come to the movie world

Chapter 424 Rita's Ambition

In Tegel Airport, countless aliens are wandering around at this moment, and a small group of soldiers have arrived at the periphery of the airport.

This team of soldiers is Rita and his party, including Bona who followed.

"Are you sure the alien is here!" Bona was wearing a worn-out military uniform and replaced his weapon with an M16 rifle.

"I'm sure, because I killed a blue alien here, and I went back to the past after death!"

Rita said affirmatively, but Bona and others couldn't understand her statement.

There are more than 10,000 aliens guarding the airport, and Rita is not a fool. Even if she knows the location of the aliens, she will definitely be torn to pieces if she rushes like this. So what they have to do now is to wait for the arrival of the army and then find the alien in the chaos.

Rita and others waited quietly, and an hour made everyone feel what it was like a year.

"Boom..." After a long wait, the sudden sound of gunfire suddenly sounded, and then the boundless human troops began to appear in the eyes of Rita and others.

"Attack, attack!"

A burst of shouts came one after another, and the troops of a total of six regiments came like a tide. With the emergence of human forces, alien arms and alien forts that can fire lasers have also launched a counterattack.

The armored troops were first, and then the human soldiers in exoskeleton mecha roared up and collided with the alien forces fiercely.

There were flying bullets and gunfire everywhere. Rita and her party clenched the weapons in their hands, but slowly retreated towards Tiger Lake on the edge of the airport.

"There is a pipeline to discharge sewage into the lake in this location. We can dive into the lake from here, and then the following water pipe goes straight to the interior of the airport. But this can put us under siege, because I'm not sure if our position is in the enemy's siege!"

Rita whispered to the crowd that now the alien troops in the airport have filed out, and she intends to go directly to the blue alien in this way.

"Captain, this is really crazy. We should rush in with the large army instead of going deep alone!"

"Yes, captain, we don't know anything about the situation inside. It's suicide to go in like this!"

"Although you are the captain, please forgive me for not obeying such an order. This is simply sending us to death in vain!"

As soon as Rita's words were finished, they were opposed by everyone. In everyone's opinion, they should be with the army instead of being heroes.

Listening to everyone's opposition, Rita fell into silence, but the silence did not last long before Rita raised her head and said firmly, "I must go to see the blue alien, because it is very important to me!" If everyone disagrees with this view, I plan to do it alone!"

The whole team was silent when they heard Rita's words. Rita's performance today is very legendary, but Rita is not so prestigious in everyone's hearts that it is not worth dying because of her one word.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree. If Qin Hui inspires the soldiers here, then not to mention more than a dozen soldiers, even a 10,000 troops will have to die with a smile on their faces.

Because Qin Hui is the commander, you can question his orders, but only after the war. During the war, the commander's power was amazing. Once Qin Hui issued an order, unless you wanted to rebel, you had no choice.

Everyone was silent, and even those who had been in a good relationship with Rita lowered their heads. Everyone is born with flesh, and this is just Rita's personal decision. It's not good for everyone to lurk in this way. If you die in battle, you are just a martyr. No one will look at you.

"Ha ha, a group of old men are not as brave as a little woman!" Just as everyone was silent, Bona suddenly burst into laughter.

"I'll go with you. Although I don't know why you are so active in looking for that alien, it's my goal!"

Bona stood up as soon as he pulled the bolt, not paying attention to the angry eyes of everyone.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Rita looked at her teammates behind her in disappointment, and her pig-like teammates disappointed her.

Rita and Bona took advantage of the moment when the aliens were fighting with the troops to touch the lake behind them, but her team remained silent.

No one wants to die. Although the mission of attacking the airport seems dangerous, everyone is still willing to stay with the large army instead of dying with Rita.

People follow the crowd's hearts, and it's better to stay in a crowded place and go deep alone.

"What are you doing here! Go and attack you idiots!"

The large force quickly advanced to the periphery of the airport, and then an officer scolded after seeing Rita's team and waved his pistol to catch up with them on the front line.

"Boom..." The explosion was endless, and Rita's team set out again with the curse of the officers, rushed to the front line of the army and rushed to the battlefield.

Bonet and Bona don't know what's going on, because they have dived into the lake and found the location of the sewer.

"What do you think they will do!" While Bona crawled in the sewer and endured the stench, Bona couldn't help asking.

"We will lose more than half of today's attack, and no one dares to say that the one who survived will be ourselves!..... It stinks here!" Rita shook her dizzy head and then continued to crawl in the sewage.

Bona nodded, and the combat effectiveness of the aliens was obvious to all.

The two shuttled through the sewer pipe and crawled for more than ten minutes before Bona stopped.

"Where are we now!" Bona asked again, because he had lost his way here and couldn't tell where it was.

"I don't know, but the sewer pipe here is connected to the ground, and we just keep going!" Rita shook her head and then continued to crawl in the 80cm high pipe.

There is only half of the sewage in the pipeline, but these two people can only look up and try to climb forward.

The sewage was so smelly that Bona narrowed his eyes and felt dizzy, almost fainted.

"There is a light in front, which may be an upward outlet!"

Rita blinked her eyes and said without looking back at Bona behind her.

"Don't, keep moving forward. This is the first entrance. It can only be the outer sewer of the airport. It can't be inside the airport!"

Although the two crawled for nearly 20 minutes, Bona did not believe that they could climb to the airport in 20 minutes. Although it stinks here, Bona originally relied on Berlin's sewers to fight guerrillas with aliens, so he can still stand it.

In this way, the two continued to crawl inside. Thirty minutes later, Rita couldn't help vomiting, and Bona, who had been able to hold on for a while, vomited after seeing Rita vomiting.

The space in the pipe is small, and the smell of Rita's vomiting can't be dissipated at all. In addition, Bona follows her, and these vomits stick to him with the sewage.

"vomit..... Don't, don't throw up, let's go up!" Smelling the disgusting smell in the air, Bona felt that fighting with aliens was much better than this.

"Exports are getting more and more dense, and we may go inside the airport! Don't give up, we have to walk a little longer, because the blue alien is in the guest hall of the airport! If we can't get there before the army breaks through the airport, the blue monster will definitely escape!"

Rita resisted the impulse to vomit and said word by word. Then he tightened the rifle that was carried behind him and began to move forward here.

Rita is unwilling to give up because the blue alien is obviously very intelligent, and she is worried that the alien will escape once the troops capture the airport. You should know that this was the case in Rita's last attack on the airport. The blue alien was hit by Rita when she ran away and was killed by her by coincidence.

There is a bold plan in Rita's heart, which is to catch the blue alien and learn why she was reborn. And catching such a special alien will obviously make Rita famous.

No one can refuse the glorious **, and if there is, Rita is not included.

The two moved forward again, and this walk was an hour. And the troops on the ground are also fighting with the aliens at the airport at this moment, and the two sides are fighting enthusiastically.

"Two little mice, come on!"

In the headquarters, Qin Hui sitting in the office quietly watched Rita's movements. Although the blue Alpha Qin Hui did not care, Qin Hui's second task was to kill the alien main brain, and Alpha was the key to attracting the alien main brain.

Today's Qin Hui has also confirmed the fact that Rita has gained the power to reset time, otherwise it is impossible to be as helpful along the way.

And what Qin Hui needs to do is to wait for the moment when the alien main brain emerges.