come to the movie world

Chapter 413 Meat Grinder = Paris

The army was launched under the order of Qin Hui and moved from the center of the Louvre to Leble Airport. 800,000 troops have the same exoskeleton armor, and because of the existence of exoskeleton armor, the original tank armored vehicle combat mode has also begun to change to the individual combat team mode.

Two machine guns on the robotic arm, a rocket launcher and a heavy machine gun behind it, which is the main source of firepower of exoskeleton armor.

The troops started in the dark, and the third and sixth armies were the first. The First Army led by Qin Hui is located in the middle of the army and always grasps the dynamics of the enemy to facilitate support.

Along the way, there were aliens with tentacles on their bodies. These aliens were flexible and jumped between high-rise buildings to harass the withdrawal of troops. The soldiers formed a powerful fire network, and the sound of guns was endless.

"Stop!" Qin Hui, sitting in the command car, whispered, and the vehicle that had been moving immediately stopped, and the special forces behind the command car also came forward to alert one after another.

Qin Hui pushed the door and walked out of the black armored car. His eyes were the houses that were constantly winding, and the remains of soldiers on both sides of the road and the death of aliens.

"Bing..." As Qin Hui walked out, the special forces team wearing black armor and a skeleton mask on their faces tightly surrounded Qin Hui in the middle.

"General, the Third Army has occupied the airport. The enemy's main forces are gathering at Notre Dame at this moment, and there are no large-scale troops fighting with us!"

With Qin Hui's exit, more than a dozen combat staff officers immediately placed a satellite map in front of Qin Hui. There are obvious red and green arrows on the map, and the red arrows are densely represented in Paris, and finally gathered in the triangle of Notre Dame, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

The green mark shows 800,000 troops, which are now deployed in St. Danni Cathedral, Leble Airport and General Luckell Street, and forming an iron triangle front to firmly defend the defense line, at least 20 miles away from the main legion of aliens.

"The aliens are so eager to occupy Paris, but they are blind to the withdrawal of our army. What do you mean by them doing this!"

There is still a big gap between the combat effectiveness of Qin Hui's troops in Paris and aliens. Often the death and injury of ten soldiers can replace the death of an alien. And there are hundreds of thousands of alien troops in Paris, and it is absolutely easy to eat Qin Hui's ten legions.

But now the aliens are still, and even the harassment of Qin Hui's withdrawal seems to be a little powerless, so that Qin Hui can't figure out what these aliens plan to do.

Listening to Qin Hui's question, more than a dozen staff officers looked at each other face to face. After all, the appearance of aliens was so short that human beings could say that they knew nothing about them.

"General, the ninth legion behind sent a telegram that the alien legion chasing the rear of our army all shifted to the Paris Opera and put on a defensive posture after a brief exchange of fire!" An officer saluted Qin Hui and reported clearly.

Qin Hui was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then looked down at the map.

Qin Hui's hand moved back and forth on the map, according to the movement route of the main alien forces for a long time. Looking at Qin Hui's appearance, the staff also said nothing, quietly waiting for Qin Hui's order.

"The art of war is false and real. The aliens killed our 400,000 troops in one day and wiped out General Kule's fourth army in eight hours. But how can it be unreasonable to pursue the real victory without taking advantage of the victory!"

Qin Hui's fingers clicked heavily on the position of the Louvre, and now the aliens are also on the shrinking front, as if it was not humans but them who were defeated.

"I ordered the Ninth Army to counterattack the Paris Opera House, and the 10th Army marched in the direction of the Sacred Heart Cathedral to prepare to take over the Ninth Army." Qin Hui looked at the map and quickly deployed troops. After hearing Qin Hui's order, several staff officers couldn't help raising objections.

"General, our combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced at night, but the aliens have no concerns in this regard. Since the aliens are not willing to fight again, let's wait for the reinforcements to arrive at the time of the attack!"

"Yes, General, we have suffered heavy losses today, and our army is lax. We really need to repair rather than attack!"

Several staff officers suggested that, except for a few people who felt that they should counterattack, most of them believed that the troops needed to be repaired and began to fight back when the reinforcements arrived.

