come to the movie world

Chapter 403 Unfavorable Alice

Alice and her party walked carefully on the ventilation duct, and after walking a distance, a bad news appeared in front of everyone, forcing everyone to stop.

The ventilation pipe extends into the ceiling at a corner, and everyone's journey ends here. Under the crowd, more than 300 zombies surrounded a place. In addition to the four lickers who worked hard for Qin Hui, the other five lickers also stared at Alice and his party.

There are many zombies underground, including not only zombie researchers with shields, but also lickers with amazing speed. And everyone's ammunition has almost been consumed, and there are only eight grenades combined.

"The front is the core laboratory, and the Snow White Queen's control room is behind the laboratory." The doctor grabbed the pipe and pointed to a metal cipher door five meters away from the end of the pipe.

"Captain, zombies five meters away will never give us time to rush through. Let's use *!" Matt looked at the corpses below and then said in a low voice.

"Our* is specialized in dealing with large-scale zombies, with a killing range of about 18 meters. Such a long distance, we can't run in this sealed channel!" Matthew pointed to his side, because the space here is only about 20 or 30 meters, but the explosion will be all within the attack range of *, which is why Matthew has never used *.

"If you don't move, you will be trapped here by zombies. You clean up the zombies with gun grenades, and I'll decipher the password in the laboratory!" Peyton took out the computer and pointed to the password keyboard on the metal door.

"Clean up the corpses and buy time for Peyton!" Matthew is not a mellow man. Just thinking about it, he knows that this is the only way.

"Boom..... Boom..." The grenade was installed on the muzzle, and Matthew and Matt raised the muzzle of the gun and fired twice at the densest place of the corpse.

The explosion suddenly sounded. Although the grenade was heavy in the killing and no longer in range, such a close attack distance still made everyone feel that the heat wave was coming.

The explosion of gun grenades cleared a large area of open space, and more than 30 zombies crowded together were blurred by the blood, and a strong smell of blood came to the nose.

"Fortunately, there is a single type of zombies here, otherwise there will be more zombies with remote skills, and we will be finished!" Matt said as he smiled and filled the grenade again.

"Khi..." Before the two opened fire here, the ventilation pipe where everyone was standing suddenly shook and made a creaking sound.

Matthew and others' bodies shook violently with the shaking of the ventilation pipe, and they all lay on the pipe, and even Peyton had to give up the intention of rushing down.

"Help me, help me up!" Suddenly, there was a shout in everyone's ears, and the doctor could not stand firmly in the shaking. At this time, he grabbed the chain of the pipe with both hands, but his body was exposed.

"Roar..." The licker hidden in the corpse roared, and a licker rushed out of the corpse and quickly went to the doctor. And as a licker rushed out, several others were also eager to stare at the crowd.

"Fire, shoot!" Matthew knew that he could no longer care about the doctor at this time, because if everyone went to pull the doctor, the lickers would not want to live once they rushed up.

"Dad Da Da..." The four of Alice opened fire together, and the big net of bullets covered the rushing licker.

"Puff..." The bullet kept hitting the licker with pieces of flesh and blood, while the licker still moved forward bravely and swept his tongue away to the doctor with one mouth.

"Help me, help me!" The licker's tongue wrapped around the doctor's leg and pulled him down from the pipe.

The doctor exclaimed repeatedly, holding his head with both hands. While the body fell to the ground, the pistol also fell aside.

The licker's movement made a pause, and his body jumped on the doctor's body, followed by the sound of bites and flesh and blood flying.

"Dad Da Da..." The licker enjoyed the flesh and blood, and as he stopped, several bullets swept over his head and burst his head.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. The speed of the licker's movement is amazing, and people can never hit his orange-sized head. But this stop will kill him.

"Doctor, Doctor!" Alice and others looked down while guarding other lickers. At this time, the doctor's eyes were staring, and half of his head was bitten off by the licker.

"Boom!" The rest of the zombies rushed up with the smell of blood, all huddled on the doctor's body, constantly nibbling at his flesh and blood.

"Go to hell, bastards!" Another reduction made Matthew furious, gently raised in his hand, and the tail smoke of a grenade went to the zomb lying on the doctor's body.

"Boom!" The explosion resounded in everyone's ears, and because the doctor's position was under the ventilation pipe, the pipe shook violently again as the grenade sounded.

"Ding..... Ka..."

A chain of the pipe broke, and the whole ventilation pipe sank down, so that everyone had to grab the chain around them to ensure that they were not thrown down by the shaking pipe.

"Roar!" At the moment when everyone found the right balance, the two lickers rushed one after the other and rushed to everyone.

"Boom!" At the critical moment, the gun in Matt's hand also sounded, and the grenade flew towards the rushing licker and collided with the two lickers.

"Kka... Bang..." Although Matt's response was correct, when the explosion came again, the ventilation duct with everyone's hopes could no longer hold on.

The chains on the ventilation pipe broke one by one, and Alice and his party fell with the pipe and smashed them to the ground fiercely.

Seeing their favorite flesh and blood in front of them, the zombies actually accelerated their pace and rushed to Matthew and others.

"Regress, everyone retreat!" Matthew, who was the closest to the corpse, roared repeatedly, and the gun grenade in his hand rang one after another. In a short time, he fired the four gun grenades given to him into the corpse.

The attack of Matthew's fierce attack on the zombies made a slight pause. At this time, the others stood up from the ground and found Matthew's situation.

At this time, Matthew sat on the ground, and the rifle in his hand kept ringing, and he didn't get up.

"Captain, come here quickly!" The shotgun in Peyton's hand kept erupting, shouting loudly.

"My leg is pressed!" Matthew doesn't want to leave, but he can't. At this time, one of his legs was pressed down by the ventilator, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull it out.

"Dad Da Da..." The tongue of fire kept spewing out of Matthew's muzzle, and within a few seconds Matthew hit a magazine.

"Fuck, how can I give the gun to that fool! Leave me alone and open the door!" Matthew changed the magazine for the rifle with one hand and pulled out the dagger from his waist with the other hand.

Each of the special forces is equipped with an emergency pistol on the basis of a rifle, but Matthew's one has been handed over to the doctor, so at this moment he has to fight against the approaching zombies with a dagger while changing the magazine.

Peyton couldn't bear to look at Matthew, but in order for everyone to survive, he had to put down his weapon and open the door.

Alice and Matt kept shooting, and the supporter Matthew replaced the magazine. However, there are too many zombies. Although everyone is a sharpshooter, the continuous flow of zombies still makes people feel chilling.

"Ah!" Matthew, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly screamed and saw that a zombie knocked to the ground did not die, but climbed to Matthew's side and bit Matthew's other leg.

"Fuck..." Matthew turned his hand, and the dagger penetrated deeply into the zombie's head.

"Roar!" The zombies rushed up continuously, and Matthew saw that his eyes were dark, and a licker lay on his body, and his saliva kept dripping on Matthew's face.