned Qin Hui, Qin Hui also focused on Matthew and got the initial information.

"Supervisor, this man is not an employee of the company. We don't have his information." Matthew scanned Qin Hui's message and returned to Alice and whispered.

"Take him down together. There are traitors in the company and this person's origin is unknown. Ordinary people will not come to the company headquarters at this time!" Alice thought about giving the order, and then several special forces members looked around and surrounded Qin Hui in the middle.

Different from the movie, the special forces team this time is obviously led by Alice, and the number of people is also different from that in the movie, reaching seven. Among them is not only Matt, the agent who penetrated Ambrera, but also a scientist named Brix.

"To be honest, we are not the same people, and I'm not interested in the company secrets you mentioned. I don't think there is a need for peers!" The special forces gathered Alice into the elevator, and Qin Hui in the elevator was stared at by these soldiers, as if they were guarding against thieves.

"Sir, you should be glad that I am not a person who kills innocent people. So for the sake of your life, please keep silent now!" Alice's generous white research suit can't hide her sexy figure, but compared with Alice's sexy, the pistol pointing to Qin Hui's chest can better explain her sonorous rose-like personality.

Qin Hui looked down at the pistol against her body and shook her head and smiled at Alice. Since Alice was so affectionate, Qin Hui didn't want to say anything more. Anyway, Qin Hui is going down. Alice and her party's exploration in the movie made Qin Hui very happy. At this moment, in reality, Qin Hui is also looking forward to everyone's performance, or the dying struggle in times of crisis.

After Alice entered the elevator, she gently pressed the button of the elevator a few times, and then the green light lit up in the number of floors button of the elevator.

Looking at the green light, Alice didn't say a word, raised her hand and pressed the button again, re-entering it.

This input method is the secret door in the elevator. Although there are hints of negative floors on the elevator, it is just a cover-up. If you don't understand the secret door but directly press the number of floors, you will only be sent to the underground parking lot, not the core area under the ground.

The elevator went down with Alice's movements, while the special forces led by Matthew pulled down the bolt and pointed the muzzle at the door of the elevator to deal with sudden danger.

"Although I didn't see your level, I hope you still don't make any moves after entering. After we get the documents, we will take you to the new base for interrogation. If you are really an ordinary person, congratulations. You will get a job in a safe and risk-free base, and you don't have to worry about your life anymore.

Alice whispered, but she did not mention what would happen if Qin Hui was really a spy, but if Qin Hui was really a government spy, Ambrera would have a way to deal with it.

Qin Hui nodded her head silently, and the joking smile on her face made Alice frown.

"Hey, man, what level are you? Our supervisor can't see through your level. At least, you have to go to level 20, right? The speaker was a special forces member with a backpack, who was the computer master who used the computer to turn off the laser channel.

"Almost!" Qin Hui did not give a clear reply, because in the first part of the biochemical crisis, the special forces who entered the underground base with Alice were killed and injured heavily. Only two people in Alice survived, and Qin Hui was not interested in talking to these people.

"Ding..." The elevator made a soft sound in the silence of the crowd, and then slowly opened under the nervous expression of the crowd.

"Be vigilant and keep shooting at any time! Jedi, Ryan, follow me!" Captain Matthew shouted and walked out of the elevator with two special forces.

Outside the elevator is the same laser channel as Raccoon City. At this time, the door of the laser channel is closed, and there is a password operating table in front of the channel and in the channel. And this channel connecting the core research institute of Ambrera is also the only way for people to enter the core area.

The surroundings are quiet, and the lights in the underground base are still working, so that everyone can see the surrounding situation at a glance.

There is no sea of corpses and blood that everyone imagines, and there are no imagined groups of monsters. The ground is as smooth as a mirror, which can clearly illuminate people's appearance. The metal door in the laser channel is closed, as if to bring everyone back before the end of the world.

However, looking at this peaceful scene, instead of being relieved, people's faces became more solemn.

There are large-scale experimental groups in the underground core of Ambrera, which add up to hundreds of underground security personnel, and the current silence also means that everyone's journey will be difficult in the future.

"I have done research in this area for a period of time, and the researchers in it are generally maintained at about 300. Although it is in a closed state, the loss inside may be the lowest-level unevolved zombies. But the lack of manpower is still our biggest problem, so I think everyone should be mentally prepared!" Everyone stood in front of the disinfection channel, and Bricks, a scientist, reminded everyone.

"Dr. Brix, is there any way for us to avoid the corpses and go directly to the core laboratory?" After hearing Bricks' words, Alice asked, because Bricks lived here for a while and was familiar with the situation. And the reason why the special operations team brought him as a scientist is also because Brix, who worked here, could serve as a guide.

"Our current location is Area A, which belongs to the outermost part. There is no clever place here. However, after entering it, we will arrive at the hall as a leisure area, where there is a ventilation pipe that can lead to various places. These pipes are suspended on the roof, and we can stand on it and move forward from the ventilation pipe. If the zombies here have not evolved, then the ventilation pipes more than three meters high from the ground are beyond the reach of these low-level zombies!"

Brix imagined the architectural planning of the interior and explained everything inside to everyone.

"It's so nice to meet you, Dr. Brix..." Just as everyone was listening to Brix's words, a projection of a character suddenly appeared in front of the laser channel, turning into a little girl in a white dress.

"Me too, Your Highness!" Looking at the smile on the little girl Brix's face, because this computer intelligence called the Snow White Queen reminds Brix of the past years.

"Okay, our time is limited." Matthew looked at the Snow White Queen, then pointed to the special forces with backpacks and ordered, "Pairton, go and open the password door. We have to work!"

"Kka..." As Peyton came forward to decipher, everyone pulled the bolts and prepared for the next danger.

What Dr. Brix said is very simple, but everyone dares not be sloppy at all. Because Brix only said a few words, but this is not writing a program. If you have been surrounded by zombies in the hall, you will also face the siege of zombies before breaking through to the ventilation duct.

"Little sister, how's the situation inside?" Alice glanced at Peyton, who deciphered the code, and then whispered to the Snow White Queen.

The Snow White Queen shook her head, and the projection of her body was blurred and said vaguely: "There is chaos inside, but because there are scientific research institutions in many places, there are no cameras in many places, so I don't know the specific situation! But I have bad news to tell you that the underground base has entered a state of emergency and the weapons inside are now on standby.

"The weapon is on standby! Doctor, what does her words mean? Alice followed the snow-white queen's words and looked at Bricks.

"It is a self-protection system to prevent the base from being invaded, but we have the core code of the base in our hands, and these weapons are not a threat to us!" Brix smiled and said with a careless look on his face.

"There is no threat!"

Qin Hui looked at Dr. Brix with her own face, and then looked at the innocent snow-white queen and showed an expression waiting for the play.

Today's special forces are at level 12. In Qin Hui's opinion, it should be more interesting than the original plot. Because the fat woman at the beginning killed everywhere in the corpse with her seven-level strength.