More than a dozen staff officers argued endlessly, and what no one noticed was that Qin Hui's expression became more and more cold.

"General, let's transfer. Now that the aliens are not pursuing, it is a good opportunity for us to transfer!" A staff officer saw that Qin Hui had been speechless for a long time and thought that Qin Hui had agreed to repair it.

"Pa..." Qin Hui slapped the gun on the table fiercely, and watching Qin Hui's performance, the black armored sergeants who were Qin Hui's own soldiers also turned the muzzle one after another, pointing to the quarreling staff officers.

"General, general..." The staff officers' faces changed greatly, and those who opposed the attack sweated coldly for fear that Qin Hui would act out of the ordinary.

"The army's battle is the first priority. This is not a democratic election. If you dare to confuse the public, I will kill you!"

Qin Hui's cold eyes swept over everyone, and then ordered in a low voice: "Go on, let the Ninth Army counterattack the Paris Opera House at all costs."

"Yes, Mr. General!" The messenger answered loudly, picked up the communicator on his back and began to issue orders.

"The general has ordered that the Ninth Army will counterattack the Paris Opera, and the 10th Army is ready to respond."

"Boom..." With the sound of gunfire, the Ninth Army stationed in the rear began to advance and counterattack the Paris Opera.

"Go, we're going to kick the alien's ass!"

"I don't want to go, I want to go home!"

"I'm out of ammunition, quartermaster, where is the quartermaster?"

"Ptachment leader, where are you going, platoon leader? Don't leave me, please!"

The Ninth Legion started in the direction occupied by the aliens with Qin Hui's order, and more than 80,000 soldiers began to fight back in the night.

"Dad Da Da..." A soldier controlled his armor and kept shooting forward. Although there was nothing in front of him, the venting of bullets could make him feel safe.

"Wh..." Suddenly there was a strange sound above his head, and then the soldiers looked up and saw aliens with more than a dozen tentacles, who were now tightly grasping the walls of the buildings on both sides.

"Enemy attack!" The soldier roared, and then the aliens flew down...

Battles are constantly staged on the streets. As the Ninth Army gets closer and closer to the Paris Opera House, alien troops hidden everywhere have also appeared.

Every street outside the Paris Opera is full of soldiers fighting with aliens. One soldier dies in the battle, and another soldier dies in another class. No one will retreat, because the fierce battle makes people forget everything. Nowadays, there is only one word in everyone's mind, that is, fighting, fighting, fighting.

The tragic battle between the two sides dyed the land around the opera house red. Under the night was the cheers after killing the enemy and the wailing of the wounded soldiers.

There was the sound of gunfire everywhere, and the flash of bullets cut through the darkness and even illuminated the whole battlefield. Groups of soldiers fell to the ground, and the casualties of aliens were beyond everyone's imagination.

"Power the 10th Army immediately, why haven't their troops appeared on the battlefield yet! My family is about to be gone!"

In just half an hour, the Ninth Army broke through the defense line of the Paris Opera, and in this short half hour, more than 30,000 soldiers fell forever.

The bodies were all over the streets, and the heavy casualties forced the soldiers who charged behind them to step on the bodies. And the casualties of aliens are also more than everyone imagined, because I don't know why today's aliens seem to be a little weak, and the casualty ratio of both sides has gradually changed from the original 10 to 1 to 6 to 1.

"General, the Ninth Army and the 10th Army are fully engaged in battle, and the Paris Opera is in our hands."

"How about the casualties?" Qin Hui raised her head gently.

"It can't be counted, but the total casualties of the two legions are expected to be about 50,000, while the casualties of aliens are about 10,000 to 20,000."

"The casualties of aliens are so great!" Qin Hui lowered his head and looked at the satellite map placed in front of him.

Under the detection of the satellite, the main alien forces are still guarding around the Louvre without any intention of reinforcement, and the main alien forces at Notre Dame de Paris have also begun to shrink to the defense line of the Louvre.

So far, Qin Hui's main force still has more than 700,000. The alien troops in Paris are 450,000.

The casualty ratio of the two sides also began to change from one to five to one at the time of the war for unknown reasons, and gradually declined.