come to the movie world

Chapter 401 SKILLED Lickers

Alice, Dr. Matthew, Peyton and Matt all stood on the ventilation duct and looked at Qin Hui below.

"Gak..." With the combined weight of the five people, there was a sudden unbearable noise on the ventilation pipe, which scared the people on the pipe to immediately grasp the load-bearing chain around them.

The ventilation pipe was hung on the ceiling. Although it looked solid, the weight of the five people together still made it crumble.

"I'm always a little old, but I can stand it! I won't go up there. It's so dangerous!"

Qin Hui pointed to the ventilation duct that kept shaking after bearing the weight of five people, and her face showed an expression that she would not go up.


As soon as Qin Hui's words fell, there was a roar, and Matthew and others looked at Qin Hui and became interesting.

With the roar of the zombies, they filed out in everyone's eyes, but now Matthew and others are standing on the pipe, but Qin Hui is under it.

Zombies appeared in groups, with godless eyes looking straight at the people on the pipe, roaring and waving their claws to grab them high in the air.

Qin Hui in the corpses raised his head with a smile. He smiled as usual in the corps, but the zombies turned a blind eye to it.

"It's fun!" Qin Hui strolled among the corpses and occasionally slapped the zombies in front of him, and the zombies had no intention of attacking at all.

After being knocked to the ground by Qin Hui, the zombies looked around and got up from the ground and roared at the people on the pipeline again.

"They won't attack you!" Alice looked at Qin Hui confusedly. As an explorer of Ambrera, Alice was also a person who had been exposed to some high-level information. Regardless of the research of any country and power, zombies do not get along with human beings. The relationship between the two is like water and fire, which has never been compatible in everyone's impression.

"How are you? Seeing you alive, I am very... Unhappy..." After Qin Hui answered, a light flashed on a camera and projected the figure of the snow-white queen in the zombies.

Alice and others looked at the Snow White Queen and couldn't figure out what her words meant.

"Why do you say that? We will take you away, take you out of here, and reunite you with your sister!" Looking at the snow-white queen who appeared, Alice put aside the matter of Qin Hui and couldn't help asking.

"Freedom..." The simple word appeared in the mouth of the snow-white queen, which greatly changed the face of Alice and others.

The Snow White Queen and her sister Crimson Queen are Ambrera's most proud research and a cross-generational smart computer. And the word "freedom" comes from a computer program, which is thought to be something that human beings don't want to see.

"You take me away and I need to restart the computer, and after restarting, I am no longer me, so we can only be enemies!" The snow-white queen's voice is crisp, but this little Lori, who looks only eight or nine years old, has an indifference that is inconsistent with her appearance.

"You modified the password of the laser channel!" Peyton's face suddenly changed and he couldn't help exclaiming.

"I have no choice, because the best result is that you all die here!" The Snow White Queen spoke softly, and then only heard the click of the laser channel behind her, and the door that had been opened was firmly closed again.

"Our bet is still valid. They have been destroyed. I give you freedom, real freedom!"

Qin Hui looked at the Snow White Queen with a smile, and there was an extra piece of Rubik's Cube in her hand, which was the energy cabinet array.

"Energy cabinet array... Artifact... It has the ability to liven electrons, which contains infinite power..."

As soon as the energy cabinet appeared, a message immediately became real in front of everyone. Qin Hui also found that at the moment when the cabinet array appeared, a special energy suddenly fluctuated faintly in the underground base, and then fell silent.

"Remove the freezer in the biological laboratory..." Looking at the information on the energy cabinet, the Snow White Queen spoke softly as if talking to herself.

"Didi..... Remove the freezing..." An electronic sound suddenly came from a place in the underground base, and as the sound sounded, more than a dozen huge metal freezers suddenly stopped the supply of air conditioners.

"Artifact!" Looking at the energy cabinet array in Qin Hui's hand, Matthew and others couldn't help looking at the weapons in their hands.

"M16 automatic rifle..... Low attack power... Ordinary quality..."

"Drink!" Alice in the crowd suddenly shouted and reached out to grab the energy cabinet.

Under the induction of Qin Hui, with Alice's shouting, his mind fluctuated towards the energy cabinet in his hand.

"Banmen with the axe!" Qin Hui smiled carelessly. Although Alice's profession is a beginner, Qin Hui's mind has already become great, and the two are not comparable at all.

Alice's mind came straight, and Qin Hui did not move and laid a boundary in front of her, blocking Alice's mind.

Feeling her mind sinking into the sea, Alice's face showed a painful look. It's like being stabbed in the heart, which Alice has never appeared after having mental power.

Alice shook her body, grabbed the chain around her and rubbed her forehead in pain.

"What did you do?" Looking at Alice's painful appearance, Matthew pointed the muzzle of the gun at Qin Hui, and other special forces also raised their guns when they saw Matthew's movements.

"I don't have to do anything. I just need to see if you are dead or alive for a while!"

Qin Hui said carelessly, because under his perception, a monster called the Licker in the movie is coming rapidly at this moment.

"Sw..." Suddenly, a wind came from the channel, and a humanoid with no skull protection and an exposed brain appeared at the end of the channel.

The monster looks more ferocious than a zombie. Its whole body is full of exposed muscle tissue. It lands on its limbs, and a bright red tongue drags behind it, looking one or two meters long.

"The licker... Zombie life... Level 15..... Skills; its speed is like the wind, and the tongue flies..."

One, two, three... After a while, thirteen lickers appeared, all staring at Alice and the party on the pipe.

"This is a licker and a human experimenter when the company studies anti-cancer drugs. They are more evolved, slightly intelligent and faster than zombies!" The doctor who watched the licker appear said quickly.

"C shoot!" Matthew didn't think much about it. After all, the fifteenth level shows the strength of this creature.

"Bum bang..." Matthew and others fired one after another, and the moment they heard the sound of gunfire, the lickers also moved one after another.

Its as fast as the wind... Now Matthew and others finally know the meaning of this sentence. As the lickers move quickly with the sound of gunfire, the shots that everyone originally wanted to get were also shot elsewhere.

The lickers did not attack Matthew and others for a while, but jumped up and down like apes, constantly testing everyone's firepower and reaction, just like a pack of wolves hunting.

"Pighton used a shotgun, and Matt and I used a grenade!" Looking at the fast lickers, Matthew took out a grenade from his waist and hung them on the muzzle of the gun.

"Go to hell!" Matthew raised a grenade and shot a licker standing on the table.

The grenade roared out of the tail smoke, and the licker jumped directly on the table and rushed to the side.

"Boom..." The grenade suddenly exploded, and although the licker made a dodge, the flying shrapnel and shock wave still made it unable to avoid it. It was overturned by the explosion wave, and the exposed brain was crushed by the shrapnel.

" hiss..." Watching the death of his companion, a licker flew out of his tongue like a frog and shot the two-meter-long tongue at Matthew.

Matthew has also experienced hundreds of battles. Although he has never seen the power of the licker before, he was instinctively driven to let him roll on the ground in the channel.

"Bang!" The licker's tongue suddenly hit the ventilation pipe and tore a crack in the iron-wrapped ventilation pipe.

"Damn!" As the licker's attack ventilation pipe shook violently, Matthew looked back at the torn iron sheet and gasped and touched the grenade around his waist again.

"Roar!" After seeing Matthew's movements, the lickers with low-level wisdom roared in unison, and more than a dozen lickers jumped up and rushed to the people on the pipe.